
Thirty-eight letters from Rockefeller to his son

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Rockefeller fully passed on his successful experience to his son through thirty-eight letters, creating the world-famous Rockefeller family. Life is never smooth, there are ups and downs, there are loneliness and frustration, whenever you face despair, you look at Rockefeller's thirty-eight letters to his son, regain confidence, and fight again.

The beginning of life does not mean the end, and fate is determined by your own actions, not your origin.

Good luck can be planned, and opportunities can be broken out on their own.

Heaven and hell are just a thought, it all depends on your choices, love and give meaning to the work, then the work is happy.

Act now to put an end to the vices of procrastination and evasion.

We must have the courage and determination to compete, life, do not accept defeat to win.

Don't be afraid to borrow, as long as it's for the sake of your future and career, learn to harness the power of borrowing.

The most terrible thing is to be mentally bankrupt and not afraid of setbacks in order to achieve ultimate success.

Lincoln said that only giving up means failure.

Faith is the most precious thing, and we must always believe in the power of faith.

Always be loyal to yourself and never betray yourself.

The existence of "greed" is necessary, it is the greatest driving force for self-worth.

Winning is the most important thing, you know, most of the people who live in hell are good people.

There is no such thing as a free lunch, and to be successful, you have to give something.

Being a person who is stupid on the outside and smart on the inside is really smart.

Overcoming inertia in the bones, wealth is a by-product of diligence.

No matter how hard it is, don't make excuses for yourself.

Success is all about yourself, believe that if you can succeed, you can succeed.

I should be rich, I have no right to be poor.

Don't lose your ambition and desire to pursue success, be the first to do it.

Choose adventure because taking risks can only seize your chances.

Turn insults into motivation and thank those who have tormented you.

Use your strength to make your opponents feel afraid, so that you can conquer them.

Profit from cooperation and learn to harness the power of others.

Don't be afraid of strong enemies, not willing to show weakness, you have a chance to win.

Cherish money so that every penny you get is good for yourself, not easy to waste.

Learn to give in and endure, and endure small grievances in order to achieve big things.

The brave are more likely to get the favor of the god of luck, and never lose your courage.

Every time I believe I can do better.

Always be enterprising, because all endings are another beginning.

Don't let the villain affect and drag you down, have the means to deal with the villain, and there is no sympathy in the competition.

Be a teleologist, have a heart that goes straight to the goal, and use the goal to guide your actions.

Refuse to blame, complain, encounter problems, do not think of pushing the commission, but find a way to solve it.

Brainstorm and use the wisdom of everyone around you so that everyone can play to their strengths.

Good at making strategic thinking, relying on effective strategic behavior to create business benefits.

Put your subordinates and employees first and learn to respect them.

Wealth represents responsibility, and the more wealth there is, the greater the responsibility to be assumed.

Fill your heart and face everything in life with a positive mindset.

Everyone can be a "big man".

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