
"Third-level film emperor" Ren Dahua, why does no one in the Hong Kong circle dare to provoke? The background is not as simple as you think

author:Supper StoryBook

42 years of acting career, more than 200 works, 55 years old to get the "Emperor of Shadows" in the pocket, 65 years old to get the "Emperor of Vision", becoming the first Hong Kong actor to win the Golden Eagle Emperor.

Whether it is a good film or a bad film, Ren Dahua has all done his homework and is not ambiguous.

Even in the trough period, in order to make a living, he did not give up polishing his acting skills.

"Third-level film emperor" Ren Dahua, why does no one in the Hong Kong circle dare to provoke? The background is not as simple as you think

In the 1980s and 1990s, there were many gangs in Hong Kong, and everyone lived under the oppression of gangs, and celebrities were no exception.

Of course, not all stars have been persecuted, and there is one person who is a gang that dare not provoke, and he is Ren Dahua. Who is he and why does he have such a great energy?

"Third-level film emperor" Ren Dahua, why does no one in the Hong Kong circle dare to provoke? The background is not as simple as you think

You might think that Ren Wasahua was born into a family of the powerful, so others didn't dare to mess with him. But Ren Dahua's origin is not very prominent, even very ordinary.

He was born into a family of police officers, the son of a Hong Kong policeman. At that time, the Hong Kong police could be said to be the lowest profession, and everyone said that good people were not policemen, because at that time, almost all the policemen were children of poor families.

"Third-level film emperor" Ren Dahua, why does no one in the Hong Kong circle dare to provoke? The background is not as simple as you think

Ren Dahua's father, whose ancestral home is Shandong, was originally smuggled to Hong Kong by fleeing, but he could not find a suitable job because of identity problems, and Ren Dahua's father himself was relatively large and strong, so he became a policeman.

The policeman's salary was low, barely able to support the family, and Ren Dahua lived in the police dormitory with his parents and siblings at that time.

Ren Dahua's brother does not like to do housework, and his sister is spoiled from childhood, so Ren Dahua has been particularly sensible since he was a child, and all kinds of housework will be done.

"Third-level film emperor" Ren Dahua, why does no one in the Hong Kong circle dare to provoke? The background is not as simple as you think

Although he was poor, Ren Dahua's father would give the best to his family within his ability, and he had saved a long time to buy a TV set, so Ren Dahua's family became the only family in the police apartment that owned a TV.

Since then, Ren Dahua's family often has neighbors watching TV, because of the responsible father and a loving family atmosphere, Ren Dahua's childhood life is still very happy and happy.

"Third-level film emperor" Ren Dahua, why does no one in the Hong Kong circle dare to provoke? The background is not as simple as you think

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, and Ren's father was unfortunately injured and died during a mission. For ren's family, the death of their father was nothing short of a thunderbolt, making it more difficult for the already unprofitable family.

In order to support Ren Dahua's three brothers and sisters, Ren's mother began to work hard. Although the family of four is struggling to live, they only make enough money to maintain a minimum standard of living.

This life of poverty lasted five years, and it did not change until Ren was sixteen years old.

"Third-level film emperor" Ren Dahua, why does no one in the Hong Kong circle dare to provoke? The background is not as simple as you think

Sixteen-year-old Ren Dahua is a foot tall of one meter and eight meters, and he is very strong after a long period of manual work, plus he himself looks very handsome. Seeing the soda advertisement to recruit models, the remuneration is 200 Hong Kong dollars. Ren Dahua was moved to embark on the road of part-time modeling

Because of his excellent appearance, Ren Dahua's shooting work at that time was not much, and the income of two hundred yuan for an advertisement was unimaginable to Ren Dahua, and the quality of life of Ren Dahua's family was also improved a lot because of Ren Dahua's work. In addition to the improvement of his life, Ren Dahua can also use his own salary to pay for his own tuition.

"Third-level film emperor" Ren Dahua, why does no one in the Hong Kong circle dare to provoke? The background is not as simple as you think

With the filming of the advertisement, Ren Dahua was famous in the circle, and later Ren Dahua also received an olive branch thrown by wireless, in Hong Kong at that time, wireless can be said to be the petri dish of superstars, and the cultivation of many superstars for the Hong Kong entertainment industry. In the company's training class, Ren Dahua's classmates are Zhou Runfa, Lin Lingdong and Wu Mengda.

Because the aesthetic at that time was biased towards such a gentleman as Zhou Runfa, Liang Chaowei was such an electric-eyed beautiful young man. The mediocre-looking Ren Dahua has never been able to be the male protagonist.

"Third-level film emperor" Ren Dahua, why does no one in the Hong Kong circle dare to provoke? The background is not as simple as you think

Watching Zhou Runfa, Xie Xian, Liang Chaowei, and Andy Lau all become the male protagonists, they are still hovering in the male third position, and they are all villains.

But we all know that the entertainment industry Xiaohong relies on the life of the big red, maybe at that time Ren Dahua still has the life of the big red, so after starring in several movies in succession without a particularly big response, wireless gradually gave up Ren Dahua.

But Ren Dahua did not give up on himself, in 1991 --- 93 years, Ren Dahua filmed an average of about 15 plays per year, at that time Ren Dahua filmed, only for livelihood, regardless of the subject matter, regardless of the role.

"Third-level film emperor" Ren Dahua, why does no one in the Hong Kong circle dare to provoke? The background is not as simple as you think

It just so happened that Hong Kong began to implement a film rating system, and three-level wind and moon films sprung up like mushrooms. Ren Dahua, who came from a model background, has won the favor of many directors of Fengyue film with his strong and stylish body.

In order to continue to seek a foothold in the entertainment industry, he can only choose to switch to tertiary films.

"Third-level film emperor" Ren Dahua, why does no one in the Hong Kong circle dare to provoke? The background is not as simple as you think

Ren Dahua, who has been bound by the villain role in the serious movie and cannot be played, finally singles out the beams and shines in these wind and moon works.

He can be the sexy and dangerous dancer in "Hong Kong Dancing Man", or the rainy night butcher in "Doctor Lamb", and the cold-blooded killer in "The Secret Files of the Black Rat".

"Third-level film emperor" Ren Dahua, why does no one in the Hong Kong circle dare to provoke? The background is not as simple as you think

Although Ren Dahua did not like this kind of film, he would still be very dedicated to his work, and in the circle at that time, Ren Dahua was still very popular with everyone, because he was very gentlemanly and never took advantage of the actress in the name of work like others.

In order not to touch the heroine as much as possible, he propped up the bed with his hands and knees, and one shot lasted for several hours.

"Third-level film emperor" Ren Dahua, why does no one in the Hong Kong circle dare to provoke? The background is not as simple as you think

At the end of the day, back pain is naturally indispensable, and once he went to the hospital and was diagnosed with psoas muscle strain.

Ren Dahua has a brutal name for this kind of play: "A play that rolls around on the bed." ”

Ren Dahua's gentlemanly demeanor enjoys a high reputation in the industry, and even Wang Jing, who has always been poisonous, praised him as "a gentleman"

"Third-level film emperor" Ren Dahua, why does no one in the Hong Kong circle dare to provoke? The background is not as simple as you think

In addition to the director, the actresses who have worked with him have also praised him, especially Yi Nengjing. Yi Nengjing once had a bathtub scene, and the two sides made sufficient preparations on the set.

Even the director at the time complained about them: "These two people simply put on the 'golden bell hood iron cloth shirt'".

As a result, it can be imagined that excessive precautions have led to the fact that the real shot has been worn all the time, and one shot has been ng several times in a row.

Afterwards, Yi Nengjing praised Ren Dahua: "Thank you very much for Ren Dahua's gentlemanly behavior, I am really lucky to be able to cooperate with him." ”

"Third-level film emperor" Ren Dahua, why does no one in the Hong Kong circle dare to provoke? The background is not as simple as you think

Asked by the reporter what will be the first thing to do with the female star after filming the bed scene? Ren Dahua replied: Say, okay, go take a shower, wipe yourself, and give her a cup of tea.

Although the shooting of fengyue film can meet his own food and clothing problems, Ren Dahua is very unwilling, he believes that he should have a better development, but unfortunately there has been no chance.

"Third-level film emperor" Ren Dahua, why does no one in the Hong Kong circle dare to provoke? The background is not as simple as you think

At the low point of Ren Dahua's life, he met a girl named Qiqi, at first Ren Dahua knew her through photos, and later met Qiqi himself because of work. After the contact, Ren Dahua decided that Qiqi was the person he wanted to spend his life together, so he launched a fierce pursuit of Qiqi.

Qi Qi himself has a very good family, born in Shanghai, grew up in a foreign country, just when many people thought that Ren Dahua could not catch up with Qi Qi, Qi Qi accepted Ren Dahua's pursuit.

"Third-level film emperor" Ren Dahua, why does no one in the Hong Kong circle dare to provoke? The background is not as simple as you think

Qi Qi understands Ren Dahua very well, and many media will deliberately mention Ren Dahua's work when interviewing, and Qi Qi will save ren Dahua enough face in the face of media difficulties.

Because of Qi Qi's intimacy and trust, but also inspired Ren Dahua's determination to go up, coinciding with the 1990s, Hong Kong began to popular gangster movies, Ren Dahua's image is very in line with the public's perception of gangsters, so some crews will specifically find Ren Dahua to play the gangsters in the play.

"Third-level film emperor" Ren Dahua, why does no one in the Hong Kong circle dare to provoke? The background is not as simple as you think

Many films reflect the reality of the situation, and the reason why gangster movies in Hong Kong in the past few decades is largely due to the prevalence of gangsters at that time, and many stars were oppressed by gangs. So why don't these gangsters dare to provoke Ren Dahua? This has to mention his patron.

"Third-level film emperor" Ren Dahua, why does no one in the Hong Kong circle dare to provoke? The background is not as simple as you think

When Ren Dahua first entered the wireless study, Ren Dahua's brother chose his son to inherit his father's business and became a police officer, and on the eve of hong Kong's return to the motherland, he was promoted to chief superintendent and concurrently served as the principal of the mobile force.

Since then, it has been even more peaceful, step by step to achieve the position of deputy commissioner of the Hong Kong Police Force, which is responsible for the security of the whole of Hong Kong, not only governing all the police in Hong Kong, but also undertaking the task of cracking down on terrorist attacks and major crimes.

"Third-level film emperor" Ren Dahua, why does no one in the Hong Kong circle dare to provoke? The background is not as simple as you think

Unlike when Ren Dahua was a child, the social status of the police in the 1990s has improved a lot, and with the care of his brother, naturally no one dares to provoke Ren Dahua.

It's just that at that time, Ren Dahua was very low-key and never said his brother's identity in front of the media. And the saying that "Ren Dahua" could not afford to provoke was not spread in Hong Kong until Andy Lau had an accident in the northeast: "There are only two people in the Hong Kong film circle, and the underworld does not dare to provoke, one is Jackie Chan, and the other is Ren Dahua." ”

"Third-level film emperor" Ren Dahua, why does no one in the Hong Kong circle dare to provoke? The background is not as simple as you think

A few years later, Ren Dahua was well known to everyone with a "ptu", after which Ren Huada also starred in many movies, all of which achieved good results, which can be said to have achieved fame and fortune.

In addition to his acting career, Ren Dahua also has a very keen business acumen, because of the poor life in the early years, Ren Dahua has long learned to live a careful life.

After the fire, he worked hard to accumulate funds, invested in many projects around the world, and became a veritable rich man.

"Third-level film emperor" Ren Dahua, why does no one in the Hong Kong circle dare to provoke? The background is not as simple as you think

At this time, Ren Huada has long ended the love run, and Qiqi married, Qiqi is also a good hand at making money, because she has lived a relatively rich life since she was a child, her father will also engage in some investment, and Qiqi has also learned a lot of investment essence, so Qiqi has become Ren Huada's helper.

In addition to his career success, Ren Dahua's family is also very happy, he was influenced by his father since he was a child, he regarded the family more seriously, and for him, the family was always the first. Married to Qi Qi for many years, he is still very affectionate, and there has never been any gossip, which can be said to be three good men.

"Third-level film emperor" Ren Dahua, why does no one in the Hong Kong circle dare to provoke? The background is not as simple as you think

In 2004, Qi Qi gave birth to a daughter for Ren Dahua and named her Ren Qingjia. Because of her high-value parents, Ren Qingjia not only has the face of an angel and the figure of a devil, but also is named "the second generation of the most beautiful star".

"Third-level film emperor" Ren Dahua, why does no one in the Hong Kong circle dare to provoke? The background is not as simple as you think

In addition to acting skills and investment skills, Ren Dahua's character is also very admirable. In 2019, Ren Dahua was stabbed in the abdomen by a man who suddenly rushed out while attending an event, and after investigation, it was found that the man made such a surprising move because of mental problems.

After Ren Dahua understood the course of the matter, he generously forgave the other party, and his heart was so broad-minded, which was really admirable.

"Third-level film emperor" Ren Dahua, why does no one in the Hong Kong circle dare to provoke? The background is not as simple as you think

As an indispensable figure in the Hong Kong film industry, Ren has acted in more than 200 films. The image created is also good and evil, including ancient puzzle boys, gangsters, undercover policemen and so on.

The tribulations of life did not make him indifferent, on the contrary, he was still the gentleman.

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