
Look at China along the highway: the most beautiful scenery on the road, better life ahead

author:People's Daily
Look at China along the highway: the most beautiful scenery on the road, better life ahead

In Wanhe Town, Taihe County, Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province, the Guangji Expressway is a perfect match for the idyllic rape flowers.

Photo by Deng Heping (Video China)

Look at China along the highway: the most beautiful scenery on the road, better life ahead

Jingwuhuang Expressway passes through The scenery of Shangxi Village in Xitou Township, Wuyuan County.

Wang Guohong (Video China)

Look at China along the highway: the most beautiful scenery on the road, better life ahead

Qianhuang Expressway Qiandao Lake interconnection scenery.

Photo by Wang Jiancai (People's Vision)

Jingwuhuang Expressway——

Connecting green waters and green mountains to promote revitalization and development

People's Daily reporter Zhu Lei tian advanced Dou Hanyang

It was a good spring year, Li Qiaosheng from Shanghai, and his friends drove all the way from Huangshan to Quzhou, Zhejiang; Jiang Kunsheng, a villager in Yantai Village, Fuliang County, Jingdezhen, Jiangxi, traveled to and from Zhejiang and Anhui several times a year to sell his green tea to all parts of the country; Sister Shi of Wuhan, Hubei Province, invited friends and came to Jiangxi and Anhui self-driving tours...

People in different places have drawn similar trajectories on the Jingdezhen (Jingdezhen) Wu (Wuyuan) Huang (Huangshan) Expressway. This traffic artery not only connects the green waters and green mountains of the three places, but also connects the blueprint for local economic development and rural revitalization.

Pursue the beauty of ecology

Along the Jingwuhuang Expressway, all the way is undulating mountains, endless green. In the rain and fog, the mountains are green and beautiful.

Tuochuan Township is at the northernmost point of Wuyuan County, Jiangxi, surrounded by Da yan shan and Gaohu mountain from east to west, and 3 clear streams slowly flow out of the valley, and huangcun is surrounded by this pastoral and small stream. Wanwentang is a homestay in this idyllic landscape. "Thousand-year-old yew trees, ancient camphor trees, waterfalls... Wuyuan's good ecology is our greatest wealth. Yu Xiaoqun, the inheritor of local wood carving skills, opened this homestay a few years ago. On the first floor of the homestay is a studio where guests can enjoy the idyllic scenery or experience the art of wood carving. Nowadays, Wanwentang has become a punching place for many tourist enthusiasts.

There are already more than 100 boutique homestays like this in Wuyuan, and high-end ancient homestay industry clusters have been formed in Sikou Town, Jiangwan Town and other places.

Qianjiangyuan, which is far away in Zhejiang, is also attracted by guests who seek green water and green mountains because of the completion of the highway.

From the Qianjiangyuan Scenic Area interchange, along the Xili Line, all the way to Liyangtian Village, Qixi Town, Kaihua County, Quzhou, Zhejiang. On the way, a number of viewpoints come into view, and not far away you can see rows of brand-new houses built on the mountain, many of which are homestays and farmhouses.

Liyangtian Village is located in Qianjiangyuan National Park, with beautiful scenery and lush forests and bamboo cultivation, and is famous for the birthplace of the Qiantang River. "After the high-speed traffic, it takes only 1 hour from Kaihua County to here, and more and more tourists come to Qianjiangyuan." Zhang Weizhong is a native of Liyangtian Village, who opened the first farm in the village in 2004, and now the rooms can accommodate more than 150 people to eat and stay, and the tourist season is often full.

Tourists came, and the original local specialties of the town also walked out. Today, specialty products such as tea, native honey and dried bamboo shoots from Qianjiangyuan are transported to all parts of the country through the highway. Relying on e-commerce, the sales of local specialties have driven the per capita income of the local people to increase by nearly 10,000 yuan.

Feel the charm of culture

"Broken porcelain stone and kaolin and other raw materials, processed according to a certain proportion, into porcelain clay..." In the quiet music, Yi Mengxun sliced and shaped the mud and carved it into a shadow blue carved coaster. This is the content of the new issue of "Dream Quest" produced by Yi Mengxun and his lover Wang Bowen in Jinkeng Village, Fuliang County, Jingdezhen.

5 ancient mine pits, 15 ancient kiln sites, 16 ancient water pillars and a 6-kilometer-long thousand-year-old porcelain stone ancient road... Jinkeng Village preserves the entire production system from the mining of porcelain raw materials to processing, transportation, and firing in the Song Dynasty, which can be called a complete corridor of ancient ceramic production sites. In 2020, Yi Mengxun and Wang Bowen came to Jinkeng Village for tourism and decided to stay here. "Green mountains and rivers, as well as porcelain culture, are all our passions." Wang Bowen said that the two positioned their work on the dissemination of local culture and named it "Dream Seeking". "Dream Quest" revolves around the local beauty, food, and beautiful utensils to make videos, including special foods such as floating beam alkali water dumplings, porcelain clay simmered ribs, and traditional handicraft products such as clay porcelain and porcelain plate paintings in the pit, which refreshes the impression of netizens on Jingdezhen.

Thanks to the convenient transportation, in Jingdezhen, there are more than 30,000 "Jingdrifts" like Wang Bowen and Yi Mengxun, many of whom have crossed the ocean.

Bamboo carved tea rules, bamboo carved pen holders, bamboo carved grates... Walking into the Huipai Carving Museum in Huangshan City, Anhui Province, the exquisite Huizhou bamboo carving works are dazzling. Hong Jianhua is the representative inheritor of the national intangible cultural heritage Huizhou bamboo carving, and the museum was created by him and his wife Zhang Hongyun and officially opened in October 2017.

In addition to the exhibition area, a hall of more than 100 square meters has been set up on the third floor of the museum, which is dedicated to receiving guests from all over the world who come to study. "In recent years, highways and railways passing through Huangshan City have been opened one after another, and the number of tourists has increased significantly, especially the proportion of study tours is increasing, and in 2019, nearly 50,000 people came to the museum for study." Hong Jianhua said.

At present, Huangshan City actively promotes the transformation and upgrading of cultural heritage from static protection to living utilization through the construction of cultural tourism industry agglomeration development bases, museums, cultural experience parks, etc.

Accelerate development

"Green brick small tile horse head wall, cloister hanging lattice windows." Xidi Village in Huangshan, Anhui Province, is a typical representative of the ancient villages in southern Anhui, and still retains more than 300 ancient houses in the Ming and Qing dynasties. The night tour of Xidi is the most attractive tourism project of this ancient village in recent years.

Hu Weimin, marketing director of Yixian Huihuang Tourism Development (Group) Co., Ltd., introduced: "In recent years, with the opening and operation of a number of high-speed projects such as Jingwuhuang, the proportion of tourists from outside the province who come to Xidi Scenic Area is increasing. Especially in Hubei, Jiangxi and other provinces, more and more tourists come by car on holidays. In order to better integrate the tourism resources of the county, in 2012, under the promotion of the Yixian County Government, Yixian Huihuang Tourism Development (Group) Co., Ltd. was established, and in 2013, it officially took over the operation of Xidi Scenic Area. On the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival in 2019, Xidi appeared with a new look.

While satisfying tourists for night sightseeing, the night tour project also enriches the scenic area format, and various shops such as homestays, bars, and book bars are lined up. At present, Huangshan City has more than 2,000 Huizhou homestays, receiving more than 500,000 tourists a year, with an annual operating income of more than 1.5 billion yuan, 105 administrative villages in the city engaged in rural tourism reception, and more than 100,000 farmers engaged in the tourism-based tertiary industry.

Green mountains and green waters, first-step stepped fields, lush tea trees, tea picking experts in various townships and towns with their hands flying - on April 15, in Wuyuan Jinzhu Village, the tea picking competition was in full swing. Most of the 650 acres of tea gardens are sold to Europe and the United States.

"Before the opening of the Jingwuhuang Expressway, the company's tea was transported to the Hangzhou port and then to the entire process of loading the counter on the ship for at least 3 days. After the opening of the expressway, the tea leaves are directly loaded in Wuyuan and transported to the wharf for sea, and the whole process is enough for 1 day. Wang Dongxin, technical director of Wuyuan County Yinggongshan Tea Industry Co., Ltd., said.

The entire tea industry in Wuyuan has been helped by the Jingwuhuang Expressway. "80% of Wuyuan farmers are engaged in tea-related industries, and the income of the tea industry in key areas accounts for more than 30% of per capita income, and the quality of Wuyuan green tea is increasingly recognized." With the access of transportation networks such as Jingwuhuang Expressway, the brand value of Wuyuan Green Tea has increased from about 1 billion yuan to 4.1 billion yuan now. Wang Yonggang, director of the Organic Industry Office of wuyuan County Agricultural and Rural Bureau, introduced.

A better future is something to look forward to. It is understood that the Jingwuhuang Expressway passed the completion acceptance in September 2010, and the total annual traffic flow is about 13.313 million vehicles, with an annual growth rate of 19.7%.

Basongcuo, Gongbujiangda County, Tibet——

Clear water and snow peaks welcome visitors

People's Daily reporter Shen Lin Xu Yiyao Qiongda Zhuoga

In April, Basongcuo, white clouds surround the green mountains, and green water reflects tourists. Outside the scenic spot, the Lalin High-Grade Highway connecting Lhasa and Nyingchi in Tibet winds through mountains and forests, with an average altitude of more than 3,000 meters. Because of the magnificent scenery and rich natural landscapes along the route, the Lalin High-grade Highway has become a popular route for tourism in Tibet.

Duyue's hotel is located in Bahe Town, Gongbujiangda County, Nyingchi City, along the highway. This is a must-see place to get in and out of Basongcuo, and when it's time for dinner, the shop is often bustling with traffic.

During the tourist season, Du Yue has to entertain 70 or 80 tables of guests a day. "Two-thirds of the guests are self-driving, which was unimaginable before the high-grade highway in Larin was opened." Du Yue said. As Tibet's first 5A scenic spot of natural landscapes, Basongcuo once sat still in the mountains, and there were not too many tourists to visit. "In the past, it used to take seven or eight hours to get here from Lhasa, and most of the tourists were in groups, and most of them had a hurried trip." Du Yue recalled.

With the opening of the larin high-grade highway, especially after the opening of the Mira Mountain Tunnel in 2019, the journey from Lhasa to Gongbu Jiangda County has been shortened to more than 3 hours, and Basongcuo has also welcomed more tourists. "The number of tourists in Basongcuo has increased significantly every year in recent years." Renqing Zhuoma, deputy director of the Culture and Tourism Bureau of Gongbu Jiangda County, said.

With the development of Tibet's economy and the improvement of transportation, the proportion of tourists in the reception area of Gongbu Jiangda County has increased year by year. Local scenic spots have upgraded and adjusted tourism products and increased water entertainment projects. "Sailing on the water has been very well received." Shao Chen, head of the Tibet Tourism Co., Ltd., said.

"In the future, Tibet's tourism economy will become more and more hot. As an important tourist destination on the high-grade highway in Larin, we will better serve tourists and drive more people in the county to get rich through tourism. Renqing Dolma said.

Qiangen Village, Zanhuang County, Hebei——

The lotus root garden is full of life

People's Daily reporter Ma Chen

From the exit of the Taihang Mountain Expressway Pingzan Section Zanhuang West Toll Station, to Qiangen Village, Zanhuang County, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, Hao Xiaofei and workers who run an agricultural industrial park are busy in Lotus Pond.

"An acre of pond can harvest 3,000 catties of lotus, as well as loach, crayfish, and wait until the lotus flowers bloom, there are many tourists!" Hao Xiaofei said happily.

Qiangen Village is located in the hilly mountainous area of the western part of Zanhuang County, only 9 kilometers away from the county seat. Seven years ago, there were many coal farms in Qianen Village, and every household had people working in the coal yards. In 2014, Zanhuang County banned and shut down the county's open-pit coal depots. Hao Xiaofei pondered the transformation: "The village introduced a project to plant lotus roots, and I seized the opportunity to set up an agricultural industrial park on the original coal field. ”

In July 2020, the Pingzan Expressway was completed. As an important part of the TaihangShan Expressway, the Zanhuang section of the Pingzan Expressway runs through the central and western parts of Zanhuang County, which not only greatly shortens the time from Zanhuang County to Shijiazhuang City, but also promotes the development of industries along the way. The number of guests visiting Hao Xiaofei's agricultural industrial park has also increased greatly, with more than 2,000 people a day during the peak tourist season.

Zanhuang County hit the iron while it was hot, taking the road network construction as an important foundation for connecting the ecological zone and integrating ecological resources, the total mileage of highway construction reached 790 kilometers, and a tourist road network connecting more than 40 scenic spots was built, and the carrying capacity of global tourism was further improved.

The land of Yanzhao is full of life. This national highway through the Taihang Mountains will introduce a steady stream of vitality into the mountains and become a veritable "road for poverty alleviation, prosperity, tourism and development".

Pingdingshan Village, Tuchengzi Township, Inner Mongolia——

The mountain apricot forest bears fruit

People's Daily reporter Zhai Qinqi

In April, driving on the Inner Mongolia Tongliao section of the Daguang Expressway, the distant slopes were white, as if covered with snow.

But it wasn't snow, it was apricot blossoms blooming over the mountains. Here, is the 10,000 acres of apricot forest in Pingdingshan Village, Tuchengzi Township, Naiman Banner.

20 years ago, the mountains here were bare. Located in the remnants of Yanshan Mountain, close to the Horqin Sandy Land, perennial drought and little rain, at a glance, thousands of gullies. In 2002, after several inspections, Du Fuming, the former secretary of the party branch of Pingdingshan Village, planted more than 10 mu of apricot trees on his own barren mountain, and combined with the project of returning farmland to forests, he mobilized the whole village to plant more than 200 mu of apricot trees. In 2006, the area of apricot trees in the village reached 2,500 mu.

Spring replanting, summer fruit picking, autumn pruning, winter stewardship. The mountains are turning green little by little, the vegetation is recovering little by little, and the villagers' money bags are bulging little by little.

In 2017, there was a major drought in the area. Before planting almond trees, if you encounter such a day, the basic particles are not harvested. But that year, the whole village was busy harvesting almonds. One villager recalled the harvest season and was still excited: "Almonds are the 'hardcore crops' of our village!" ”

With the improvement of traffic conditions, the fragrance of apricot blossoms in Pingdingshan Village drifted out of the ravine. By 2020, more than two-thirds of farmers in Pingdingshan Village will have planted almonds. Today, there are nearly 10,000 acres of apricot forests here. Every year in April, the apricot blossoms are in full bloom, which is very gratifying. The villagers' incomes have increased year by year, the houses have been renovated, the roads have been smoothed, and the countryside has a new look. Tuchengzi Township will also build mountainous landforms, ancient city ruins, and apricot forests and flowers into scenic spots, and promote the development of related industries with the tourism industry. In 2020, the per capita net income of Pingdingshan Village exceeded 8,000 yuan.

At present, the local government is planning to develop the almond processing industry and encourage the development of the under-forest economy based on the apricot forest. In the 10,000 acres of apricot forest, the peasants' dream of getting rich is being realized step by step.

Layout design: Shen Yiling

(Source: People's Daily)

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