
"National Memory" launched a 6-episode documentary "No Pen"

author:CCTV News
"National Memory" launched a 6-episode documentary "No Pen"

In the course of the CPC's hundred-year struggle, countless Communist Party members have calmly gone to their deaths in order to pursue their faith and generosity, leaving the hope of life to future generations, and writing a letter of praise to this day. During the Qingming Dynasty, pay tribute to the heroes. The "National Memory" column of the Chinese Global Program Center of the Central Radio and Television Corporation will launch a six-episode documentary series (April 3-4 CCTV-4 at 10:00 p.m.; CCTV-4 at 8:00 p.m. on April 5-9) from April 3, showing the revolutionary spirit of their unchanging original intentions and strong faith through the death of more than a dozen Communist Party members.

The film closely focuses on the suicide notes of revolutionary martyrs, family letters, oaths to join the party and other masterpieces, deeply excavates their ideals and beliefs of living to the death and not changing their original intentions, showing their firm faith and unchanging pursuit at the last moment of their lives. In the film, there are applications for joining the party written by Ye Ting, commander of the New Fourth Army, within 10 hours of his release from prison; there are suicide notes left by red lovers Chen Jue and Zhao Yunxiao with blood and tears in their deeds; there is a family letter from martyr Zhong Qi who instructed his newlywed wife to "must marry again" before his death; and a biography written by Communist Party member Che Yaoxian in prison, warning his children to take "modesty," "frugality," and "labor" as the basis for their lives. Through the emotional telling of the martyrs' descendants, the in-depth excavation of detailed stories and the analysis and interpretation of authoritative experts, people today can more personally appreciate the spiritual power contained in each letter.

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It is understood that in order to vividly tell the touching story of the heroic martyrs who gave up their small homes and spilled their blood for the country, the film crew went to Tianjin, Shanxi, Sichuan, Chongqing, Hunan and other places to visit the martyrs' hometowns, go deep into the former residences, memorial halls, and archives, find a total of 11 living descendants of martyrs, and personally tell the stories of their ancestors. Among the interviewees were Ye Zhengguang, the son of General Ye Ting, and his granddaughter Ye Lian; General Xu Fanting's son Xu Datian; Lan Genghuang, the son of martyr Lan Diyu; Li Shaoqian, the grandson of che Yaoxian, the grandson of underground party member Che Yaoxian; Zhong Xiaolan, the son of martyr Zhong Qi; Zheng Ji'an, the granddaughter of General Ji Hongchang; Chen Huangming, the son of Chen Yi'an, a member of the Communist Party; and Chen Zhenglie, the grandson of Chen Zhenglie. At the same time, in order to restore the historical facts more truthfully and accurately, the film crew went deep into the Central Archives and disclosed for the first time a series of precious archives, such as Ye Ting's application to join the party, Mao Zedong's handwritten reply, Ye Ting's manuscript of "Prison Song" written in prison, and the historical documents of the CPC Central Committee posthumously recognizing Comrade Fan Ting's joining the party.

The original intention did not change the book, and the revolution had its own descendants. A sealed letter carries the entrustment of Yin Yin to future generations, and also carries the spiritual belief that transcends time and space and has been passed down to this day.

【Editor of this issue: Shi Xiangyun】

Source: CCTV4 "National Memory"

New Media, Chinese Global Program Center, China Central Radio and Television Corporation

(Edited by Zhang Huibin)