
Visit the Red Address and experience the Red Spirit

author:Morning News Xinzhou

In order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Ren Jiahui, Guo Lihong, Sun Ziyang and Chen Fengmei, members of the Fifth Red Memory Search Practice Team of the College of Chemistry and Materials Science of Shanxi Normal University, visited the Martyrs' Cemetery and the Xufanting Memorial Hall in Yuanping City, Shanxi Province, from July 17 to July 19.

On July 17th, Ren Jiahui, Guo Lihong, Sun Ziyang and Chen Fengmei, members of the Fifth Phase Red Memory Search Practice Team of the College of Chemical Materials and Materials Of Shanxi Normal University, visited the Yuanping Martyrs' Cemetery in Yuanping City, Xinzhou City.

The first thing the team members saw when they entered the martyrs' cemetery was the Monument to the Revolutionary Martyrs, which was engraved on the front of the monument with the words "Revolutionary Martyrs Are Immortal". The team members bowed deeply in front of the monument, expressing their reverence for the martyrs.

Behind the solemn Monument to the Martyrs of the Revolution is the resting place of the martyrs. There is no earthly hustle and bustle, only green pines standing proudly, and although the war is over, they still exist in this special way, guarding the country they love. The flesh of the revolutionary martyrs may have long been extinguished, but their spirit will be passed on from generation to generation, inspiring future generations to continue to move forward! The tombstones bear the basic information of the martyrs and their main experiences. Among them were Wang Maocai, male, commander of the 3rd Battalion of the 17th Regiment of the Jinsui Field Battle, originally from Sichuan, who died heroically on November 1, 1946; Zhao Cheng, male, a native of Nanmen Village, Doumen Town, who joined the Guangdong Youth Anti-Japanese Vanguard in 1939, joined the Communist Party of China in 1942, and was surrounded by puppet troops while escorting grain ships in April 1943, and unfortunately was shot and killed during the breakout.

At the same time as the team members visited, the management of the martyrs' cemetery also introduced the history of the martyrs' cemetery to the team members. The Yuanping City Martyrs' Cemetery is a commemorative cemetery built to commemorate the martyrs who died in the revolutionary war and gave their lives for the revolutionary cause, and is a public institution under the Yuanping Civil Affairs Bureau. In 1978, the Site of the Yuanping Martyrs' Cemetery was built in the east of Wenshuzhuang Village in the north of Yuanping City. After that, the Yuanping Municipal Government invested in the maintenance and renovation of the Martyrs' Cemetery for many times. Since the completion of the Revolutionary Martyrs' Cemetery, young people and people from all walks of life have come here every year to receive education in the revolutionary tradition. It provides a platform for the inheritance of red memories.

Through this visit to the Martyrs' Cemetery, the team members have a deeper understanding of history, war and revolutionary martyrs, and enhance their sense of historical mission and responsibility. After the event, the team members exchanged their feelings: living under the sky where the olive branch of the dove of peace flew freely, we must not forget the history of being bullied because of decay and backwardness, and still less can we forget the revolutionary martyrs who threw their heads and blood and sacrificed their lives heroically in the war to fight for the independence of the country and build a rich and strong new China. The glorious deeds of one heroic figure after another and the cultural relics of the war period all tell the hardships of that era and show the unremitting efforts made by that generation of literati for the ideals and beliefs in their hearts.

On July 19th, Ren Jiahui, Guo Lihong, Sun Ziyang and Chen Fengmei, members of the Fifth Red Memory Search Practice Team of the College of Chemical Materials, College of Chemical Materials, Shanxi Normal University, visited the Xufanting Memorial Hall in Yuanping City, Xinzhou City.

The plaque above the gate of the memorial hall reads "Continuing Fan Ting Memorial Hall" inscribed by General Zhu De in September 1962, and the couplet in front of the memorial hall reads "Carry forward the revolutionary culture and inherit the red gene", and the team members take a group photo in front of the hall and enter the memorial hall. As soon as you enter the hall, you will be greeted by a bust of General Xu Fan Ting, and the curator first leads the students to bow deeply to General Xu Fan Ting three times to express their awe for the general. In front of the main hall, there are two stone tablets, which record the life and deeds of General Xu Fanting, and when the main entrance is opened, it is facing the photo of General Xu Fanting. Xu Fanting (1893-1947), a native of Xishe Village, Chengxian County (present-day Yuanping City), Shanxi Province. On December 26, 1935, dissatisfied with the policy of non-resistance to Japan pursued by the Chiang Kai-shek government after the "918" incident, Xu Fanting personally went to Nanjing to call for resistance against Japan. "Shirtless strips to stay, what does the husband ask for in the world?" Fearing that the people's morale is destroyed, I am willing to make my body free. This is a desperate poem left by the Patriotic General of the Kuomintang when He Fanting cut his abdomen and Mingzhi, but he was fortunately discovered and rescued from danger. In 1947, Hu Zongnan invaded Yan'an, and Xu Fanting was evacuated with the party, government and military organs of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, and his illness worsened during the march, and he died on September 12 in Linxian County, Shanxi. "For national liberation, for the class to turn over, the cause is coming to fruition, and the public beard is dying?!" There are clouds and waters, there is pine and cypress integrity, typical sudden loss, people are full of sorrow! This is chairman Mao Zedong's personal letter of elegy after the death of Xu Fanting, giving high praise to the glorious life of General Xu Fanting.

On the occasion of the centenary of the founding of the party, the red memory search group actively carried out the practice and innovation activities of the theme of the centenary of the founding of the party around the goal and task of "studying the history of the party, strengthening faith, and following the party", visited the red education base, and educated and guided the members of the team to understand the glorious history of the party, feel the glorious mission of the party, understand the party's innovative theory, understand the party's spiritual genealogy, and inherit the party's red genes.

Visit the Red Address and experience the Red Spirit

The picture shows the team members taking a group photo in front of the hall. Photo by Wang Lijun

Visit the Red Address and experience the Red Spirit

The picture shows the team members holding a ceremony to enter the park. Photo by Wang Lijun