
Jiangsu University: Geng continued to learn and innovate and educate people

author:Guangming Daily

Recently, Jiangsu University has held the launch ceremony of the new book "Printing Portrait: Memory in the Development Process of Jiangsu University" and "Xingnong Heavy Equipment: Inheritance and Innovation of China's Agricultural Machinery Culture", a large number of pictures and texts, silently telling the story of this school passing on the torch and forging ahead. Jiangsu University, which has a long history of running schools for 119 years, has become a key comprehensive university featuring engineering and coordinated development of multiple disciplines, and the People's Government of Jiangsu Province, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs have jointly built universities, the first batch of high-level universities in Jiangsu Province, and the national "three all-round education" comprehensive reform pilot universities.

Achievements did not happen overnight. From a hundred years of time, Jiangsu University has continued the learning vein of Sanjiang Normal School, carried forward the feelings of home and country of "cultivating talents in order to strive for self-improvement" and the spirit of struggle of "chewing vegetable roots and doing great things", deeply rooted in the land of China, cultivated the glorious tradition of patriotic dedication and self-improvement, formed the characteristics of being brave in innovation and pursuing excellence, and constantly contributed to the reform and development of China's higher education.

Take "educating talents for the country" as the core mission of the school

In a test open space in the northeast corner of the campus of Jiangsu University, graduate student Sun Zhiwei and team members are stepping up to debug their self-designed linear plant protection drones to prepare for the upcoming road show of the Chinese graduate electronic design competition; 2,000 kilometers away, Qinghai Menyuan No. 2 Boarding Middle School, a childish smile made Xu Yue, a member of the graduate student support group, more determined about his choice... Inside and outside the campus, every Jiangsu University student has his own growth trajectory, and they continue to inherit and develop the innate genetic character of "self-improvement and virtue, hard work and truth-seeking", and want to show their skills on the broad stage of the new era.

Jiangsu University has changed its name several times, but it has always been its original education intention to cultivate talents for the country and cultivate new people of the times who are responsible for national rejuvenation.

At the beginning of the establishment of the school, there were a group of agricultural machinery and mechanics experts who returned from studying in the United States in the 1940s, who resolutely gave up the favorable living conditions abroad to return to China after the founding of New China, worked hard to govern and work hard, and in just over 10 years, in 1978, the Zhenjiang Agricultural Machinery College was built into one of the 88 key universities in the country, cultivating a large number of materials that can be called the backbone of the nation, and brilliantly fulfilled the historical mission of that generation.

The way of the university is first and foremost to educate talents for the country. In order to "let young talents gush out like spring water", the school innovates the talent training model, opens a number of innovative talent training platforms such as the Innovation and Entrepreneurship College, the Elite College, and the Jinshan Elite Class, wu Zhonghua Class, and Gao Liangrun Class, and innovates and implements educational and teaching reform measures aimed at expanding the professional scope such as micro-majors, modern industrial colleges, and cloud training resources. The school has won the Challenge Cup "Winner Cup" for 7 consecutive years, won 15 awards in various "Internet +" competitions, and in the past five years, a total of 8454 students have entered Tsinghua University, Peking University, Cambridge University and other well-known universities at home and abroad to continue their studies, and more than 250 students have rushed to the grassroots level to shine in the selection of transfer students, village officials and service to the western plan and the northern Jiangsu plan.

For the national education of talents, excellent teachers are the foundation. According to the "double first-class" construction standards, the school aims at a high-level research university, on the one hand, actively introduces high-end talents from home and abroad, on the other hand, continues to strengthen its own talent team, and the faculty strength continues to increase. In 2021, Professor Wang Qian of the School of Energy and Power Engineering was awarded the National Famous Teacher, Professor Li Songjun of the School of Materials Science and Engineering was elected as a foreign academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and a foreign academician of the National Academy of Engineering of Ukraine, and 3 postdoctoral fellows were selected for the "HeungKong Scholar Program" and the "Macao Young Scholars Program".

Cast the soul of the school with scientific and technological innovation

JiangDa people are keen on innovation in the field of scientific research, and strive to strengthen themselves in serving the needs of national economic and social development, and they have not changed in the past hundred years. Turning over the history of Jiangsu University, one name after another is like the stars in the night sky: Dai Guirui, a famous agricultural machinery expert, an internal combustion engine expert, and the founder of the drainage and irrigation machinery business, Gao Liangrun, the founder of the agricultural machinery discipline in Chinese colleges and universities, Liu Gongzhi, a famous microbiology and immunology expert and one of the founders of China's laboratory medicine higher education...

Jiangsu University has created a number of firsts for New China: the first national standard for paddy ploughs, the first rocker-arm sprinkler series, the first generation of plant protection tools, the first semi-feeding automatic threshing machine, the first internal combustion engine water pump...

Closely integrating discipline construction with social needs is the historical mission entrusted to Jiangsu University by the times; it is the conscious responsibility of generations of Jiangsu people in the past hundred years to closely link their own growth with the destiny of the country and the nation. To this day, innovation has always been the "key" to the scientific and technological progress of Jiangda People.

Since its merger and establishment 20 years ago, the total scientific research funds of the school have exceeded 9.9 billion yuan, and a total of 2027 projects have been approved by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, a total of 212 national science and technology projects, topics and tasks of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and 9 national key research and development program projects, and a series of innovative breakthroughs have been achieved. The school's water pump related research results are widely used in large-scale projects such as the South-to-North Water Diversion Project and the Taihu Lake Watershed Treatment; the "Axial Feeding Rice-Wheat Threshing separation integration device" developed and developed has won the first national patent gold award in the field of agricultural machinery harvesting in China; after nearly ten years of continuous technical research, the research and development and industrialization of high-performance safety glass for high-speed trains have been realized, so that the front window glass of high-speed rail made in China has gradually occupied 90% of the domestic market... Playing customs clearance cards and realizing key technological innovations are the epitome of Jiang Daren's courage to stand at the head of the tide and win the highlight moment.

"Focusing on the major national development strategy and The development requirements of Jiangsu's 'two firsts', vigorously implementing the 'National Character' brand construction project is the direction of jiangsu university's development." Yuan Shouqi, secretary of the party committee of Jiangsu University, said.

Inspire the vitality of the school with the university temperament and culture

On October 20, at the demonstration class of the 2021 "Open Class on Faith" at Jiangsu University, Yue Zhiqiang, a teacher at the Marxist College, issued a soul question of "what is youth" to all students. Li Jia, a freshman majoring in software engineering, sighed: "In this collision of ideas, I understand what kind of responsibilities Chinese youth shoulder in the new era, and I also see The silent confession of Jiang Daren to the motherland..."

The teachers and students of Jiangsu University have always been rich in family and country feelings, which is a deep will and fiery emotion. This kind of temperament is not based on the level of the salary of the students who go out, nor does it take his fame, family or official as a symbol, it is the precipitation of a party of water and soil, which permeates the thought and spirit of the university.

Over the years, the school has implemented the strategy of cultural leadership, built a campus cultural brand, and carried out a series of activities such as "the first lesson of ideological politics", "the last lesson before graduation", "the hot spot face to face on campus", "wukesong pulpit", "brilliant lesson", "humanities lecture hall", "elegant art into the campus" and other series of activities, promoted the art of seal carving, and promoted the construction of the school history museum, the Chinese agricultural machinery culture exhibition hall, and the school name cultural product center. With its diversified and open nature, Jiangsu University has provided cultural nourishment for thousands of teachers and students.

From 2011 to the present, two elderly party members of the school have anonymously donated 500,000 yuan to set up the "Two Communist Party Member Scholarship Fund"; Feng Zhida, an entrepreneurial student and alumnus of the class of 2019, donated 1 million yuan to feed his alma mater to build a scientific research laboratory one year after graduation; took the initiative to invite war and devote himself to the fight against the epidemic, 800 teachers and students volunteered quickly gathered overnight to support the frontline of the fight against the epidemic; international student Yana was praised by the State Youth Education Center of the Russian Federation for spreading Chinese culture... These are all vivid portrayals of the school's upward and benevolent campus culture to nurture students' feelings of home and country.

"At the new historical starting point, the whole school will have the 'great power of the country' in mind, work hard from the responsibility, from the exercise of skills, from the chongde self-cultivation, from the determination to struggle, always uphold the spirit of self-improvement, seek the overall situation, adapt to the situation, and open a new situation." Yan Xiaohong, president of Jiangsu University, said.

(Reporter Su Yan, correspondent of this newspaper, Gao Gaojing)