
One of the four ugly women in ancient times, she once scared away the groom because of her appearance, but proved her heart with her actions

author:Wushan Melting

In ancient China, it was the four beauties who were famous, and in fact there were the four ugly women who were famous for their opposition.

During the Wei and Jin dynasties, due to the intermarriage between the Mengmen clans, there were often times when they were ordered by their parents and the words of the matchmaker, and Xu Yun, as a family clan, married the Ruan clan Qianjin, who was also a member of the Tuas clan.

It is precisely because the father and son of the Nguyen clan are used heavily, and the only thing under the door valve is to marry to expand power. However, the marriage of this door to the family is very sad for Xu Yun. In fact, Nguyen Thi Nguyen is very ugly.

In the "New Language of the World", it is recorded: "Xu Yunn was the daughter of Ruan Weiwei, de ru sister, and strange and ugly. He said the flaws in the appearance of the Nguyen woman. It is said that on the wedding night, Xu Yun knew that Nguyen was ugly and pulled her leg and ran.

One of the four ugly women in ancient times, she once scared away the groom because of her appearance, but proved her heart with her actions

Is Nguyen Nguyen really only known for her ugly looks? In fact, although Nguyen's daughter is ugly, she has something outstanding.

Win your husband's respect with one sentence when you get married. According to the New Sayings of the World, "The woman, expecting that there is no reason for her to come out and out, will be caught and stopped." Xu Yin said: "Women have four virtues, but how many are there?" The woman said, "What the bride lacks is Only Rong'er." How many are there? Xu Yun: "All ready." The woman said: "Is the husband and the hundred deeds headed by virtue, and the king is lustful and not virtuous, what is it to be prepared?" 'Allowed to be ashamed, so they respected each other. ”

When he saw his husband running away because of his ugliness, he not only grabbed his husband and faced questioning, not only highlighting his courage, but also making his husband Xu Yun dumb. He was respected by his husband and loved each other ever since.

The Nguyen daughter had the ability to detect the blessings and misfortunes, because of the death of the Zhenbei general Liu Jing, the imperial court transferred Xu Yun to succeed her, and at this time Xu Yun was very happy to say to his wife: "I am finally spared!" But Nguyen Thi said: "The disaster began here, how can it be spared?" Sure enough, before Xu Yun could take over on the road, he was exiled to death on the charge of smuggling official property. Xu Yun was framed to death, and his protégé told Nguyen's daughter that Nguyen's daughter had long known that this would happen, so she responded to what she had said before.

One of the four ugly women in ancient times, she once scared away the groom because of her appearance, but proved her heart with her actions

Nguyễn nguyen nguyen often gave key advice to rescue the Xu family, and before Xu Yun was held accountable by Emperor Wei Ming, Nguyễn nguyen told Xu Yun the true answer, not only was she exempt from punishment but also rewarded by Emperor Wei Ming.

After Xu Yun's death, the Nguyen daughter used her wisdom to save Xu Yun from leaving two sons. After Xu Yun was framed and died, to prevent the Sima clan from being exterminated, he let his son make himself, and there would be no trouble because his talent was not prominent. Nguyen taught how to behave with extraordinary wisdom, and the Xu family was repeatedly spared from evil.

One of the four ugly women in ancient times, she once scared away the groom because of her appearance, but proved her heart with her actions

In my opinion, it is not possible to judge a person's character by his appearance alone, and although Nguyen Thi Nguyen Nguyen is ugly, she has saved her husband and children from danger many times with her own courage and wisdom. It is also this example that teaches us that it is not a good thing not to judge people by appearance, and that people not only rely on the outside, but also repair the inside.

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