
Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

author:Shadow Detective

The last episode of "Wanda Vision" was launched, tens of millions of users flocked to it, and the streaming media platform Disney+ was directly down.

Falcon and the Winter Soldier will soon be released on March 19.

Marvel is going to kill crazy.

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

Next door DC had to come up with a killer weapon -

The universe's strongest IP Superman is back in the world.

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

This version of Superman is full of energy, the story is smooth, and the special effects are quite blockbuster.

At first glance, I thought it was "Man of Steel" 3.0.

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

As soon as the first episode came out, word of mouth exploded.

Douban 8.6, Rotten Tomatoes 85% freshness, 87% audience satisfaction.

Even the rather demanding IMDB has a score of 8.1.

CW was so excited that the second episode had not yet aired, and announced a renewal for a second season.

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?
Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

Today, the big cousin wants to recommend this one to everyone -

Superman and Louise

Superman & Lois

2021.2.23 USA

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

The image of Superman is too familiar to the audience.

In June 1938, he debuted in action comics and became a hit.

At that time, the United States was suffering from the double crisis of the financial crisis and World War II, and the appearance of Superman brought full of positive energy to the people.

He became the ancestor of the creation of superhero styles and established the importance of American comics.

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

How to shoot a well-known image into a new trick naturally made many viewers question.

After the cousin tasted the first episode, she was also "scared".

The show shattered my stereotype of CW-produced episodes and subverted my imagination of Superman.

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?
Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?


Superman and Louis draws on the experience of past episodes.

On the basis of ensuring the characteristics of CW series, it has achieved the greatest degree of innovation.

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

The rhythm is tight, without dragging mud and water, and it is as silky and smooth as chocolate.

As soon as it comes up, the background of Superman's story is explained:

Before Krypton exploded, he was sent to Earth as Kay El.

The Kent couple in Kansas discovered and adopted him, naming him Clark Kent.

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

Under the guidance of his adoptive parents, he was determined to benefit mankind with extraordinary ability.

He also became the man he was destined to be, Superman.

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

After joining the Planet Daily, he also found his own "destiny" Louise Lane.

The two got married and had children, and their little life was full of taste.

Superman works during the day to earn money and saves the earth at night, being a mortal but also extraordinary.

In less than five minutes, the background of Superman's story is narrated.

It's concise and clear, and at the same time evokes the audience's memories of Superman's story.

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

Super British dramas are naturally a discussion of the audience's special effects screen.

Although this drama is not a product of the DCEU, it has a strong cinematography style.

Scene drama, there is.

Superman used his freezing powers to freeze the surrounding lakes, creating a giant iceberg to cool the hot nuclear reactor.

Watch him pull up mountains and rivers to cover the world, and save the heavens from danger.

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?
Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

In terms of photography, the team abandoned the bright colors commonly used in CW super British dramas to highlight the vitality of youth.

Choose to use a more cool and restrained expression and a dark wind color combination.

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?
Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

This also reminds many viewers of the film "Man of Steel", which is also based on supermanship.

Some viewers even said that this drama has a taste of directing.

The scheduling of slow motion, the use of dark colors, the setting of the dividing point, the thick and deep oil painting texture of the picture...

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?
Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

Above: Superman and Louise Below: "Man of Steel"

This kind of "thickness" is the entry point from the story.

Saving the planet is certainly the most important topic in The Superman world, and viewers can really be attracted to the gorgeous and cool special effects.

But this time, the CW turned the camera on the unknown side of Superman, allowing the audience to see his "essence":

While saving the world, we must also learn to be a mortal.

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

There is a difficult scripture in the family.

The two children in Superman's family have also become a big problem that he can't "save".

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

Left boss, right boss

The boss Jonathan, a core member of the varsity football team, has excellent hardware ability, and seems to inherit superhuman superpowers.

Jordan, the second oldest, suffers from social anxiety disorder and is not good at expressing himself.

He was also somewhat rebellious and didn't look like a "chosen son."

Superman cannot reveal his true identity to the children, and he is too busy saving the world to neglect the care of the children.

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

The father-son relationship is becoming more and more distant, and the work in that box is not satisfactory.

The boom of the Internet has hit print media hard.

The Planet Daily is determined to lay off staff to make room for salaries, and Superman becomes a victim of the capital game.

Unemployment in middle age, which is indeed a bit cruel to a man.

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

What was even more difficult for him to accept was the death of his adoptive mother.

Without the careful cultivation of his adoptive parents, he could not have become a superhero with the responsibility of salvation.

Parting from life and death is a necessary experience for man, even if he is Superman.

He cried silently in front of his adoptive mother's hospital bed, he could save the world, but he couldn't save the people he loved most.

The cold feeling of this scene, like his sense of powerlessness, instantly overflowed the screen.

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

At this point, my cousin also introduced the two core story lines of this set of dramas.

One is how Superman saved the earth on his own, and the other is the bittersweet life he needs to taste as a mortal.

Family, career and superpowers, middle-aged superman life is not easy, but still have to smile and accept the pain of life.

This design also makes this superman more grounded and has a "human" flavor.

No longer blindly saving the earth, bombarding the audience's eyeballs with crisp visual effects.

Instead, it relies on the silent emotional transmission of the moisturizer, so that the audience can see the other side of him.

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

Finding Easter eggs in comic book and television dramas is one of my cousin's happy moments.

According to incomplete statistics, there are as many as 23 Easter eggs related to the manga in the first episode alone!

Friends, you read that right, in the 60-minute opening episode, there are 23 important Easter eggs.

This scene of Superman rescues the skateboard boy who was almost hit by a car, and the action of lifting the car is a tribute to the cover of the first issue of the comic.

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?
Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

At the end of the scene, the camera gives a close-up of Superman's full body.

We can see that the logo on his chest is not the same as the traditional Superman logo.

The logo is actually a tribute to the Superman cartoon (created by Max Fleischer) that aired in the 1940s.

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?
Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

Superman saw the tv report that ACE Chemical had exploded and rushed to the scene to deal with it.

The ACE Chemical Company and the Batman story are closely linked.

Will Superman have a dream linkage with Batman after that? My cousin was also full of expectations.

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?
Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

There is also a scene in the TV news where Superman assists in the launch of an aviation plane.

This is actually a very classic superhuman iconic shot.

In the 1986 book Man of Steel, Superman lifted an experimental aviation plane to avoid its crash.

In the subsequent "Superman" film and television works, supermans and airplanes are often seen fighting.

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?
Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

The characters of Superman and Louise have already appeared in CW-produced series earlier.

Superman began joining the Green Arrow universe in the second season of Supergirl, and Louise first appeared in the "Otherworld" linkage.

The show has been called the first work of the second phase of the Green Arrow Universe (also known as the CW Universe), which shows its importance.

CW and DC have given them a new story and mission, while also not forgetting to have a dreamy linkage with earlier episodes.

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

For example, in the scene where Superman is fired, he and Louise have a fierce quarrel.

Morgan Edge, whom Louis mentions, acquired the Planet Daily, indirectly leading to Superman's unemployment.

Edge appeared in Supergirl and is a real estate tycoon.

This guy is not a good person, and his appearance is naturally not a good person.

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?
Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

Below: Edge in Supergirl

In fact, this linkage also makes many viewers a little scared.

So does watching this show need to supplement the previous works of the Green Arrow Universe?

My cousin thinks it's not necessary, "Superman and Louise" is more like a set of independent episodes.

The content revolves entirely around Superman, and while other characters from DC Comics and other CW titles are mentioned, it doesn't affect viewing.

So this is an entry-level set of superhero episodes.

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

Finally, my cousin wanted to talk to everyone about the image of "Superman".

Many comic book fans quipped that Superman was a brother in the comic book industry.

This is true, and it is true that he is also considered a cultural icon of the United States.

While film and television companies are busy digging up a new superhero image, CW has chosen to conquer the audience with the superhero that the audience is most familiar with.

Because the story of this cultural symbol has both temperature and depth.

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

Henry Cavill plays Superman in the DCEU

Superman was first created by two high school students, somewhat jerky but also full of energy and endless possibilities.

Over the past 80 years, the creators have also given more content to the character.

Superman descends to Earth, and he is raised by his adoptive parents as an ordinary person.

Inadvertently discovering his superpowers, he is confused and worried at the same time.

He is afraid of becoming an out-of-place "alternative" because of his weirdness, and becoming a "marginal person" who is not recognized by society.

This contradiction also forces him to make a choice:

Whether to stomp mortals under their feet, or to use their abilities to save mortals.

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

In "Man of Steel", the adoptive father educates Little Superman

Fortunately, he chose the latter.

Even though humans hurt him deeply, he still chose to save the world.

At the same time, he also accepted and learned to be a mortal and live the life that a mortal should have.

Marry a loved one, two people a day, three meals for four seasons, and be happy.

But Superman is also a "human being", and he also has human emotional changes and will experience the events that people will experience throughout their lives.

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

Even if you have superpowers, you can't save your loved ones, and you will experience life and death.

Or will they be unemployed, no different from ordinary migrant workers; they will still quarrel with their rebellious sons.

He's really saving the planet, but he's also saving himself.

When you first look at Superman, you think the villain is the tyrant Darkseid.

Or Doom Day, the hand-made maniac Blaineck, and Luthor, who also shows up in the series.

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

Luthor, who appeared at the end of the first episode

When I grew up and tasted the story of Superman, I found that the real villain was reality.

Playing the character villain, at least Superman still has superpowers to use.

But to fight against reality, sorry, to be born as a human being is too difficult.

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

Under Superman's suit is a strong man, forged like steel, with the courage to fight for the people he loves.

Why don't we work hard for life, run for work, and fight for our families?

Each of us is actually a "superman" in our own lives.

We want a superman to save the world, and we want to be someone else's superman.

Good guys, the universe's strongest IP Superman returns, an episode of gods?

Superman played by Brandon Ross

Superman is not just a person, he represents a kind of hope.

It is the decision to survive in adversity, the struggle in difficult situations, the symbol of courage and strength, and the hope full of good hope.

This kind of hope can make people full of motivation and give people positive energy at any time.

That's why this role has been popular around the world for more than 80 years.

I have to say that this new Superman drama is indeed a bit interesting.

March chased this one, it is not wrong!

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