
The Standing Committee of the 17th People's Congress of Anding District held its 33rd meeting

author:Attractive stability

On February 18, Jia Jixian, director of the Standing Committee of the Anding District People's Congress, presided over the 33rd meeting of the Standing Committee of the 17th District People's Congress.

The Standing Committee of the 17th People's Congress of Anding District held its 33rd meeting

The meeting elected the deputies to the Fourth People's Congress of Dingxi City by-election in the form of a vote, and voted to approve the appointment and dismissal of personnel. Relevant leaders of the district party committee were invited to attend the meeting. The deputy directors and members of the Standing Committee of the district people's congress attended the meeting, and relevant responsible persons of the district government, the district supervision commission, the district court, and the district procuratorate attended the meeting as observers.

The Standing Committee of the 17th People's Congress of Anding District held its 33rd meeting

Jia Jixian pointed out: Political construction is an eternal task that people's congresses at all levels and their standing committees must persistently grasp well. The Standing Committee should constantly strengthen the nature of political organs, take political construction as the command, persist in performing well their statutory duties under the leadership of the party, and always maintain the correct political direction of the work of the people's congresses. The members of the Standing Committee should earnestly improve their political standing, persistently regard the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the primary political task, continuously enhance their political skills, improve their political judgment, political understanding, and political execution, and strive to build the people's congress organs into model political organs that reassure the party committees and satisfy the deputies.

Jia Jixian stressed: This year is the year of the change of term, and it is necessary to regard the work of the change of term as the most important task in the work of the Standing Committee this year; in accordance with the requirements of the unified deployment of the provincial and municipal party committees, we should plan and make arrangements as early as possible, take the initiative as early as possible, organize voting and elections according to law in strict accordance with the time node and the progress of work, conscientiously do a good job in the work of examining the qualifications of deputies, and ensure that the work of the election of the new term of office will be carried out in an orderly and gradual manner and the citizens will participate in the political orderly nature. It is necessary to always regard investigation and study as the basic skill for doing a good job in the work of the people's congresses, go down to the grass-roots level, go deep into reality, and go deep among the masses, grasp the real situation, pinpoint problems, truly understand what the masses of the people are thinking and hoping for, and make all the work of the people's congress more grounded, more in line with the will of the people, and more in the will of the people.

Jia Jixian demanded that members of the party leading group and members of the Standing Committee should, in accordance with the "five stresses" discipline requirements of "stressing politics, stressing unity, stressing study, stressing efficiency, and stressing honesty," always put discipline and rules in the forefront, always stress loyalty in politics, stress obedience in organization, stress discipline in action, and stress rules in work, so that they can stand firm, behave properly, and rely on them at all times and under any circumstances, dare to take responsibility, and have achievements, and change their work style from discipline to style, build an image with work style, and set an example by taking responsibility. It is necessary to solemnly enforce discipline in the work of the new term, persist in putting education first, warning first, and prevention first, build a solid ideological defense line, strengthen supervision over the entire process of the election for the new term, and resolutely put an end to all kinds of unhealthy tendencies and violations of law and discipline and corruption. It is necessary to persist in establishing rules, stressing rules, and abiding by rules, strictly implement the "ten strictly prohibited" disciplinary requirements for the change of office, clarify the bottom line of behavior, use iron rules and iron discipline to safeguard the seriousness of the election work for the new term, ensure that the election for the new term is strict and standardized, the work style is clean and upright, the election results are satisfactory to the people, and the party committee and the people of the whole region are handed over a satisfactory and qualified answer sheet.

The meeting elected Wang Shening as a deputy to the Fourth People's Congress of Dingxi City and accepted Comrade Ding Guixi's request to resign as a member of the Standing Committee of the Seventeenth District People's Congress.

The meeting appointed Comrade Gao Tong as the director of the office of the District People's Congress Standing Committee, Comrade Yang Panfeng as deputy director of the Agricultural and Rural Work Committee of the District People's Congress Standing Committee, Comrade Sun Liqiang as a member of the Adjudication Committee of the District People's Court, and Zhou Shufang, Yao Wenting, Jing Lijun, Ding Wenbin, and An Yonggong as judges of the District People's Court. (Reporter Qualcomm Guo Qiang)

The Standing Committee of the 17th People's Congress of Anding District held its 33rd meeting

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