
A generation of tyrants Li Yuanhao, the establishment of the Western Xia, but why killed his wife and killed his son was spurned by the world for three generations of cultivation established the longest ethnic minority regime Xiao Yong good war to control the Hexi Corridor, and finally called the emperor suspicious of the mother to kill his wife and kill his son, slaughtered the mother's family lustful and greedy, and occupied the daughter-in-law and was killed by the son

author:Too much history gossip

In the land of Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia 900 years ago, there was a mysterious Western Xia Dynasty. It is the longest-standing minority regime in history, but it is not recorded in the Twenty-Four Histories. The founder of Western Xia was a man with a story, his name was Li Yuanhao, a Dangxiang person, who belonged to the descendants of the Tuoba clan of Northern Wei.

Li Yuanhao was wise and divine in the first half of his life, and absurd in the second half of his life. He established the Western Xia Dynasty, which could stand on its own with the Liao and Song dynasties, but was killed by his son after killing his mother, killing his wife, killing his son, and occupying his daughter-in-law. His life is more stories than the Western Xia Dynasty.

A generation of tyrants Li Yuanhao, the establishment of the Western Xia, but why killed his wife and killed his son was spurned by the world for three generations of cultivation established the longest ethnic minority regime Xiao Yong good war to control the Hexi Corridor, and finally called the emperor suspicious of the mother to kill his wife and kill his son, slaughtered the mother's family lustful and greedy, and occupied the daughter-in-law and was killed by the son

Li Deming

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > three generations to establish the longest ethnic minority regime</h1>

The Dangxiang people are an ancient nation, and now, like the Xiongnu, Yirong, and Hui, they are all drowned in the rolling river of history. It originated in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau region, and one of the lines was the Tuoba clan that established the Northern Wei Dynasty. After historical changes, the descendants of the Tuoba clan accepted the canonization of the Tang King and were given the surname "Li", which was the ancestor of the Western Xia royal family.

Until the early Northern Song Dynasty, the Dangxiang clan had gained a firm foothold in the northwest region, and at this time, the leader of the Dangxiang clan, Li Jiqian, was the grandfather of Li Yuanhao in Western Xia. Li Jiqian was eventually killed by an arrow in the war with the Tubo people, and the leadership of the party passed to his son Li Deming.

A generation of tyrants Li Yuanhao, the establishment of the Western Xia, but why killed his wife and killed his son was spurned by the world for three generations of cultivation established the longest ethnic minority regime Xiao Yong good war to control the Hexi Corridor, and finally called the emperor suspicious of the mother to kill his wife and kill his son, slaughtered the mother's family lustful and greedy, and occupied the daughter-in-law and was killed by the son

Party male

Li Deming pursued the policy of "uniting with the Liao and the Song Dynasty", allied with the Great Liao, exchanged trade names with the Great Song, and carried out trade exchanges. Soon this policy of cultivation and recuperation made the party and the people richer. In September of the third year of Xiangfu, Li Deming was named "King of Western Xia" by the Liao Dynasty. The road to imperial power of the Li family's father and son has also begun.

A generation of tyrants Li Yuanhao, the establishment of the Western Xia, but why killed his wife and killed his son was spurned by the world for three generations of cultivation established the longest ethnic minority regime Xiao Yong good war to control the Hexi Corridor, and finally called the emperor suspicious of the mother to kill his wife and kill his son, slaughtered the mother's family lustful and greedy, and occupied the daughter-in-law and was killed by the son

Western Xia

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Xiao Yong was good at controlling the Hexi Corridor, and finally called the emperor emperor</h1>

In the sixth year of Tiansheng, Li Yuanhao was ordered to attack Ganzhou (Zhangye, Gansu), and then attacked Xiliang (Wuwei, Gansu) from the east and west, and took Guazhou (Anxi, Gansu). Soon after Li Deming's death, Daliao crowned Li Yuanhao as the King of Western Xia, but his ambitions were no longer just that of a vassal.

Beginning in the first year of the Ming Dynasty, Li Yuanhao led his army to capture Hehuang, Uighur, Lanzhou, Shazhou, Suzhou and other places, and completely controlled the Hexi Corridor. He also implemented a series of new policies under his rule, first abolishing his "Li" surname, changing his surname to "Song MingShi", and changing his name to XiaoXiao (曩霄) and "Wu Gong".

"Wu Pawn" is Qing Tianzi, which is different from the Central Plains Emperor "Huang Tianzi".

A generation of tyrants Li Yuanhao, the establishment of the Western Xia, but why killed his wife and killed his son was spurned by the world for three generations of cultivation established the longest ethnic minority regime Xiao Yong good war to control the Hexi Corridor, and finally called the emperor suspicious of the mother to kill his wife and kill his son, slaughtered the mother's family lustful and greedy, and occupied the daughter-in-law and was killed by the son

Li Yuanhao

Subsequently, a "balding order" was issued, and within three days all the party members must shave the top of their heads and wear heavy rings on their ears. If there is any disobedience, there is no forgiveness. At the same time, the ministers were also dressed according to their ranks, and ordinary people were only allowed to wear turquoise clothes to distinguish between the noble and the lowly.

At the same time, he also personally planned and presided over the creation of the Western Xia script, and simplified the ritual music system of the Tang and Song dynasties, imitating the official system of the Song Dynasty to establish a set of central and local official systems that were similar to those of the Song Dynasty. Heavy troops were also placed in the Hexi Corridor area to strengthen their rule.

A generation of tyrants Li Yuanhao, the establishment of the Western Xia, but why killed his wife and killed his son was spurned by the world for three generations of cultivation established the longest ethnic minority regime Xiao Yong good war to control the Hexi Corridor, and finally called the emperor suspicious of the mother to kill his wife and kill his son, slaughtered the mother's family lustful and greedy, and occupied the daughter-in-law and was killed by the son

Less than six years after succeeding to the throne, Li Yuanhao made a series of reforms to prepare for the founding of the country. Finally, on October 11, 1038, Li Yuanhao built an altar in the southern suburbs of Yinchuan to worship the heavens, and ascended the throne as emperor, with the national name "Great Xia". At the same time, he sent people to send the national letter of his founding and claiming the title of emperor to the emperors of The Liao and Song dynasties.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > suspicious mother kills wife and son, slaughters the mother's family</h1>

Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, Li Yuanhao could be described as brave and good at war, resourceful. However, after ascending to the throne, he became violent, suspicious, and murderous. It is said that he ordered the construction of three hundred and sixty mausoleums for himself as tombs of doubt, and then killed all the laborers for the sake of secrecy.

Li Yuanhao's mother, Wei Mushi, was born into the Dangxiang clan. During the Li Deming period, Wei Mushi's younger brother Wei Mushan Xiguan held a high position and was a powerful figure in the dynasty. Wei Mushi married his niece to his son Li Yuanhao, and Wei Mushi seemed to have become a large family above ten thousand people under one person.

A generation of tyrants Li Yuanhao, the establishment of the Western Xia, but why killed his wife and killed his son was spurned by the world for three generations of cultivation established the longest ethnic minority regime Xiao Yong good war to control the Hexi Corridor, and finally called the emperor suspicious of the mother to kill his wife and kill his son, slaughtered the mother's family lustful and greedy, and occupied the daughter-in-law and was killed by the son

Descendants of the Western Xia

After Li Deming's death, Li Yuanhao showed unusual ambition and endless desire. In order to eliminate dissidents and prevent foreign relatives from usurping power and seizing the throne, he implemented a policy of "harsh killing." It greatly damaged the interests of the Wei Mu clan, and eventually led to the uncle Wei Mushanxi's intention to usurp the throne.

However, before Wei Mushanxi could act, Li Yuanhao sent someone to surround Wei Muxi's mansion and finally killed all the old and young wei Mushanxi's family. Not only that, Li Yuanhao also took the opportunity to uproot the Wei Mu family and drive all the Wei Mu people to the Yellow River and drown them all.

"Yuan Hao was established, and he honored The Mu clan as the empress dowager. His clan member Shan Xi murdered Yuan Hao, Shi Jue, Yuan Hao Shen Shan Xi Clan Yu He. ”

A generation of tyrants Li Yuanhao, the establishment of the Western Xia, but why killed his wife and killed his son was spurned by the world for three generations of cultivation established the longest ethnic minority regime Xiao Yong good war to control the Hexi Corridor, and finally called the emperor suspicious of the mother to kill his wife and kill his son, slaughtered the mother's family lustful and greedy, and occupied the daughter-in-law and was killed by the son

If the slaughter of the Wei Mu family is a need for rule, Li Yuanhao's next behavior shows his cold-blooded and ruthless side. As the empress dowager of the Wei Mu clan, she was naturally dissatisfied with what her son had done. However, his mother's intercession inspired Li Yuanhao's ferocity.

He personally brought the poisonous wine to his mother and said to her, "Wei Mu's sins are heinous, and it is difficult for the law of the land to tolerate the mother and queen, and forgive the children and subjects who cannot fulfill their filial piety." Subsequently, it was announced that Empress Dowager Wei Mushi suddenly fell seriously ill and died. Use such extreme means to strengthen the stability of the rule.

In addition, there is one person in the Wei Mu family who lives in the world, that is, the Concubine of the Wei Mu clan who married Li Yuanhao in the early years, his cousin. However, he did not kill her, not because Li Yuanhao's conscience found out, but because At this time, Wei Mufei was pregnant with Liujia, so Li Yuanhao locked her up in the deep palace.

A generation of tyrants Li Yuanhao, the establishment of the Western Xia, but why killed his wife and killed his son was spurned by the world for three generations of cultivation established the longest ethnic minority regime Xiao Yong good war to control the Hexi Corridor, and finally called the emperor suspicious of the mother to kill his wife and kill his son, slaughtered the mother's family lustful and greedy, and occupied the daughter-in-law and was killed by the son

Western Xia maid

After Princess Wei Mufei gave birth to a crown prince, Empress Ye Lishi blew a wind around Li Yuanhao, saying that Wei Mufei's son did not look like Li Yuanhao. Yuan Hao was furious and ordered that Wei Mufei and his son be executed together. At this point, Li Yuanhao killed his uncle and mother, killed his wife and killed his son, and there was no longer a Wei Mu family in the world.

Kill Concubine Wei Mushi. Wei Mu, the daughter of Yuan Hao's uncle, was a young orphan and was raised by Empress Huici. When he was later killed, the clan rebuked Yuan Hao with great righteousness, and Yuan Hao did his best to rebuke his clan, because the clan was pregnant, and the Palace of Youzhi was different. and gave birth to a son, the Ye Li clan said that his appearance was similar to others, Yuan Hao was angry, and the son killed him.

A generation of tyrants Li Yuanhao, the establishment of the Western Xia, but why killed his wife and killed his son was spurned by the world for three generations of cultivation established the longest ethnic minority regime Xiao Yong good war to control the Hexi Corridor, and finally called the emperor suspicious of the mother to kill his wife and kill his son, slaughtered the mother's family lustful and greedy, and occupied the daughter-in-law and was killed by the son

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > lustful and greedy, and the daughter-in-law is killed by his son</h1>

In Li Yuanhao's lifetime, there were a total of 6 wives and concubines. Except for one Duros who died early, no one else was able to die well. He had three sons, the eldest son died of qigong addiction, and the second son Li Ninglingge was made crown prince.

When the prince became an adult, he was betrothed to the Wushi clan, but when Li Yuanhao saw the young and beautiful Wushi clan during a horse ride, he immediately put it into the account. As a son, Li Ningling brother did not dare to say anything, and could only swallow his anger.

A generation of tyrants Li Yuanhao, the establishment of the Western Xia, but why killed his wife and killed his son was spurned by the world for three generations of cultivation established the longest ethnic minority regime Xiao Yong good war to control the Hexi Corridor, and finally called the emperor suspicious of the mother to kill his wife and kill his son, slaughtered the mother's family lustful and greedy, and occupied the daughter-in-law and was killed by the son

Tombs of the Western Xia Kings

After marrying the Wushi clan, Li Yuanhao decided to abolish the empressship of the prince's mother, the Yeli clan, and made the wushi empress, and executed the family of the prince's uncle. The Nori clan here is the one who blew the wind in the ear before, and it can really be said that the bad guys have their own bad guys grinding.

Soon after, Li Yuanhao planned to depose Li Ningling's brother as crown prince and create another prince. At this time, the prince could not sit still, and at the instigation of others, Li Ningling's brother and his cousin Ye Lilanglie broke into the harem with a knife. During the fight, Li Yuanhao's nose was cut off by his son and he died in the palace that night.

A generation of tyrants Li Yuanhao, the establishment of the Western Xia, but why killed his wife and killed his son was spurned by the world for three generations of cultivation established the longest ethnic minority regime Xiao Yong good war to control the Hexi Corridor, and finally called the emperor suspicious of the mother to kill his wife and kill his son, slaughtered the mother's family lustful and greedy, and occupied the daughter-in-law and was killed by the son

In order to strengthen his rule and tell the world that he would do whatever it took for the sake of imperial power, Li Yuanhao personally brought the poisonous wine to his mother.

However, karma paid off, and a few years later he himself fell under his son's sword.

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