
Invite you to participate! The third "Qin Women's Micro-video Popularization Competition" was launched
Invite you to participate! The third "Qin Women's Micro-video Popularization Competition" was launched

"Yongjiaxin Zhou Qibang (Xixian) Cup" the "Second Qin Women's Douyin Popularization Competition" award ceremony.

Western Network News (reporter Ma Qingru) today (April 16), jointly organized by the Provincial Women's Federation, the Provincial Political and Legal Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, and the Provincial Department of Justice, the award ceremony of the second Qin Women's Douyin Popularization Competition was held in Xi'an, and the award ceremony of the second Qin Women's Douyin Popularization Contest was held in Xi'an, and the event site awarded the works that won the first, second and third prizes, the Excellent Organization Award and the Best Popularity Award, and announced the launch of the third "Qin Women's Law Popularization Micro Video Competition".

Invite you to participate! The third "Qin Women's Micro-video Popularization Competition" was launched

Lin Haijun, vice chairman of the Provincial Women's Federation, said in his speech that since 2019, the Provincial Women's Federation has used the "Douyin" short video image, vivid, interesting and three-dimensional expression to innovate and create the "Qin Women's Douyin Popularization of Law" brand, deepen the publicity of legal popularization, break the geographical, time and space restrictions, let legal knowledge approach the women masses, serve the women masses, and let female netizens improve their rule of law literacy.

"We insisted on exhibiting while competing, and played the douyin popularization works on the new media matrix of the provincial women's federation system and on the big screen of more than 70 women's and children's rights protection service centers in the province, and also concentrated on the production of a number of excellent works CDs." Lin Haijun said that in the next step, they will successively launch village (community) women's and children's homes, comprehensive management centers, etc., online and offline three-dimensional force, and constantly set off a new upsurge in women and family study and use of law.

Invite you to participate! The third "Qin Women's Micro-video Popularization Competition" was launched

Awards were presented on the spot for the winning works.

The reporter learned that the "Qin Women's Douyin Popularization of Law Competition" activity has been held for two consecutive sessions, the first competition has more than 1 million views during the 20-day exhibition and broadcast, and the second competition has nearly 1.5 million views during the 10-day exhibition and broadcast period, which has led to a group of "good netizens" and founded "How Sister He Sees", "Song Yanli Popularization Of Law Videos", "Baoji Tianwen Lawyers", "Ling Xiao Baodian" and other high-yield personal accounts for popularizing the law, and short videos are gradually becoming the action consciousness of legal popularization volunteers.

Invite you to participate! The third "Qin Women's Micro-video Popularization Competition" was launched

It is reported that the second competition attracted the active participation of women's federations, public security, courts, procuratorates, judicial departments, lawyers and other departments and social organizations at all levels in the province, and received more than 150 works, covering the marriage and family chapter of the Civil Code, the inheritance article and the "Anti-Domestic Violence Law", as well as equal employment, workplace sexual harassment prevention, child sexual assault prevention and anti-drug and other legal knowledge related to women and family life, after a 10-day online voting, the best popularity award was selected. There are 30 award-winning works such as the Excellent Organization Award and the First, Second, and Third Prizes, and 40 works have been awarded the Excellent Work Award.