
A list of dioceses of schools in New Taipei is attached | A "close contact" took place in five New Taipei primary and secondary schools...

author:Propaganda Department of Changzhou Xinbei District

It's an attitude

In order to strengthen the communication between the school and parents and the community, smooth the connection between kindergarten, primary and secondary school education in the school district, widely publicize the compulsory education enrollment policy, and let the "school at the doorstep" bloom wonderfully, a few days ago, the five primary and secondary schools in the New North District ushered in a group of new guests, and they came to a "close contact" with the school at the doorstep!


New Taipei District Xinqiao Junior High School

A list of dioceses of schools in New Taipei is attached | A "close contact" took place in five New Taipei primary and secondary schools...

Xinqiao Junior High School demonstrated the advanced hardware conditions of the school for the invited guests, and introduced the school's characteristic soft culture construction in detail.

The school carefully prepared five theme exhibition boards in the hall, square, cultural corridor and other places of the Rixin Building, respectively, introduced the school development and school running philosophy, and showed the "famous teachers and excellent teachers", "colorful moral education activities", "efficient benevolent and intellectual courses", "baseball and softball art" and other special projects; each theme was carefully explained by the student representatives for the guests. Parents came to the school early, stopped in front of the various exhibition boards to watch carefully, and got a close understanding of their children's life, learning situation and teachers in school. The wonderful display activities allowed the guests to feel the unique style of Shimbashi Junior High School.

A list of dioceses of schools in New Taipei is attached | A "close contact" took place in five New Taipei primary and secondary schools...

The school carried out the theme activity of "School at the Doorstep" in the multi-functional lecture hall.

Under the leadership of President Xuan Yapo, the climax of this activity was ushered in. President Xuan Yapo gave a speech on the school's school philosophy, school running characteristics, and school performance, and showed parents an excellent junior high school with advanced equipment, strong teachers, scientific curriculum, rich educational achievements, and positive reform and innovation. At the same time, President Xuan also rationally shared some of his views on school choice. He believes that physical and mental health is more important than the grades themselves, competition is a double-edged sword, there must be a correct concept of talent; choose a "school at the doorstep", students and parents have more opportunities to communicate, teaching methods are more suitable for students, and students are therefore more confident and sunny. Principal Xuan's speech was lofty, profound in thought and rich in connotation, and won the applause of parents.

A list of dioceses of schools in New Taipei is attached | A "close contact" took place in five New Taipei primary and secondary schools...

Representatives of outstanding graduates and parents spoke separately. The two student representatives, Yang Jie and Chao Li Nan, are both students in the provincial chang middle school. Starting from their personal experiences, they shared their three-year learning experience at Shimbashi Junior High School, recalled the activities they participated in and the opportunities they had received, expressed their sincere gratitude to their alma mater and teachers, and expressed their absolute trust and sincere expectations for Shimbashi Junior High School.

A list of dioceses of schools in New Taipei is attached | A "close contact" took place in five New Taipei primary and secondary schools...

The father of Zhang Zixin, a seventh-class student, shared his reasons for choosing Xinqiao Junior High School as a parent representative. He believes that compared with private junior high schools, the teachers of public junior high schools are more excellent; The pressure of Xinqiao Junior High School is less, which is more suitable for the development of children's physical and mental health, and gives children more opportunities for growth and exercise. The parents present listened attentively and took it for granted.


New Taipei District Anjia Middle School

A list of dioceses of schools in New Taipei is attached | A "close contact" took place in five New Taipei primary and secondary schools...

Anjia Middle School also carefully prepared a fourteen-year-old youth ceremony with the theme of "Youth Blooms Like a Flower". The activity is divided into four chapters: Sail Youth, Youth Style, Determined Youth, and Youth Souvenir. The whole event is arranged in an orderly manner with a sense of solemn ceremony. The "Awards Song" kicked off cheerfully, and all the eighth grade students lined up in shifts to enter the bright "Door of Youth" with full spirit and vigor, and collectively accepted the youth message of the parents' letter.

A list of dioceses of schools in New Taipei is attached | A "close contact" took place in five New Taipei primary and secondary schools...

Formally stepping over the door of youth, in the happy and memorable background music "Youth Commemorative Book", the class teacher sent flowers and gifts and blessings to parents and students, student representatives recited "Written to Ten Years of Self", parent representatives described their ardent expectations for their children, hoping that all students would grasp youth, let go of their dreams, forge ahead, and move forward bravely!

A list of dioceses of schools in New Taipei is attached | A "close contact" took place in five New Taipei primary and secondary schools...

During the ceremony, President Feng Xiaoqiang delivered an affectionate speech and put forward earnest hopes for the students. I hope that the students will aspire to be a civilized person, a grateful person, and a person with a sense of responsibility. Encourage students to base themselves on the present and practice regret-free youth with practical actions! At the same time, President Feng also publicized the school's "family culture" concept, school running characteristics, school running results, introduced the school's advanced education and teaching equipment, so that parents who came to participate in the activities had a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the school at their doorstep.

A list of dioceses of schools in New Taipei is attached | A "close contact" took place in five New Taipei primary and secondary schools...

Finally, all the students of the eighth grade sent their youth vows and blessings, and the loud slogans and Zhengzheng oaths infected everyone on the scene, and the students experienced a spiritual baptism and deeply felt that "I have grown up". The event ended in a warm atmosphere.


New North District Polder Middle School

A list of dioceses of schools in New Taipei is attached | A "close contact" took place in five New Taipei primary and secondary schools...

Teachers and students in the polder also arrived early, and busy figures appeared on campus. After check-in, the students lined up with parents to visit the campus environment with great interest, admire the campus culture and characteristic achievements displayed on the display board, and listen to the explanations of the student explainers.

A list of dioceses of schools in New Taipei is attached | A "close contact" took place in five New Taipei primary and secondary schools...

Subsequently, under the leadership of the leading teachers, parents and students visited the school's Shangde Building, Wenyuan Building, Playground, Fitness Equipment Area, Love Green Plant Greenhouse Planting Base, Canteen, Truth Seeking Building and our red education base - Sixian Building. Finally, parents and students walked into the school's special classroom together, observed and experienced the school's football, model aircraft, painting, chorus, guzheng, happy English, computer production and other club classes, and learned about the school's curriculum culture.

A list of dioceses of schools in New Taipei is attached | A "close contact" took place in five New Taipei primary and secondary schools...

The display of the club class at Weitang Middle School made the parents and students linger and marvel. The teacher who led the tour explained to each student's parents, led them to an orderly tour of the school's environmental facilities, and each team was also equipped with two volunteer team members to provide thoughtful service as much as possible. Young reporters from the fifth grade of Weitang Central Primary School also shuttled through the crowd, asking one question after another to parents and teachers.

A list of dioceses of schools in New Taipei is attached | A "close contact" took place in five New Taipei primary and secondary schools...

After the visit was over, all parents and students went to the conference hall on the second floor of the canteen, and the assembly kicked off with the eighth grade students' recitation of "Hymn to the Polder".

A list of dioceses of schools in New Taipei is attached | A "close contact" took place in five New Taipei primary and secondary schools...

Principal Xu Ping passionately gave a keynote report entitled "Education with Stories, Running a School with Temperature" to parents on the school's philosophy, school running characteristics, development direction, teaching achievements, characteristic courses and other aspects. Peng Tao, a representative of the school's outstanding graduates and deputy director of the Zhonglou District Bureau of Statistics, also came to the venue to share their reasons for choosing Weizhong and the three years of good time they spent here.

A list of dioceses of schools in New Taipei is attached | A "close contact" took place in five New Taipei primary and secondary schools...

Subsequently, Ms. Liu Hua, the representative parent of the outstanding graduates, told everyone about her three years of companionship and three years of growth with her children in the big family of Weizhong. Thanks to the teachers for giving their children companionship and encouragement, each homework has the teacher's comments and parents' signatures and responses; the teachers of each subject are strict and loving, strict requirements during class, pay attention to details; and also care for teachers and friends in life.


Taishan Primary School in New Taipei District

A list of dioceses of schools in New Taipei is attached | A "close contact" took place in five New Taipei primary and secondary schools...

First of all, Vice President Zou Yi made a wonderful and detailed exposition on the school's school philosophy, school running objectives, curriculum teaching, activity development, team building, and achievements, followed by the outstanding graduate representative Gao Ming Yaqian and the outstanding parent representative Lin Cheng's father combined his own experience and made a wonderful speech.

A list of dioceses of schools in New Taipei is attached | A "close contact" took place in five New Taipei primary and secondary schools...

Immediately after, the members of the etiquette department "came on"! They carried red ribbons and pinned "little bees" to their ears, and played the role of "little tour guides" in a spirited and capable way, leading parents to visit the various scenes of the school in turn and introduce them one by one.

A list of dioceses of schools in New Taipei is attached | A "close contact" took place in five New Taipei primary and secondary schools...

Along the way, parents have talked and laughed, especially in the villain library, library, cloud TV station, "Sunshine Heart Education" school course, baking course, "Goldfinger" school course, etc., from time to time to the "little tour guide", teachers consulted, Thai primary school teachers and students are also very enthusiastic to answer the questions they raised.

A list of dioceses of schools in New Taipei is attached | A "close contact" took place in five New Taipei primary and secondary schools...

At the same time, Vice President Zou Yi and school administrators patiently answered the admission conditions for new students this year (such as school district distribution, real estate, household registration, enrollment preparation, etc.), so as to relieve the doubts and eliminate doubts of parents in need.

A list of dioceses of schools in New Taipei is attached | A "close contact" took place in five New Taipei primary and secondary schools...

The whole process of the campus open day was orderly, and the parents kept walking, watching, listening, showing a satisfied smile, and expressing their deep satisfaction and appreciation for the school's beautiful campus environment, perfect facilities and equipment, rich campus activities, and harmonious campus atmosphere.


New Taipei District Baicaoyuan Primary School

A list of dioceses of schools in New Taipei is attached | A "close contact" took place in five New Taipei primary and secondary schools...

First of all, parents gathered in the lecture hall and approached Baicao Garden through the report of Principal Zhang Hongmei.

A list of dioceses of schools in New Taipei is attached | A "close contact" took place in five New Taipei primary and secondary schools...

Through the special report, President Zhang introduced the school's running situation to parents and friends, as well as the vision of creating a new future together. With ten years of endeavor, Baicaoyuan Primary School has realized the transformation and development from a supporting primary school in a new village to a "new high-quality school" in Changzhou.

Ten years of progress, the school has always been driving on the fast track of rapid and high-quality development of education, three years after its establishment, it has become a high-quality school in Changzhou, in 2009 it took the lead in becoming the first batch of teaching bases for idiom learning and practice of changzhou idiom culture research association, and in 2018 it became a "new quality school" in Changzhou.

In the process of accumulating and advancing day by day, we have continuously improved the connotation of running a school, nurtured the school culture, condensed the characteristics of the school, the teaching team is excellent, the scale of the school is becoming increasingly stable, the campus planning layout is reasonable, the environment is beautiful and clean, the modern facilities are well equipped, and strive to become a wonderful school at the doorstep of the people.

A list of dioceses of schools in New Taipei is attached | A "close contact" took place in five New Taipei primary and secondary schools...

In the eyes of the children, Baicao Garden is a garden of happiness, exploration and dream, they grow together in the classroom and move forward with their dreams in the activities. Over the years, the school has spared no effort to build various growth platforms for children, and has also cultivated a batch of students. Several outstanding student representatives also sent videos to share the beautiful childhood spent in Baicao Garden with parents and friends. Although several students have been promoted to a higher-level institution, they cannot forget the bits and pieces of their study and life in the Hundred Grass Garden, and they cannot forget the nourishment given by the Hundred Grass Garden.

A list of dioceses of schools in New Taipei is attached | A "close contact" took place in five New Taipei primary and secondary schools...

Parents are common witnesses to the development of the school. At the event, Mama Lu of Class 5 (1) shared with everyone as a parent representative. Five years ago, like everyone else, she walked into this grassy and flowery campus for the first time as a parent of a kindergarten, which shows cultural characteristics everywhere. I clearly remember that at that time, she was both happy and anxious, happy that the child grew up and went to school, and wondered if the child could adapt to the new primary school life, and whether the Baicao Garden could let the child get all-round development. In the past five years, she has seen the child's jointed growth and has no regrets about the original choice.

A list of dioceses of schools in New Taipei is attached | A "close contact" took place in five New Taipei primary and secondary schools...

Baicao Garden is a place full of infinite possibilities, and every child should have their own color. Therefore, through a rich curriculum and colorful activities, the school stimulates every child's interest in learning and promotes them to spend six years of good childhood with high quality. Then, the parents came to the "Happiness Park" to observe and experience the children's rich club activities.

A list of dioceses of schools in New Taipei is attached | A "close contact" took place in five New Taipei primary and secondary schools...

This Open House provides parents who are about to enter primary school with a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the school at their doorstep. "I didn't expect that the primary school in front of my door would be so colorful!" Parents expressed their feelings after participating in the open house activities.

Attached: List of schools in the compulsory education stage of the New North District

A list of dioceses of schools in New Taipei is attached | A "close contact" took place in five New Taipei primary and secondary schools...
A list of dioceses of schools in New Taipei is attached | A "close contact" took place in five New Taipei primary and secondary schools...

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