
Dip winter dates in Ningxia

author:Agricultural Sciences Gather 888

Winter jujube has been a royal tribute since ancient times, originating from Xiawa Town, Zhanhua County, Shandong Province, and has a cultivation history of thousands of years so far, and is one of the rare jujube tree varieties at home and abroad. Its characteristics are: large fruit, thin skin, small core, juicy, tender and crispy meat, sweet and fragrant, edible rate of up to 95%.

According to the data, in addition to containing 19 kinds of essential amino acids such as aspartic acid and threonine, the fruit of winter jujube is also rich in calcium, iron, zinc and other mineral elements; among them, the content of vitamin C in the pulp of each 100 grams of dried fruit is 408mg, compared with other fruits, the content of vitamin C is 70 times that of apples, 140 times that of pears, and the nutritional value is "the crown of hundred fruits". Therefore, it is favored by the majority of consumers.

In 2011, we introduced the dipped winter jujube into Ningxia and planted it in the greenhouse of the Sunjiatan National Agricultural Science and Technology Park in Wuzhong City, and demonstrated the early fruit and early cultivation of young jujube trees. The growth results are impressive–the adaptability, fertility, disease resistance and taste quality are beyond everyone's expectations. As large as an egg, it is crisp and sweet with an endless aftertaste, and the content of soluble solids has been determined to be as high as 25.5%. Favored by consumers.

Dip winter dates in Ningxia
Dip winter dates in Ningxia

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