
The dust of Lang Ping's appointment has settled, and An Jiajie and Wang Baoquan have clearly stated that Cai Bin is more suitable for succession

author:Ashin chats about the ball

Lang Ping's new position as the captain of the women's volleyball team has finally settled, and An Jiajie and Wang Baoquan have also made a clear statement. In addition, including Cai Bin and Lai Yawen, the two partners together to take over the position of the manager of the women's volleyball team is the most appropriate, why in the end?

The dust of Lang Ping's appointment has settled, and An Jiajie and Wang Baoquan have clearly stated that Cai Bin is more suitable for succession

The first is Lang Ping, whose new position is officially released, and she is also the vice president of our women's volleyball association. In addition, she also served as the director of Beijing Normal University, that is, the sports center, and her new position has been decided with Lang Ping. So Lang Ping next, she will put all her time and energy into her new position, and will no longer come back as the head coach of the women's volleyball team. In the past, although Lang Ping led the women's volleyball team, the Tokyo game failed, and after that, she was criticized by Zhang Ran, a titan including the women's volleyball team, and was also questioned by many fans.

The dust of Lang Ping's appointment has settled, and An Jiajie and Wang Baoquan have clearly stated that Cai Bin is more suitable for succession

But then, in fact, including the People's Daily, as well as the Volleyball Association, came out and clearly talked about the recognition of Lang Ping, her past merits and honors. There is no need for us to continue to take the past to heart. Now Lang Ping has also made it very clear that she has also made it very clear that she will no longer come back to coach the team of the women's volleyball team. Now that the new positions have been fixed, she will no longer be the head coach of the women's volleyball team in the next one to two years. Next, Lang Ping withdrew, who will take over the position of women's volleyball coach? Nowadays, there are two important candidates who have made a statement, namely Wang Baoquan and An Jiajie. Among them, Wang Baoquan said very clearly that he will no longer run for the position of women's volleyball head coach.

The dust of Lang Ping's appointment has settled, and An Jiajie and Wang Baoquan have clearly stated that Cai Bin is more suitable for succession

And Wang Baoquan he also has a decision, but also very firm in his choice, because Wang Baoquan b he is signed with the Tianjin women's volleyball team, the next year's competition he will focus on the volleyball league and Tianjin women's volleyball team, continue to compete for the championship of the game. In addition, there is An Jiajie, An Jiajie, who has basically followed Lang Ping for the past 8-9 years, and An Jiajie has also given a lot of advice. Regarding his tactical playing style and strategic arrangement, the personnel arrangement is all one-handed, but An Jiajie also clearly mentioned: with his current strength and experience, he does not have the strength to replace Lang Ping's position. In fact, his own confidence and strength have not yet reached this level.

The dust of Lang Ping's appointment has settled, and An Jiajie and Wang Baoquan have clearly stated that Cai Bin is more suitable for succession

An Jiajie also explicitly rejected this request, saying that the two coaches of An Jiajie Wang Baoquan did not run for the new position of women's volleyball coach. And now the remaining Cai Bin and Lai Yawen, these two managers to run for the next coach. When we talk about it again, there are actually other coaches to choose from, including Feng Kun, Chen Zhonghe and others. But have you found that Chen Zhonghe is now 64 years old, and although he has this heart to go out of the mountains with the women's volleyball team, his physical age and physical fitness are not very allowed.

The dust of Lang Ping's appointment has settled, and An Jiajie and Wang Baoquan have clearly stated that Cai Bin is more suitable for succession

And sometimes I have to go abroad to play games, and I can't eat it physically. In addition, including Feng Kun and other head coaches, although they also have this competitiveness, but compared to Cai Bin and Lai Yawen, there is still a certain gap. Therefore, with Lang Ping, she determined a new position and no longer served as the manager of the women's volleyball team, and including Wang Baoquan An Jiajie did not go to the election.

The dust of Lang Ping's appointment has settled, and An Jiajie and Wang Baoquan have clearly stated that Cai Bin is more suitable for succession

At present, the most reasonable arrangement is: let Cai Bin serve as the head coach, and then let Lai Yawen serve as Cai Bin's assistant coach, the two come together to partner, and then with the strength of the two combined, in fact, they still have the strength to impact the champion of the World Series and to catch up with Lang Ping, the honor she has created. Cai Bin he has the actual combat ability, but also has a certain amount of experience, Lai Yawen followed Lang Ping for many years to accumulate a lot of experience in playing, Lai Yawen assisted Cai Bin, Cai Bin as the head coach, this is the most reasonable arrangement.

The dust of Lang Ping's appointment has settled, and An Jiajie and Wang Baoquan have clearly stated that Cai Bin is more suitable for succession

This can also lead the women's volleyball team to usher in the rise again, stand up again, and impact the championship honor of the World Series, do you agree with this arrangement and arrangement? That is, Cai Bin served as the head coach and Lai Yawen served as the assistant coach.

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