
terrible! 14 middle school students in Chengdu "Xueba" jointly wrote the "Shared Middle School Entrance Examination"

author:Chengdu Evening News
terrible! 14 middle school students in Chengdu "Xueba" jointly wrote the "Shared Middle School Entrance Examination"

Writing knowledge points in martial arts novels Chemistry teaching aids are divided into men and women

"Shared" items such as shared bicycles, shared charging treasures, and shared umbrellas have become a new way of life at present, however, in the 5th class of Chengdu Seventh Middle School, the most famous sharing thing is the 5 volumes of "Shared Examination" textbook compiled by Yan Zuhuai and 14 other students. Today, the Chengdu Evening News reporter contacted the main creator of this set of tutoring books - Yan Zuhuai, a student of the 5th class of the first class of the Chengdu Seven Middle School Shade Campus. "After taking the middle school entrance examination in June this year, I wanted to share the experience of the middle school entrance examination with my classmates and students, and at the same time, make the previous boring teaching aids more vivid in a way that they liked and were easy to accept." Yan Zuhuai told reporters that a few days ago, the "Shared Examination" crowdfunding project was easily raised online. "We are raising the cost of printing the third edition, and the target is 5,000 yuan. We want more students to indulge in "Shared Middle School Entrance Examination" as they are addicted to martial arts novels. ”

terrible! 14 middle school students in Chengdu "Xueba" jointly wrote the "Shared Middle School Entrance Examination"

Different junior high school graduation summary: after the middle school exam, write teaching aids with classmates

Yan Zuhuai, the main creator of "Shared Middle School Entrance Examination", is a famous "student bully" of Chengdu High-tech Peace School in Sichuan.

In the middle school examination in June this year, the 15-year-old was admitted to the Chengdu Seventh Middle School Boulevard Campus with the first place in the overall ranking of the whole school.

"When I summarized my three years of junior high school after the middle school entrance examination, I thought that I usually bought a lot of teaching and auxiliary materials, but I really read very little." Yan Zuhuai told the Chengdu Evening News reporter that almost all the teaching aids sold on the market are from the perspective of teachers or experts, listing a variety of examination points, but after experiencing the middle school examination, he found that not every examination point is tested, and the books of these teaching aids are single in form, cumbersome in content, and the interest of many students is not very strong.

terrible! 14 middle school students in Chengdu "Xueba" jointly wrote the "Shared Middle School Entrance Examination"

"I want to share my experience with my students, and at the same time, I want to use the way they like and are easy to accept." After Yan Zuhuai told his family, teachers and classmates about his ideas, he was unanimously approved by them. After discussing with a few students about writing teaching aids, we officially began to write the "Shared Middle School Entrance Examination" on July 22. Yan Zuhuai told reporters that with his own, a total of 14 students participated in the preparation of teaching aids.

In order to meet the review needs of students at all levels, among the 14 students who participated in the compilation of teaching aids, in addition to 6 students of "479", the other 8 students came from Yulin Middle School and other schools. Yan Zuhuai said, "There are 5 subjects in the "Shared Secondary School Entrance Examination", namely Chinese, Mathematics, English, Physics and Chemistry. Yan Zuhuai told the Chengdu Evening News reporter that after everyone's unremitting efforts, at the end of August, a set of 5 volumes of "Shared Middle School Examination" was compiled into a book." At present, we are still constantly optimizing the cover design and teaching aids, and the third edition of the tentative 2500 sets of teaching aids is expected to meet with you at the end of December this year. ”

Each of the 5 subjects has its own style Chemistry teaching aids are divided into male and female chapters

So, what does the freshly baked "Shared Examination" look like? What are the characteristics of the teaching and auxiliary of each subject? "The language teaching aid is a dark green cover, and the title of the book is 'Wen Tan'.

There are five chapters in the book, each of which corresponds to the various topics of the middle exam paper: the first chapter corresponds to the special topic of A volume of literature and speech, the second chapter corresponds to the topic of poetry in volume A, the third chapter corresponds to the topic of reading famous works in volume B, the fourth chapter corresponds to the topic of composition in volume A, and the fifth chapter corresponds to the topic of modern literature in volume B. Yan Zuhuai told the Chengdu Evening News reporter that these 5 chapters contain 100 points out of 150 points in the total score of A and B volumes, and these parts should minimize the loss of points if the language single subject wants to achieve high scores.

terrible! 14 middle school students in Chengdu "Xueba" jointly wrote the "Shared Middle School Entrance Examination"

"The text and speech part mainly analyzes the key examination texts, and the reading part recommends the names and titles of writers who often appear in the test questions, and lists the character characteristics that often appear in the test center; the sample essays in the composition part come from the excellent articles of members or classmates and friends in the shared middle school examination." Yan Zuhuai said that in the middle school examination reading, the personality of historical figures is often examined, but many students do not like to read famous works, so the typical events and personalities of historical figures are listed in detail in the reading section.

terrible! 14 middle school students in Chengdu "Xueba" jointly wrote the "Shared Middle School Entrance Examination"

"Chemistry teaching aids are divided into girls' and boys' versions. On the cover of the girls' edition there is a comic version of a beautiful girl riding a sweat and blood BMW, with a line on the right side that reads 'Floating Life If Dream Is Gone'. Yan Zuhuai told the Chengdu Evening News reporter that the girls' edition connects each chapter in the form of an ancient literary style, and each chapter is divided into several exploration copies, and the copy is divided into several retrospectives, each of which is named after the title of the ancient literary style; the boys' edition adopts the form of a military novel to connect military operations and chemical examination knowledge points.

terrible! 14 middle school students in Chengdu "Xueba" jointly wrote the "Shared Middle School Entrance Examination"
terrible! 14 middle school students in Chengdu "Xueba" jointly wrote the "Shared Middle School Entrance Examination"

"The title of the book in mathematics teaching aids is 'Mathematics in a Different Dimension.'" Yan Zuhuai said that in order to alleviate the boredom of students when learning mathematics, they deliberately combined interesting and refreshing memes and mathematical knowledge in the teaching aids. "Some of the memes are made by everyone together, some are used on the Internet, and we will find the makers of the memes to ask for their consent before using them."

terrible! 14 middle school students in Chengdu "Xueba" jointly wrote the "Shared Middle School Entrance Examination"
terrible! 14 middle school students in Chengdu "Xueba" jointly wrote the "Shared Middle School Entrance Examination"

"The English teaching aids are called 'English on the Tip of the Tongue.'" Yan Zuhuai told reporters that the title of the book was taken to encourage everyone to speak English, such as jumping out of traditional texts when learning English exclamation sentences, and transforming into how to express their praise for favorite stars in English. In addition, English tongue twisters, American dramas, movies, and high-frequency test points are condensed into the book, so that students can feel fun while learning!

terrible! 14 middle school students in Chengdu "Xueba" jointly wrote the "Shared Middle School Entrance Examination"
terrible! 14 middle school students in Chengdu "Xueba" jointly wrote the "Shared Middle School Entrance Examination"

The physics assistant is not named, and the cover is only a lightning bolt. "There are many parts of the local 9th grade physics in Chengdu that are related to electricity. We integrate many physics test points with life, from theory to practice, from textbooks to life, and truly make it easy to understand. Yan Zuhuai said.

In the eyes of the class teacher, he is smart and capable, and the development is balanced

"When Yan Zuhuai was in the 6th grade, I began to teach him until the third year of junior high school. In the past four years, as the head of the class, in addition to studying well, he also likes to participate in various sports and recreational activities in the school, and is a balanced development student who dares to think and dare to do. As Yan Zuhuai's junior high school class teacher, Teacher Li Zheng of Chengdu High-tech Peace School said that the biggest feature of the teaching assistant of "Shared Middle School Entrance Examination" is novelty, summarizing the middle school examination with student experience, summarizing the test point from the perspective of students, and the language is lively and unique.

She also participated in the approval of the book part, "At the end of August, after the second edition of the book came out, each of their 14 writers invested 500 yuan to print 500 copies, and began to sell them in the circle of friends, three-fifths of which are currently given away, and two-fifths are sold to the Peace School and the students of Chengdu Seventh Middle School, with a total of about 200 copies sold." Li Zheng told the Chengdu Evening News reporter that starting from the experience summary of a middle school candidate, books are of course closer to students, but from the perspective of publishers and teaching and auxiliary materials, the ability and height of generalization may be relatively lacking." Teacher Li said that at first, he thought it was just internal communication materials, but he did not expect that the sales and popularity were very high at present. ”

terrible! 14 middle school students in Chengdu "Xueba" jointly wrote the "Shared Middle School Entrance Examination"

For the price that everyone cares about, Yan Zuhuai told reporters that the 5 volumes contained in the "Shared Examination" are priced at 25 yuan each, and you can buy the whole set or buy the subjects you need separately.

"We are easily raising money to raise the printing cost of the third edition, and the target is 5,000 yuan." Yan Zuhuai said that this is the target quota of more than 500 books, and after the completion of the third edition, they will also contact the publishing house in the fourth stage to see if there is room for cooperation. He also said his ultimate goal is to start a company.

At the end of the interview, Yan Zuhuai reminded all the students that "Shared Examination" is currently only available for consultation and purchase through his WeChat, please be careful to identify other similar channels or accounts, so as not to be deceived.

Chengdu Evening News new media reporter Cao Lu intern Tan Shuai

Image courtesy of respondents

Editor: Hu Jing Responsible Editor: Li Duanyang