
Which animals can still be eaten after a total ban on the wild? Industry calls for "whitelist"

author:Beijing News

The "Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Completely Banning Illegal Wildlife Trade, Eliminating the Bad Habit of Eating Wild Animals, and Effectively Protecting the People's Life, Health and Safety" recently issued by netizens was called the strictest "ban on wild animals" in history. After the promulgation of the "Decision", Beijing, Guangdong, Hubei and other places followed closely behind, and introduced relevant supporting regulations, with unprecedented intensity.

Under the ban on wild animals, there are still some wild animals in the "gray area", which has affected some farmers and made more people wonder what can and cannot be eaten.

The prohibition of eating wild animals is mainly terrestrial animals

The wild animals that are completely banned in this "Decision" are mainly terrestrial wild animals. According to the Wildlife Protection Law and other relevant laws, it mainly refers to wild boar, pangolin, sika deer, roe deer, sparrow, spotted dove, pheasant, wild duck, goose, etc.

Artificially bred wild animals, such as farmed pangolins, sika deer, baby fish, quail, etc., are also not edible.

Aquatic wild animals such as fish are not included in the scope of this ban, and species such as wild yellow croaker and striped fish that people eat every day are basically unaffected. However, if the precious and endangered varieties listed in the national key protection list are also inedible.

Amphibians and reptiles such as turtles and frogs are between terrestrial and aquatic, and have a wide range of breeding and consumption in many parts of the country, and the fasting boundaries of this species have been blurred before. Zhang Xianliang, director of the Fisheries and Fisheries Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, previously said that in order to further define the management of amphibians and reptiles, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, in consultation with the State Forestry and Grassland Administration, will clearly manage amphibians and reptiles included in the "Directory of Aquatic Wild Animals under National Key Protection for Artificial Breeding" and other documents in accordance with aquatic animals. According to this, the vast majority of farmed turtles and turtles, including Chinese turtles and turtles, as well as bullfrogs and American frogs in frogs, can be farmed and eaten.

Some netizens are worried that after banning wild animals, it will cause excessive growth of wild animal populations, damage the environment, and endanger the planting industry. In this regard, Wang Weisheng, deputy director of the Department of Wildlife Conservation of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration, explained that scientific research has confirmed that in a healthy and normal natural ecosystem, the populations of various species will be balanced through the natural regulation of the food chain, and there will be no catastrophic flooding. If the ecological function is affected by humans or is out of balance, this may occur in local areas and can be adjusted by artificial scientific aids.

The "white list" that needs to be improved

The "ban on wild animals" is a temporary decision before the formal revision of the law, and there are problems such as the lack of clarity in the scope of fasting and prohibition during the transition period, and many farmers have been impacted.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs recently added that Chinese turtles, turtles, bullfrogs, etc. are not within the scope of prohibition. However, it is not yet clear whether tiger frogs (voles) can be bred and eaten. A frog farm in Nanning, Guangxi Province, has bred more than 200,000 kilograms of tiger striped frogs, and the owner said that if it is finally determined that it cannot be raised, the tiger striped frog can only be harmlessly treated.

Many insiders suggested that the revised relevant laws should further improve the "white list" of prohibited wilds. Recently, 33 members of the Shanghai CppcC National Committee jointly submitted a proposal, suggesting that Shanghai introduce local regulations prohibiting illegal wildlife trade as soon as possible, and explore the establishment of a blacklist and whitelist system prohibiting the consumption of wild animals.

Zhao Xiang, director of conservation at the Shanshui Nature Conservation Center, said that the "white list" was formulated mainly to clarify which animals are allowed to eat, which can complement the ban on wild animals and avoid "one size fits all" policies. The two work together to make policy implementation more precise. "After the ban on wild animals was introduced, many members of the public were embarrassed about which animals were allowed to be eaten, and the 'white list' can solve this confusion and provide law enforcement judgement basis for law enforcement to avoid wrong penalties."

Zhao Xiang also reminded that from the perspective of public health safety, wild animals included in the "white list" must have complete quarantine procedures and quarantine systems. The artificial breeding of these wild animals cannot have a negative impact on their wild populations. "Species with a large impact on wild populations from captive breeding are not suitable for inclusion on the 'white list.'"

He suggested that the supporting food safety law and animal epidemic prevention law should be revised in a timely manner, and at the same time, the information disclosure in the process of law enforcement should be strengthened to allow the public to participate in supervision.

The reporter learned that the current "China National Inventory of Livestock and Poultry Genetic Resources Protection" was revised by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs in 2014, with a total of 159 livestock and poultry breeds, which played a role in the "white list" to a certain extent, but in the new environment of a total ban on wild animals, the list needs to be updated and improved.

Han Xu, deputy director of the Fisheries and Fisheries Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, previously revealed that the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs is strengthening communication and coordination in accordance with the new requirements decided by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, adjusting and improving the relevant catalogues and supporting regulations, and submitting the Catalogue of Livestock and Poultry Genetic Resources to the State Council for approval as soon as possible for publication.

Many provinces have issued supporting regulations Guangdong has left room for the artificial breeding of wild animals

The reporter combed and found that Beijing, Guangdong, Hubei and other places have issued relevant supporting regulations to strengthen wildlife control.

Among them, Guangdong Province's planning plan leaves a certain space for the artificial breeding of wild animals.

The Regulations on the Protection and Administration of Wild Animals in Guangdong Province (Draft Amendment for Solicitation of Comments) issued on March 9 proposes a total ban on hunting, trading and transporting terrestrial wild animals that naturally grow and reproduce in the wild environment for the purpose of consumption. Violators are fined up to $10,000. At the same time, Guangdong Province plans to formulate a directory of artificially bred wild animals under non-national key protection, and for wild animals and their products included in the list, special labels can be obtained on the basis of proof of legal origin, and sold and used with special labels to ensure traceability. This means that the artificial breeding of future listed wild animals may not be "one size fits all".

Mai Jiaomeng, director of the Guangdong Provincial Market Supervision Bureau, introduced that at present, the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress has launched the revision of the "Guangdong Provincial Wildlife Protection and Management Regulations", hoping to take this as an opportunity to introduce a "white list" of wildlife management as soon as possible through laws and regulations, and clarify the conditions for legal operation of wild animals.

The Beijing Municipal Bureau of Landscaping and Landscaping recently issued 11 work plans to strengthen the protection and management of wild animals, and will promote the revision and improvement of the Beijing Municipal Wildlife Protection Regulations. According to the plan, Beijing will crack down on five types of violations of laws and regulations, including illegal hunting, illegal artificial breeding, and illegal trading. Stop accepting applications for administrative permits for activities such as hunting, selling, purchasing, and using wild animals and their products for the purpose of eating. Conduct a comprehensive verification of the business utilization permit documents and the "Special Logo for the Management of Wild Animals in China", as well as the practitioners who have obtained the artificial breeding permit, withdraw the administrative licensing documents and certificates issued in accordance with law, and cancel or declare them invalid.

The Decision of the Standing Committee of the Hubei Provincial People's Congress on Severely Cracking Down on Illegal Wildlife Trade, Completely Banning the Consumption of Wild Animals, and Effectively Protecting the People's Life, Health and Safety, promulgated on March 5, clearly prohibits the consumption of all terrestrial wild animals, including artificially bred and artificially raised terrestrial wild animals, precious and endangered aquatic wild animals protected by laws and regulations, and other wild animals whose consumption is prohibited by laws and regulations.

Know a little more

National Inventory of Livestock and Poultry Genetic Resources Protection (Edible)

(1) Pigs

Eight-eyebrow pig, Dahua White Pig, Horse Body Pig, Huai Pig, Laiwu Pig, Neijiang Pig, Wujin Pig (Dahe Pig), Wuzhishan Pig, Erhua Face Pig, Meishan Pig, Min Pig, Liangguang Xiaohua Pig (Luchuan Pig), Licha Black Pig, Jinhua Pig, Rongchang Pig, Fragrant Pig, Two Black Pigs in Central China (Shaziling Pig, Tongcheng Pig, Jianli Pig), Qingping Pig, Yunnan Small-eared Pig, Locust Pig, Lantang Pig, Tibetan Pig, Pudong White Pig, Saba Pig, Xiangxi Black Pig, Dapulian Pig, Bama Xiang Pig, Yujiang Pig (Yushan Black Pig), Jiangqu Sea Pig, Guangdong Black Pig, Hanjiang Black Pig , Anqing six white pigs, Putian black pigs, Shengxian flower pigs, Ningxiang pigs, rice pigs, southern Anhui black pigs, Shawutou pigs, Leping pigs, Hainan pigs (Tunchang pigs), Jiaxing black pigs, Daweizi pigs.

(2) Chicken

Big Bone Chicken, White Ear Yellow Chicken, Xianju Chicken, Beijing Oil Chicken, Silk Feather Black Bone Chicken, Camellia Chicken, Wolf Mountain Chicken, Qingyuan Ma Chicken, Tibetan Chicken, Short-legged Chicken, Pudong Chicken, Liyang Chicken, Wenchang Chicken, Huiyang Bearded Chicken, Hetian Chicken, Bian Chicken, Jinyang Silk Wool Chicken, Jingyuan Chicken, Scoop Chicken, Lindian Chicken, Huaixiang Chicken, Luyuan Chicken, Longsheng Phoenix Chicken, Wenshang Luhua Chicken, Minqing Wooly Foot Chicken, Changshun Green Shell Egg Chicken, Baicheng Oil Chicken, Shuanglian Chicken.

(3) Duck

Beijing Duck, Youxian Ma Duck, Liancheng White Duck, Jianchang Duck, Jinding Duck, Shaoxing Duck, Putian Black Duck, Gaoyou Duck, Jinyun Ma Duck, Ji'an Red HairEd Duck.

(4) Goose

Sichuan white goose, Yili goose, lion head goose, western Anhui white goose, open-eyed goose, Taihu goose, Xingguo gray goose, black mane goose, Zhejiang east white goose, steel goose, Pupu goose.

(5) Cows, horses and camels

Jiulong Yak, Tianzhu White Yak, Qinghai Plateau Yak, Gannan Yak, Dulong Niu (Large-fronted Cow), Haizi Buffalo, Wenzhou Buffalo, Penang River Buffalo, Yanbian Cattle, Fuzhou Cattle, Nanyang Cattle, Qinchuan Cattle, Jinnan Cattle, Bohai Black Bull, Luxi Cattle, Wenling Gaofeng Cattle, Mongolian Cattle, Lei Qiong Cattle, Yixian Red Bull, Wuling Cattle (Xiangxi Cattle), Parry Yak, Debao Dwarf Horse, Mongolian Horse, Oren Spring Horse, Jinjiang Horse, Ningqiang Horse, ForkEd Mouth Stagecoach Horse, Yanqi Horse, Guanzhong Donkey, Dezhou Donkey, Guangling Donkey, Biyang Donkey, Xinjiang Donkey, Alxa Bactrian Camel.

(6) Sheep

Liaoning cashmere goat, Inner Mongolia cashmere goat (Albas type, Alxa type, Erwolf mountain type), Small tailed cold sheep, Zhongwei goat, Yangtze River Delta white goat (pen wool type), Wuzhu Muqin sheep, Tong sheep, Tibetan sheep (grassland type), Tibetan goat, Jining green sheep, Guide black fur sheep, lake sheep, beach sheep, Leizhou goat, Hetian sheep, big tail cold sheep, Duolang sheep, Lanzhou big tail sheep, Hanzhong sheep, Minxian black fur sheep, Sunit sheep, Chengdu Hemp sheep, Longling yellow goat, Taihang goat, Laiwu black goat, Asan black cashmere goat , Dazu Black Goat.

(7) Other varieties

Aoluguya reindeer, Jilin sika deer, middle bee, northeast black bee, Xinjiang black bee, Fujian yellow rabbit, Sichuan white rabbit.

Beijing News reporter Huang Zhecheng

Edited by Zhang Chang Proofreader Li Lijun