
There are you along the way

author:There is no wine in the cup at the end of the day

Along the way,

With you

Have fun...

There are you along the way

On weekends, the sun was shining

Everything is sunny

Went to a 4A attraction in the neighboring city to visit

Usually passing by this a few times,

I haven't had time to go to this mountain to see it

There are you along the way

On one side is a gentle walking trail

The other is a staircase that goes straight up the mountain

Because I haven't been here before, I don't know which one is more interesting

I chose the straight up stairway

But I didn't expect that this staircase turned seven times and let us walk for nearly an hour to reach the top

And one thing that's not good is that there aren't any protective railings on either side of the steps

There is some danger

We walked all the way up because the usual elevator was too much

It's rare to walk so many steps to exercise

This time, I stopped walking, and my legs were almost unable to move

There are you along the way

While resting on the steps, I complained that the road was not right

I suddenly remembered that the last time I watched the news, there was a man who took his newlywed wife to play at the end of the mountain

In order to cheat the insurance money, he pushed his wife down the mountain

I asked if the one in our family would do this to me

He said, you have to trust your own eyes

Such a good person has been selected by you

Everything else is a floating cloud

It's an honor to have you by your side along the way!!

There are you along the way

(Text: original, image: network, invasion and deletion)

#Original##Beauty##Love##Marriage##生活日记 #

There are you along the way

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