
"Zhongyong" holographic analysis 020

author:Technology and achievements

Without the middle way, there would be no China China.

"Neutralism" is a red thread in traditional Chinese culture.

Without neutralization and harmony, there would be no "Easy to Learn" system;

If there is no neutrality, there is no Analects, Universities, Zhongyong, Mencius, and Xunzi.

Without neutralism, cultural China would not have had the past five thousand years; there would be no future eighty-five thousand years.

This is a very difficult and obscure theoretical subject.

Today, we come to a very important new topic: neutralism is the great savior of the "dialectical relationship of chance and necessity."

In fact, it is generally believed that European and American culture is a logical thinking mode of "dividing into two", the so-called opposition between the "ruled class" and the "ruling class", and the historical facts of social practice are the same, until today;

Chinese culture is a type of civilization that is "shanghe and chongzhong". For example, one yin and one yang are the Tao. First of all, there is the "Tao", without which there is nothing, let alone yin and yang. Yin and yang are a couple: yin is the yin of yang; yang is the yang of yin. There is no husband what is a wife, and no wife is a husband. Is it one person's fault? 50% responsible; the other half 50% responsible?

Wrong. Any one person must bear 100% responsibility. If it is not the "operation" of one party, it will not cause the "action" of the other party; and vice versa. Any husband has to bear: 100% of the responsibility. Instead, take 50% responsibility.

The so-called "asking for oneself" is not to pick a thorn in the other party and find faults! Chinese culture, but where there is a little blood, that is: to seek their own - any "holographic embryo part" must bear 100% of the entire "holographic existence" - sweet burden: holographic responsibility.

In the context of TheOss, contingency is "contingency". In particular, in quantum mechanics, theoretical physics, everything is "contingent" or "contingent"—probability. Nothing is certain, and all existence is: the collapse of a wave function.

Similarly, they see necessity only as a 100% certainty of probability. Einstein's special and general relativity is a firm belief in universal necessity based on "spiritual phenomenology." So, Einstein asked rhetorically: Is God rolling the dice? He did not believe in a "probabilistic interpretation" of the universe.

The "magic weapon" of neutralism – this is a great killer! Chance is the "accident of necessity"; necessity is the "necessity of chance".

Without necessity, there must be no contingency. All "appearances of chance" are "pre-made". At the extreme, contingency is also: fate.

The appearance of the book "Dream of the Red Chamber" is a historical accident. It was a coincidence that could not be more accidental. If the author Cao Xueqin had died since she was a child, there would have been no "Dream of the Red Chamber"; if Cao Xueqin's parents had not been married... All contingencies can happen. Today, a controversial dream of the Red Chamber appeared. This is the event of necessity.

Another example is that a child is miscarried, not a fetus. First, its miscarriage was an accidental event. Second, this miscarriage incident is an "inevitable event" caused by many accidental factors. Third, the miscarriage of this child is a "fate". The blind man is not accurate; the "girl" cannot be predicted; the witch god cannot be calculated.

All necessity opens the way with contingencies.

Li Zicheng's uprising was an inevitable event. Li Zicheng did not revolt, Wang Zicheng, Wang Wu, Zhao Liu... And so on. This is an inevitable trend of history, and the "qi number" of the Ming Dynasty has been exhausted.

However, we see that the large historical events are all accumulated by a series of small "accidental" events.

Neutralism is in the dialectical relationship of contingency and necessity.

All pre-formed, diachronic laws of necessity, "avenues," are the accumulation of generative, synchronic—an infinite number of "contingency" events in a vast "space."

All generative, synchronic contingencies and accidents are deduced in the pre-formed, diachronic general inevitability, the "great avenue" of social history.

Everything is natural, it is a mixture of neutralism, natural, spontaneous. This is the core logic of holographic neutralist thinking.