
Albania: a country that offended the whole world and was destroyed by the Ponzi scheme. How did Albania offend the whole world? The last straw in Albania

author:Chaos Record

Being the enemy of the world is a fearless mindset. But when someone is really an enemy of the world, we tend to think that there is something wrong with the person's brain, and when this person represents a certain country, the country is often not far from decay.

Diplomacy is a very profound science, it encompasses all aspects, and every country must attach great importance to it. In wartime, countries need to implement the strategy of long-distance and close-range attack, and now, what is more respected between countries is win-win cooperation.

The Albanian government, on the other hand, regards diplomacy as a child's play, treats diplomacy at will on the basis of the idea of one person, and treats relations with other countries in a state of flux, which makes Albania offend the whole world in the international arena, and no one makes him a friend, so that when the crisis comes, no country lends a helping hand.

Although Albania was once a small country, it was a heroic country, known as the "country of mountain eagles", and proud of it, so what kind of changes did he experience after World War II, so that the country declined, and finally became the poorest country in Europe today, which requires a detailed analysis of the decisions made by the government and government of this country.

Albania: a country that offended the whole world and was destroyed by the Ponzi scheme. How did Albania offend the whole world? The last straw in Albania


<h1>How did Albania offend the whole world? </h1>

Albania has an excellent geographical location in southeastern Europe, in the southwest of the Balkan Peninsula, across the Adriatic Sea and the Strait of Otranto, across italy, on the south by Greece, on the east by Macedonia, on the northeast by Serbia and by the Republic of Montenegro in the north.

Although Albania is a small country, its tenacity and excellent geographical location have made him once stand in the spotlight of the world.

Historically, in the fifteenth century, Albania's national hero Scandelberg led the country to resist the invasion of the Ottoman Empire, and this battle also earned Albania the reputation of "the country of the mountain eagle", and it is also the national spirit that Albania prides itself on - never bowing to a strong enemy.

Albania: a country that offended the whole world and was destroyed by the Ponzi scheme. How did Albania offend the whole world? The last straw in Albania


Modern times were a major turning point for Albania. During the First and Second World Wars, Albania, like most countries, suffered from the baptism of war and was invaded by other countries many times until the end of the Second World War, on November 29, 1944, when the Anti-Fascist National Liberation War led by the Albanian Communist Party was victorious and the whole country was liberated.

Later, the leader of the Albanian Communist Party, Enver Hoxha, won the election and became the leader of the country. After that, Albania ushered in a turnaround and a decline.

After Hoxha took office, Albania had a very clear view of foreign policy, and Hoxha pursued friendship with all communist countries and severed relations with all other forces, which was undoubtedly whimsical.

For the Soviet Union, during the Stalin period, Hoxha was very close to it, even if it was located in Europe, it was different from the form of a political party in most European countries, and Albania did not deserve the title of "country of mountain eagles".

Albania: a country that offended the whole world and was destroyed by the Ponzi scheme. How did Albania offend the whole world? The last straw in Albania

Enver Hoxha

Standing firmly among the Western capitalist countries, even in the face of the powerful Western forces led by the United States, they have not flinched in the slightest, and they have resisted all the overtures sent by the countries led by the United States and Britain. But there is also an inevitable crisis in this casual diplomacy.

It has been said before that Albanian diplomacy is like a child's play, and the reason why albanian foreign policy is carried out with the policy of friendship to all communist countries formulated by Hoxha.

This policy may sound assertive and problematic, but it is carried out with complete impossibility, and the fundamental reason for this is that Hoxha only believes in his own understanding of socialism, while a thousand people look at Hamlet with a thousand opinions, which makes it impossible for Hoxha and Stalin to identify with any country that disagrees with him.

Albania: a country that offended the whole world and was destroyed by the Ponzi scheme. How did Albania offend the whole world? The last straw in Albania


In the early days, Albania was close to the Soviet Union because Hoxha greatly admired Stalin and was also very pro-communist. Because of this, after the former Soviet Union made the contradictions between Yugoslavia public, Hoxha completely ignored Yugoslavia as his neighbor, and had helped protect his country before, and resolutely broke with Yugoslavia.

This was not the only policy that was made, and after Khrushchev came to power in the Soviet Union, Hoxha broke off diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union because of his criticism of Stalin.

Since then, the major countries in the West, the countries of the Balkan Peninsula, and the Soviet Union have severed ties with Albania, and Albania has become an isolated island in the world, but at this time, there is another country, which is Albania's friendliest friend and the country that Albania wants to learn from, and this country is China.

Albania: a country that offended the whole world and was destroyed by the Ponzi scheme. How did Albania offend the whole world? The last straw in Albania


Speaking of that past, we may all think of revenge, but knowing the series of ridiculous acts of Albania in the international field before, it is not difficult to see that the relations between China and Argentina have long been a foregone conclusion.

During the honeymoon period between China and Argentina, China once supported a large amount of money to Albania, and Albania, which is also one of the main supporters of supporting China's entry into the United Nations, once had a glue-like relationship between the two countries, but then until now the two countries have not been able to have friendly relations again, which makes many people puzzled.

There is no major contradiction between the two countries, nor is there any other conflict, but Albania believes that China is no longer the communist country in its heart, so Albania has severed its contacts with China and even criticized China's socialism.

Albania: a country that offended the whole world and was destroyed by the Ponzi scheme. How did Albania offend the whole world? The last straw in Albania

Since then, Albania has completely become a loner, wandering alone in what it thinks is communism, slowly sinking, while Albania does not know itself, but has become a paranoia, not only basically completely blockaded the country, but also built a large number of fortresses in the country to resist the invasion of imaginary enemies.

The world is progressing all the time, and Albania, like a stubborn machine, is slowly moving forward on its own track, at this time Albania has responded to the old saying, sailing against the current, not advancing or retreating.

Albania's self-defeating diplomacy deprived the country of the opportunity to communicate with the outside world and then progress together, but such a move did not make him the poorest European country, and the next thing was to crush Albania's last straw.

Albania: a country that offended the whole world and was destroyed by the Ponzi scheme. How did Albania offend the whole world? The last straw in Albania

<h1>The last straw in Albania</h1>

In 1985, the leader of Albania, Hoxha, died, and after Hoxha's death, his deputy, Ramiz Aliya, took over the leadership position, and as soon as he came to power, he changed his foreign diplomatic strategy, but the good times did not last long.

In 1992, under pressure from the opposition, Albania held another general election, and the then Democratic party representative, Saly Berisha, was elected president. Albania had a new government and began a new round of reforms.

Berisha mainly focused on the economy to reform the country, the most important of which was the opening of foreign trade and new economic policies, which immediately led to a significant improvement in albania's domestic economy.

But this is only a superficial appearance, and even from now on it seems more like a return to Albania, and the most important thing is that it has not fundamentally solved albania's problems.

Albania: a country that offended the whole world and was destroyed by the Ponzi scheme. How did Albania offend the whole world? The last straw in Albania

Sally Berisha

Albania's geographical location is special, but its small size is neither suitable for large-scale agriculture nor a good industrial base, and the physical industry of a country is almost zero, which makes the Albanian economy very dangerous.

Sure enough, it wasn't long before Albania didn't turn a loss into a profit because of its own fiscal debt and the inability to have more emerging economies to support it.

At this time, the inferiority of the government was revealed, privatization can promote economic development, but the decadent government vigorously promotes privatization, sells a large number of state-owned assets, these are all selling the blood of the state to make themselves superficially prosperous, not to mention, government officials are corrupt, most of the money has not been used in practice, and soon the state-owned assets are gone, and the state-owned banks have no money.

At this time, Berisha still wanted to realize the economic policies he had implemented when he came to power, and he also wanted the people to see that the country was still in a state of mourning, because only in this way could he firmly seize power and let himself sit firmly in the presidential seat.

Albania: a country that offended the whole world and was destroyed by the Ponzi scheme. How did Albania offend the whole world? The last straw in Albania

Economy of Albania

At this time, the Democratic government introduced new policies, and they began to change their thinking and began to use people's money to revitalize the economy. But this is undoubtedly an act of killing chickens and eggs, the wealth of the people is the last bottom line of the country, the last savings force of a country, if this wealth goes wrong, then there will be no room for retention.

But the Berisha government did not understand this truth, or rather, did not care about this truth at all, and only hoped to retain its power, so the state issued funds to the people through private funds, and promised high returns, guaranteed by the credibility of the state.

But now we all understand that high returns are often high risks, and there is no good thing that pie falls from the sky.

Private equity funds of all sizes appeared, overwhelming publicity and the news of people getting rich overnight reached the ears of the people, the people were moved, and then put into action, and the people's money entered these funds. At first, it was still a good business, but slowly the taste changed.

Albania: a country that offended the whole world and was destroyed by the Ponzi scheme. How did Albania offend the whole world? The last straw in Albania


A large number of funds attract the birth of more private equity funds, under the competition, unscrupulous has become the norm, higher return promises no longer care whether they exceed the upper limit of their own affordability, private equity funds are no longer to use this money to make money for the purpose, but simply want more funds, want to get more wealth from the people.

Behind the high return promised by private equity funds is nothing more than tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall, taking the money of new users to pay the money of old users. Some senior government officials saw it and got out of the way in time, and even more became the umbrella of these companies for money and power.

The Albanian people are simple, have just come out of the planned economy, and they are eager for a good market economy, but they also have no common sense of the laws of the market economy. Even the simplest high risk and high reward are not clearly seen, and only unconditional trust in the government.

Albania: a country that offended the whole world and was destroyed by the Ponzi scheme. How did Albania offend the whole world? The last straw in Albania


Behind the private equity funds backed by the government, in the deception of superficial prosperity, fanatical money and trust in the government, more ordinary people are just to buy funds, to fight for a tomorrow that seems to have no risks. No one realizes that this is a standard "Ponzi scheme".

Speaking of Ponzi schemes, many people may not be very clear, simply put, it is used, a means of making money out of nothing as a reason to cheat funds, and then promise a high return on income to attract a large number of people to invest, and finally use new users' money to return to old users to complete a ring chain, which is roughly the idea of Ponzi schemes.

The current MLM is also a more advanced application of Ponzi schemes, but the biggest problem in this middle is that it is not a closed loop, and if the capital chain between them is broken, it will make all investors ruined. The emergence of this scam caused the Albanian economy to completely collapse.

Albania: a country that offended the whole world and was destroyed by the Ponzi scheme. How did Albania offend the whole world? The last straw in Albania


At the end of 1996, this deceptive campaign came to an end, leaving only a ruin of no hope in sight. At this time, the Berisha government was still sparing no effort to fight its opponents for its own power, despite the fact that the people were living a more desperate life than ever before. Later, in Albania, people with lost souls could be seen everywhere in the streets.

At this time, the government turned back, or found that it had to save the loss to retain its power, so it began to restrict the flow of funds abroad and freeze the funds of these private funds, but this was only a drop in the bucket, and the government did not really implement it.

The essence of the government has not changed, there is a lot of corruption, for its own interests, only for those small private funds, the big fund companies the government still turned a blind eye, so there is no interception of funds that can change the situation, and the people have not been compensated.

Albania: a country that offended the whole world and was destroyed by the Ponzi scheme. How did Albania offend the whole world? The last straw in Albania

As a result, the anger of the people began to ferment slowly, and the government began to implement a high-pressure policy for the sake of its own power that it had long insisted on. But water can carry boats, but also can overturn boats, and the people are the main body of the country. Under the pressure of the Berisha government, the people rose up in resistance. With the help of the former Socialist Party and patriots, the people were given weapons.

But the outcome of the people's weapons was unpredictable, patriotic people and vicious thugs gradually emerged, and the United Nations had to send troops to intervene to quell the unrest in the country, and after the next general election, Berisha announced his resignation.

Thus, Albania, peace was ushered in again, but a large number of weapons were not able to be recovered by the government, and Albania's security and security problems were buried.

Albania: a country that offended the whole world and was destroyed by the Ponzi scheme. How did Albania offend the whole world? The last straw in Albania


Albania, from the second world war, two governments, failed to bring about the impact of the right decision-making of the government, so that Albania from the country of the mountain eagle, to offend the world, and then become the poorest country in Europe, sadly this country destroyed by the Pon's scam.

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