
Xiamen Xinyang Police Station consolidates the basic work of rental housing management

author:Fujian Rule of Law News

Fujian Rule of Law News - Straits Rule of Law Online October 27, 2019 Since mid-September, the Xinyang Police Station of the Xiamen Municipal Public Security Bureau has implemented closed-loop management requirements in the city's residential communities (villages) during the epidemic prevention and control period, implemented relevant management measures, actively strengthened the management of floating population services and rental housing, widely publicized the "Regulations on the Administration of Floating Population Services in Fujian Province", further consolidated the responsibility of landlords, further consolidated the actual population situation in the jurisdiction through the issuance of "passes", and provided detailed data support for the nucleic acid testing work of all employees , to help the jurisdiction of the whole staff nucleic acid test rate accurate and effective.

On September 14, the Xiamen Municipal Headquarters for Responding to the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic issued Announcement No. 7, requiring the city's residential communities (villages) to implement closed-loop management, strictly implement the "temperature measurement and bright code" measures, and reduce the flow of personnel. Based on the requirements of this work, the Xinyang police station took the initiative to dock with the street epidemic prevention department at the first time, and after consultation, the Xinyang street printed a unified format of "pass", distributed according to the population base of each community and village, and then issued to the residents one by one by the community and property staff and landlords. In order to ensure the real-name claim of the pass, the Xinyang police station has specially formulated a collection form, requiring the landlord, property and other management responsible persons to simultaneously issue and publicize the "Fujian Provincial Floating Population Service Management Regulations" when issuing to the floating population, and requiring the recipient to truthfully register the information of one standard and three real information. After the pass is issued, residents can enter and exit the community and village with their ID cards and passes, which greatly improves the quality of personnel information collection data.

(Su Yiting)

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