
The spicy stir-fried belly silk method is very simple, suitable for people with weak qi and blood and thin body

author:Big thumb gourmand

Many people have never eaten pork belly, and the taste of pork belly is delicious and delicious is a very delicious part of the pig. And there are many cooking methods of pork belly, which can be brine, stewed, sautéed and so on. Pork belly is rich in nutrition, a variety of vitamins and minerals, has the effect of complement deficiency, healthy spleen and stomach, for diabetic patients, sperm, urinary frequency of patients also have a certain improvement effect, suitable for qi and blood deficiency, thin body to eat. Today Junge [Like] will teach everyone to make a spicy fried belly silk, the method is very simple, do you see the picture has the feeling of wanting to eat? Without further ado, get started.

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The spicy stir-fried belly silk method is very simple, suitable for people with weak qi and blood and thin body

1. Prepare fresh pork belly, cut into large pieces, and wash the inside and outside of the pork belly. Put the pork belly into the pressure cooker, add water to submerge the pork belly, add cooking wine, salt, star anise, green onion, cover the pot lid, bring to a boil over high heat, pressure the pressure cooker for 20 minutes, turn off the heat and simmer for 10 minutes, unplug the pressure cooker gas valve and deflate, open the lid after all the gas is released, fish out the cooked pork belly, put it in clean water and cool for later.

The spicy stir-fried belly silk method is very simple, suitable for people with weak qi and blood and thin body

2. Cut the cooked pork belly into strips and load into containers.

The spicy stir-fried belly silk method is very simple, suitable for people with weak qi and blood and thin body

3. Prepare the millet peppers cut into small pieces and the garlic into slices.

The spicy stir-fried belly silk method is very simple, suitable for people with weak qi and blood and thin body

4. Wash the parsley, green and red peppers, cut into strips, cut the parsley into sections and put them in a container for later.

The spicy stir-fried belly silk method is very simple, suitable for people with weak qi and blood and thin body

5. Heat the oil for 40% of the heat, pour the cooked belly into the oil and stroke the oil to drain the excess oil. Pour the excess oil from the pan into the container and rinse the pan.

The spicy stir-fried belly silk method is very simple, suitable for people with weak qi and blood and thin body

6. Add the bottom oil to the pot, add the millet pepper ring, stir-fry the garlic slices until fragrant.

The spicy stir-fried belly silk method is very simple, suitable for people with weak qi and blood and thin body

7. Add shredded green and red peppers and sauté until 5 ripe.

The spicy stir-fried belly silk method is very simple, suitable for people with weak qi and blood and thin body

8. Under the belly shreds, coriander, monosodium glutamate, chicken powder, oyster sauce, cooking wine, sugar, seafood soy sauce, spicy fresh sauce, pepper, soy sauce, salt.

The spicy stir-fried belly silk method is very simple, suitable for people with weak qi and blood and thin body

10. Stir-fry a few times on high heat, add a little water starch (don't put too much starch), add the right amount of cooked oil, and stir-fry again.

The spicy stir-fried belly silk method is very simple, suitable for people with weak qi and blood and thin body

11. Put the pan out of the pan and plate.

The spicy stir-fried belly silk method is very simple, suitable for people with weak qi and blood and thin body

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Table of Ingredients ratio:

1. 300 grams of fresh pork belly, 50 grams of green and red peppers, 30 grams of coriander, 4 millet peppers, 500 grams of salad oil.

2. 3 grams of monosodium glutamate, 3 grams of chicken powder, 15 grams of oyster sauce, 5 grams of sugar, 3 grams of spicy fresh sauce, 5 grams of seafood soy sauce, 2 grams of pepper, gram of refined salt, 1 star anise, 2 grams of potato starch, a little soy sauce, a suitable amount of cooking wine.