
The best steamed pomfret ever| delicious | rich table flavors

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
The best steamed pomfret ever| delicious | rich table flavors

By Lynda Lynda


4 pomfrets from the East China Sea

Ginger 1 paragraph

2 chives

Green onion white 1 piece

1 red pepper

Steamed fish soy sauce 2 scoops

1 scoop of cooking wine

A pinch of salt

Cooking oil to taste

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

The best steamed pomfret ever| delicious | rich table flavors

1. The pomfret is taken out in advance to thaw.

The best steamed pomfret ever| delicious | rich table flavors

2. Remove the internal organs and wash it, and then slash a few knives obliquely on the fish.

The best steamed pomfret ever| delicious | rich table flavors

3: Cut the green onion into small pieces, cut the ginger into strips, add a small amount of salt and 1 spoonful of cooking wine and marinate for 20 minutes.

The best steamed pomfret ever| delicious | rich table flavors

4: Bring water to a boil in a steamer and steam for 6 minutes

The best steamed pomfret ever| delicious | rich table flavors

5: After steaming, pour out the water in the dish and pick up the green onion and ginger shreds.

The best steamed pomfret ever| delicious | rich table flavors

6: Drizzle with 2 tablespoons of steamed fish soy sauce.

The best steamed pomfret ever| delicious | rich table flavors

7: Cut the chives, white shallots and red peppers into strips, place them on the fish, and pour hot oil to stimulate the aroma.

The best steamed pomfret ever| delicious | rich table flavors

8, East China Sea pomfret super tender and sweet, delicious!


Do not steam for too long to affect the taste.

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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