
Double happiness at the door! East Lake New Town has another big move! The beauty of the foresighter

author:Xuzhou Real Estate Information Network
Double happiness at the door! East Lake New Town has another big move! The beauty of the foresighter

Just recently, the Chengdong Avenue Elevated Expressway has been passed on to the good, and the most critical node of the Chengdong Avenue Elevated Highway - an important part of the 8-story interchange of Hanyuan Avenue, the Hanyuan Tunnel Project has entered the final construction stage, and it is expected that it will be completed before the end of the month to meet the conditions for opening to traffic.

As the main trunk road connecting the East Lake New Town with the main city in the past two years, the construction of the Chengdong Avenue Elevated Expressway has undoubtedly raised the development of the East Lake New Town to a higher level, and has also gradually fulfilled the regional planning blueprint.

Double happiness at the door! East Lake New Town has another big move! The beauty of the foresighter

◎Real shots

At the same time, the Red Panmei Donghu Tiancheng, which has dominated the East Lake New City for two consecutive years, is also about to usher in the first batch of housing deliveries, which is undoubtedly a double happiness for these owners!

Regarding home, everyone is full of expectations, and now as the delivery time of Midea's East Lake Sky City is getting closer and closer, you may wish to preview the beauty of the family together!

Double happiness at the door! East Lake New Town has another big move! The beauty of the foresighter

From a blueprint to a beautiful delivery, from the magnificent garden scenery of layers of tranquility, to the ingenuity and quality of the beautiful East Lake Tiancheng. The places where time has passed have emerged beautifully, and after waiting, when the quality of the building is presented in front of the eyes, it is not only the precipitation of ingenuity and skill, but also the beautiful model of life.

Every grass and tree, brick and tile are all striving for excellence, and strive to present the most perfect home posture for the owners. In order to welcome the owners home, every grass and tree of the new home will be presented in the most beautiful posture.

Double happiness at the door! East Lake New Town has another big move! The beauty of the foresighter
Double happiness at the door! East Lake New Town has another big move! The beauty of the foresighter
Double happiness at the door! East Lake New Town has another big move! The beauty of the foresighter

◎Live shooting

The elaborate all-age living garden in the park allows people to return to the care for life, and the supporting scenes such as children's interactive park, vitality fitness area, and healthy runway are presented, providing a better living and entertainment environment for the owners after moving in, and can treasure the good time of the family at any time.

Double happiness at the door! East Lake New Town has another big move! The beauty of the foresighter

With 35+ measured dimensions and 1 million sets of measured data, it is a comprehensive three-dimensional escort for the construction of the home. The height difference of tile seams is accurate to 0.5mm, the door sleeve line, the kick angle line, the flatness of the bottom box edge is accurate to 1mm... Such a comprehensive display, the impression is very rare in Xuzhou. However, for the Midea Real Estate Jinhuai area, which has been deeply cultivating Xuzhou for eleven years, it can use ingenuity and grinding as a window to let the owners feel the beautiful presentation of the future home in advance. It is not only the confidence of Midea Real Estate in the creation of East Lake Tiancheng products, but also the sincerity of the city of Xuzhou.

Double happiness at the door! East Lake New Town has another big move! The beauty of the foresighter
Double happiness at the door! East Lake New Town has another big move! The beauty of the foresighter
Double happiness at the door! East Lake New Town has another big move! The beauty of the foresighter
Double happiness at the door! East Lake New Town has another big move! The beauty of the foresighter

As the first wholly-owned project of midea's real estate Jinhuai regional layout after the concept of East Lake New Town was finalized, midea's high standards and high quality of East Lake Tiancheng made many owners say on the spot: "Beyond imagination" and "very satisfied!" ", some can't wait to take pictures and send friends to show off.

From invisible hidden works to visible edge details. From the selection of thousands of architectural materials, to the exquisite craftsmanship of the perfect art, in order to pursue the perfect presentation of the texture of the housing space, the beautiful East Lake Tiancheng let people see not only a developer who is willing to pay the cost, but also a conscientious housing enterprise that adheres to the original intention, the quality of the new home is about to make a stunning appearance, ingenuity and sincerity dedicated to Huaihai characters.

Double happiness at the door! East Lake New Town has another big move! The beauty of the foresighter
Double happiness at the door! East Lake New Town has another big move! The beauty of the foresighter

With the countdown to the delivery of Midea's East Lake Sky City, after seeing that the house is just needed, many buyers expressed their expectations for the midea cloud and lake that is about to usher in the first opening! It should be known that Midea's Cloud and Lake is not only a wholly-owned project of Midea Real Estate, but also an upgraded work after eleven years of deep cultivation in Xuzhou, which is heartwarming in terms of location and quality.

Double happiness at the door! East Lake New Town has another big move! The beauty of the foresighter

How to live better in the city? When you embrace the ideal of a better life and meet a new city, you will surely ring the voice of the hearts of the city's high-ranking people.

In 2018, with the finalization of the concept of "East Lake New City", the development trend of the city's "eastward expansion" was wrapped up, and the city's emerging cities quickly became the focus of Huaihai figures. According to the plan, it will take the high-end innovation and entrepreneurship talents to drive the high-quality construction of the East Lake Ecological New City as the goal, rely on the East Lake, vigorously develop the scientific and technological research and development, scientific and technological services, Internet economy, high-end medical services, quality leisure and entertainment and other functional formats, and build a talent science and technology port and ecological livable center in the east of Xuzhou City.

Double happiness at the door! East Lake New Town has another big move! The beauty of the foresighter

In the general trend of the development of East Lake New Town, the most anticipated is the planning of East Lake. Not long ago, Xuzhou public resources construction project trading platform issued three consecutive bidding announcements, all involving the "East Lake Waterfront Space Landscape Project Phase I".

According to the bidding announcement, parks, tidal flats, sand dunes, green corridors will be built in the East Lake area, while supporting the construction of roads, greening and other ancillary facilities, the document mentions that the construction will start on September 25 this year, the construction period is 150 days. According to the planned time, then the completion time is around January 25 next year, with a total investment of up to 86 million yuan! This also means that in the near future, the East Lake Scenic Area will be presented to the public in a more beautiful posture, and a more livable plate will soon be presented.

Double happiness at the door! East Lake New Town has another big move! The beauty of the foresighter

◎Renderings of East Lake New Town

Not only that, with the gradual implementation of the blueprint of East Lake New City, the industry, commerce, transportation and other supporting facilities in the plate are also becoming more and more mature, Xuzhou East Railway Station, Pengzu Avenue, Heping Road East Extension, Kunlun Avenue, Gaoxin Road, Xujia Expressway South Extension and other urban trunk roads, building a "three horizontal and two vertical" road network, more planned metro line 2 extension and subway line 7 connect various areas of Xuzhou; Xuzhou Jiazhi Cambridge Public School has landed, the teaching building of East Lake Experimental School has been built, and the first batch of students has been welcomed in September this year, in addition, The new campus of Xuzhou Medical University has been determined to choose the site of Donghu New Town, with a fragrant book and worry-free education.

Not only that, the East Lake Water Street project has planned six major formats of fresh supermarket, global cuisine, leisure and entertainment, children's experience, boutique retail, and life supporting facilities to create a one-stop consumption circle; while the East Lake Medical Industrial Park has been completed and the Rejuvenation Pharmaceutical Industrial Park is under construction, laying a solid foundation for the future population introduction of East Lake New Town.

Double happiness at the door! East Lake New Town has another big move! The beauty of the foresighter

◎Location map

The government's 100 million-level investment attraction, the strong entry of many well-known brand developers, combined with the government's "14th Five-Year Plan" plan and so on. From the engine of the east of the city to the hot land of investment, there is no doubt that a city of the future is about to emerge, and the East Lake New City has jumped to the focus of future development.

At this time, Midea's cloud and lake landed in Donghu New Town, and the construction and development of East Lake were in line with the mission of urban rejuvenation, leaving a strong mark in the urban construction and development of Xuzhou. Midea's clouds, along with the lake and the East Lake, are fulfilling the vision of the city of Xuzhou.

Double happiness at the door! East Lake New Town has another big move! The beauty of the foresighter

As one of the first batch of brand developers to enter the East Lake New City, midea's success and ingenuity in the whole city of East Lake Tiancheng have given Midea's cloud and lake more confidence, and deep ploughing in East Lake New City for many years, Midea's real estate Jinhuai area also understands the value and potential of the region, in 2021, Midea Real Estate and East Lake New Town grow together, with a high-end sequence of "Cloud Construction System 3.0" product Midea Cloud and Lake, to complete the high-energy advancement of product strength in the region, helping plate habitat to jump from just need to improvement era.

Double happiness at the door! East Lake New Town has another big move! The beauty of the foresighter

◎Project renderings

What is Cloud Tsukiji version 3.0? Previously, Midea Real Estate's works of the same category in Xuzhou included Midea's Gongrun Yunlan Tianjing and Yunzhu. The midea cloud and the lake's cloud construction system 3.0 advanced version, outside to the lakeside aesthetics, garden scenes, inside to the health concept, intelligent interaction, space intimate scenes, community experience, etc. have different degrees of upgrading.

Externally, the project faces about 885 acres of East Lake Scenic Area, sleeps in the early morning in the lake light, flowers and birds singing until it wakes up naturally, and at night it is accompanied by Haoyue stars, pillowing the water into the dream in the sound of cicadas, pushing the window to see out, the landscape of the mountains and lakes in all seasons is varied; internally, the project has ingeniously carved the first "Wei G Health Community + 5M Smart Health Community" in Xuzhou Dongcheng, and applied the "healing thinking" community jointly developed by Midea Real Estate and Tsinghua University to this. The project focuses on creating a science and technology tide play park of about 6,000 square meters, which is centered on the three functional areas of the entrance landscape space + quiet garden space + smart sports space, to meet the needs of different ages and enjoy life quietly in dialogue with nature.

Double happiness at the door! East Lake New Town has another big move! The beauty of the foresighter
Double happiness at the door! East Lake New Town has another big move! The beauty of the foresighter

In the construction of the apartment type, the construction area is about 106-160 square meters of full-cycle apartments, which can meet the living needs of different stages of life. A world of two, a family of three, three generations in the same house... With a wide choice of area segments, there is always one that will impress you.

In terms of details, the 107㎡ apartment wide hall is about 4.2 meters, the 117㎡ apartment wide hall is about 5 meters, the 128㎡ apartment wide hall is about 6.4 meters, and the large-scale wide hall is rare in the same area section. The south-facing double bay window design presents a private viewing space for the owner, even if you are indoors, you can "frankly meet" with the scenery outside the window, which not only greatly improves the indoor lighting and ventilation effect, but also can see the landscape of imax East Lake.

In addition, all units have sufficient storage space and orderly clothing bags, so that home storage is worry-free. The most exciting thing is that the floor height of about 3 meters is higher than the common 2.8-2.9m layer height works on the market, and the higher floor height means that the light receiving area also increases, and the indoor lighting is naturally more abundant.

Double happiness at the door! East Lake New Town has another big move! The beauty of the foresighter
Double happiness at the door! East Lake New Town has another big move! The beauty of the foresighter
Double happiness at the door! East Lake New Town has another big move! The beauty of the foresighter
Double happiness at the door! East Lake New Town has another big move! The beauty of the foresighter

◎The unit type diagram is subject to the actual signed contract

If time is not enough to prove ingenuity, only the real voice can answer for quality. From the beautiful East Lake Heavenly City, to the beautiful cloud and lake, from the land where one party dreams to grow to the model of ideal human settlement, the picture of a better life is becoming a reality.

At present, midea cloud and lake 6-9# building area of about 106-128 ㎡ small high-rise products, now in the global hot reservation, welcome to come to taste!



Double happiness at the door! East Lake New Town has another big move! The beauty of the foresighter

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Double happiness at the door! East Lake New Town has another big move! The beauty of the foresighter
Double happiness at the door! East Lake New Town has another big move! The beauty of the foresighter
Double happiness at the door! East Lake New Town has another big move! The beauty of the foresighter
Double happiness at the door! East Lake New Town has another big move! The beauty of the foresighter
Double happiness at the door! East Lake New Town has another big move! The beauty of the foresighter

Disclaimer: This advertisement is an invitation to make an offer, the graphic information involved is for reference only, the rights and obligations of both parties are subject to the contract and supplementary agreement, and the unfinished matters are supplemented by the company. The relevant supporting and government planning content cited in the article does not exclude changes due to relevant government plans, regulations and reasons beyond the control of the company, and our company does not make commitments due to force majeure. The image comes from the Internet, if there is infringement, please contact to delete. The types of apartments involved in this promotional material are all standard floor apartment types, for illustrative reference only, their decoration, home, furnishings and other non-delivery standards, different types of apartment area size, functional layout, space division doors and windows / pipe well forms, etc. are different; the same type of apartment due to buildings, floors, units, etc., local structure, area, etc. may also be different, specific to the drawings finally approved by the government department and the "Contract for the Sale and Purchase of Commercial Housing" signed by the buyer and seller. Midea Real Estate National Customer Service Supervision Hotline: 400-66-19580

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