
Tangerine peel, a virtuous wife in medicine, a necessary "wife" in the home of people with a lot of phlegm in the morning, bad breath and heavy moisture

author:Nail milk health said

Tangerine peel is orange peel, but it is not equivalent to orange peel, the so-called "Chen", is the meaning of Chen Fang for many years, how long is the tangerine peel? As we all know, at least 3 years, the longer it is released, the higher the medicinal value is released.

The price of tangerine peel is high and low, in the prescription is generally a "supporting role", but you do not look down on it, the more such a medicine, the more rare, I call it "the virtuous wife in medicine", why? Because it is paired with whom, it will be sung by husband and wife, resulting in different effects.

Tangerine peel, a virtuous wife in medicine, a necessary "wife" in the home of people with a lot of phlegm in the morning, bad breath and heavy moisture

Of course, not only do I think so, but the "Compendium of Materia Medica" has long said that "the orange peel is supplemented with tonics, the same laxatives are diarrhea, the same liter medicine is raised, and the same drop medicine is lowered", look at how excellent it is". Without further ado, today I will talk about how to use the tangerine peel, who can use it, and who should not use it.

People who get up in the morning with a lot of phlegm drink more tangerine peel water

Tangerine peel, a virtuous wife in medicine, a necessary "wife" in the home of people with a lot of phlegm in the morning, bad breath and heavy moisture

Tangerine peel can promote phlegm in the lungs. In the morning, people with a lot of phlegm can drink some tangerine peel water, in the morning, the yang qi rises, and the phlegm stored in the lungs rises with the yang qi, so some people always have phlegm in the throat in the morning, and they can't spit clean, generally drink two weeks of tangerine peel water, and the throat is clean.

Similarly, after a cold and a cold, if there is always phlegm in the cough, you can also use tangerine peel. Tangerine peel is warm, so it can dissolve cold phlegm, cold phlegm is thin and white, tongue moss is white and greasy, tangerine peel on the one hand can spread wind and cold, on the other hand, phlegm is very strong, very good phlegm will be eliminated.

Tangerine peel to do phlegm use can be matched with half summer, half summer is a "spirited woman", phlegm effect is more fierce, tangerine peel is "soft wife", although it is warm but relatively peaceful, but also can help half summer phlegm work, perfect match.

Tangerine peel, a virtuous wife in medicine, a necessary "wife" in the home of people with a lot of phlegm in the morning, bad breath and heavy moisture

In addition, people who live in Hebei, Beijing and other cities, I recommend that you also drink some orange peel water in autumn and winter, some cities have heavy dry smog in autumn and winter, and you can use orange peel to prevent external evils from entering the lungs.

People who are not smooth, Tangerine Peel gives you smooth qi

What is bad breath? After eating, the stomach is bloated, it is the stomach qi that does not drop, it is blocked in the stomach, it feels that the stomach is very bloated; hiccups, the stomach gas goes up; vomiting, is the stomach gas does not drop, eating things back up.

Tangerine peel, a virtuous wife in medicine, a necessary "wife" in the home of people with a lot of phlegm in the morning, bad breath and heavy moisture

Tangerine peel is good at rationalizing the scorching machine, you can slowly go down the stomach qi that should be lowered, so you see a lot of tonic prescriptions are added to the tangerine peel, because if there is no tangerine peel to give the greasy qi, it will increase the burden on the spleen and stomach, and the supplement cannot be replenished.

Another way, a fan said in a message a few days ago that when he was angry, he felt that something was blocked in his throat and eyes, and the emotion disappeared when it was gone. This is also a kind of "qi is not smooth", after getting angry, the gas machine is blocked, this situation uses tangerine peel, or say that chen pi is like a virtuous wife, it will gently and gently give you a smooth qi and eliminate qi stagnation.

People with heavy humidity often drink tangerine peel tea

The "Compendium of Materia Medica" records such a passage, Chen Pi "bitter can diarrhea can dry, xin can scatter, warm can be harmonious, its cure for all diseases, always take its rational qi dry and wet work."

Cantonese people make soup and make tea, they all like to add tangerine peel into it, it is absolutely the love of the heart, why? Because the climate over there is humid, tangerine peel can be dry and wet, which is good for the body. If it is phlegm wet, it is more suitable for using tangerine peel, people with heavy humidity, there is excess water in the body, it will drag the body heavy, the legs are swollen in the morning, the eyelids are also swollen, there is a circle of tooth marks on the tongue, it is easy to grow rashes... Recommend a small recipe to everyone: tangerine barley porridge.

Tangerine peel, a virtuous wife in medicine, a necessary "wife" in the home of people with a lot of phlegm in the morning, bad breath and heavy moisture

Very simple, that is, when making barley porridge, add a piece of tangerine peel, barley is also wet, and the effect of tangerine peel is very good.

People with diabetes, gallstones, and emaciation and weakness

Come to a bowl of tangerine peel beef

Here's a medicinal food: tangerine beef. The preparation method comes from the first-class public nutritionist Teacher Chen Yunbin, and this dish is a state banquet and is very famous. Beef taste sweet, special supplement spleen soil, that is to say, beef can supplement the qi, everyone knows that tonic qi is generally used astragalus, in fact, beef tonic qi is equivalent to astragalus, can help weak people strengthen their bones, replenish vitality, and store energy for winter.

Beef with tangerine peel, tonic and not stagnant, very suitable for diabetes, gallstones, thin and weak people to nourish and strengthen the body, spleen and stomach. Of course, ordinary people eat it also has a good health effect.

Tangerine peel, a virtuous wife in medicine, a necessary "wife" in the home of people with a lot of phlegm in the morning, bad breath and heavy moisture

Use tangerine peel with caution

Tangerine peel is warm and dry, yinjin partial deficiency people directly drink tangerine peel will be dry, and some people although the tongue is white and thick, but because the middle coke is not passed for a long time, the heat is cold, drinking tangerine peel water will also appear "on fire", this kind of situation can be used to add honey to soak water to drink, warm honey, disintegrating the dryness of the tangerine peel. In addition, people with internal heat, dry cough and no phlegm should not use tangerine peel.

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