
Sichuan Luzhou family of three eat cold mixed egg poisoning Doctor reminds: try not to eat raw peeled eggs

author:Cover News

Wang Jianying Dai Xufeng Cover news reporter Xu Qing

Peeled eggs are a common dish on the table, and cold mixed peeled eggs are loved by everyone, but it is not uncommon to cause poisoning due to eating peeled eggs. Recently, in Luzhou, Sichuan, after a family of three people ate the peeled eggs, there was such a situation, 1 person was admitted to the hospital for examination, and 2 people did not see obvious abnormalities.

According to Ms. Liu, in the morning, she bought a few peeled eggs at a supermarket near her home, and when she returned home, she burned a few green peppers to make cold mixed peeled eggs for lunch.

At the dinner table, the family felt that the taste of the peeled eggs was a little strange, but they thought that they had eaten it often before, which should not be a big problem. Less than an hour after lunch, a family of three successively developed nausea and other uncomfortable symptoms, of which Ms. Liu, who ate more peeled eggs, was in a more serious situation, with diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness...

Subsequently, Ms. Liu came to the Chengbei Emergency Department of the Affiliated Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Southwest Medical University for consultation, and after the medical staff did the corresponding examination and treatment of Ms. Liu, Ms. Liu was discharged from the hospital.

According to Associate Professor Zhang Zhihong, deputy director of the Chengbei Emergency Department of the Affiliated Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Southwest Medical University, incidents of egg poisoning occur every year.

Common toxic reactions include vomiting, dizziness, headache, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms. The cause of poisoning, generally there are lead poisoning and fungal exceeding the standard two situations, with the innovation of peel egg processing technology, the current occurrence of lead poisoning is less, the common is mainly bacterial over-standard poisoning.

Peeled eggs that are not well stored or have not been well controlled by bacteria will cause excessive bacteria.

The most common is the salmonella exceeding the standard, eating the bacteria exceeding the standard of the skin egg, is likely to lead to Salmonella intestinal infection, the most common is the symptoms of gastroenteritis, such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, some cases will be more serious diarrhea, vomiting.

After high temperature cooking of the skin egg (skin egg lean porridge) compared with raw skin egg (cold mixed skin egg) the possibility of fungal over-standard poisoning is significantly reduced, try not to eat raw skin eggs.

How to give first aid to egg poisoning

1, vomiting food to eat within 1-2 hours, you can take the method of vomiting. Take 20 grams of salt, add 200 ml of boiled water, and drink once after cooling. If you do not throw up, you can drink it several times to quickly promote vomiting. You can also irritate the throat with chopsticks, fingers, or goose feathers, causing vomiting.

2. Induce diarrhea Eat poisoned food for more than 2 hours, and the spirit is still good, you can take some laxatives to promote the poisoned food to be excreted as soon as possible.

3. Detoxification: Take 100 ml of vinegar, add 200 ml of water, dilute and take it once. It can also be filled with fresh milk or other protein-containing beverages.

After the above simple treatment, you should go to the hospital for further examination and treatment as soon as possible.

Tips: These kinds of peeled eggs can not be eaten

1. The shell is damaged and moldy

2. After peeling off the shell, it is not formed and is easy to loosen

3. Peel egg protein color black

4. There is a pungent and foul odor or a musty smell

How to choose a leather egg: one look, two shakes, three smells

A look: packaged peeled eggs, look at the production of qualified signs, shelf life, production date, etc.; bulk peeled eggs, see if they are intact, normal peeled eggs, after shelling the egg white should be transparent and bright, brown or brown, the yolk is dark green, the yolk center is paste-like, and the surface of the egg has a beautiful crystalline pattern.

Second shake: the leather egg is placed next to the ear to shake, the good quality of the leather egg has no sound, the poor has a sound, the louder the quality, the worse, even a bad egg or rotten egg.

Three smells: good skin eggs have a strong alkali flavor, inferior skin eggs have a pungent foul odor or musty smell, do not eat.

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