
The old spice shop in the provincial city is limited to sales

author:Nine factions view the world
The old spice shop in the provincial city is limited to sales

Lu Weixiang was full of customers early in the morning.

Text/Piece Qilu Evening News Qilu One Point

Journalist Yu Bosheng

The recovery of pork production capacity and the release of supply have caused pork prices to fall for 12 consecutive months, and the decline has continued to expand, of which the price of pork in Jinan fell by 53.8% year-on-year in September. In recent days, the citizens of Jinan have rushed to buy spices and prepare to make sausages. At the Lu Weixiang Food And Spice Shop in The Shizhong District of Jinan City, a long queue began to form at 7:00 a.m.

Ms. Wang, a citizen, rushed to Lu Weixiang after delivering her children in the morning, she said that in previous years, the purchase of enema materials generally waited until the end of the year, and now the price of pork has been continuously reduced, and sausage materials have become sought-after goods early. "I bought a bag and hind leg meat today." Ms. Wang said.

The reporter came to Lu Weixiang located in Taihushi Lane, Puli Street, the alley is relatively narrow, the car is more difficult, many customers will park their cars to the side of Puli Street, walk into the alley to buy sausage filling. Lu Weixiang façade is not conspicuous, there is only a green sign on the head of the door, printed with the three big characters of "Lu Weixiang", as soon as the breeze blows, the smell of spices will "echo" throughout the alley.

"In order to buy enemas, I was already 'three Gu Maolu'." The first two times Ms. Zhao, a citizen, came to Lu Weixiang was after 10:00 a.m., and they ate the closed door soup, and the notice on the door read "Insufficient goods, stocking" was written on the door. In order to buy enema material, this time she got up at six o'clock in the morning and went to the door of the store at seven o'clock, when there was a long queue at the door of Lu Weixiang, and Ms. Zhao was No. 191.

"It was already 7:40 when I arrived, and although it came early, it was also queued for more than half an hour." Ms. Zhao said that this time she bought spices that could make 50 pounds of meat, and carried a large bag home.

"There is a limit to the number of purchases, and everyone can buy up to 50 pounds of spices that can make meat, only cash, and everyone needs to prepare change." Lu Weixiang staff told reporters that the sausage is 10 yuan per set, and can make 5 pounds of raw meat. Recently, the business in the store is very hot, early in the morning there are people to queue, almost blocked the alley, the spices of the day quickly sold out, red sausage spices sold the fastest.

The citizens queuing up to Lu Wei Xiang are mostly elderly people, many of whom are the old patrons here, and it has become a habit for them to buy spices every winter. Mr. Qiu, a citizen, told reporters that he got up early in the morning to take the first bus and took an hour and a half to Puli Street. "I used to live nearby, and then I moved to Xianwenzhuang, although it was more tossed around, but it was worth it to buy it." Mr. Wang carried the heavy spices in his hand, and his face was full of harvest joy.

【Source: Qilu Evening News, Qilu One Point】

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