
Unveiling the devil of human nature, the exposed humanity emits blood and stench (timid do not enter)

author:The heavenly eye of human nature - Liu Er Dog

Human nature is a disgusting thing

So when I'm having a bad time, I never complain to people. So when you have a bad time, when you are not satisfied, you must not complain to others, never.

It's not good. Just shut up at home to study, shut up at home to practice.

Do you want to be better off, or do you want the people around you to be better off?

You don't even have to think about it, just want yourself to have a good life, and so do I.

Why do I want you to have a good life? Unless you're having a good time, it's good for me. As long as you live well and it's not good for me, I don't want you to live well.

Is this the truth?

Many of you are hypocritical, the other party has no interest in you, still in this place, I hope you have a good life.

I hope you're doing well, you're the best at deceiving people, and you're even worse at deceiving yourself.

I'm simple, as long as you don't have an interest in me, I don't want you to have a good life, everyone is the same

I tell the truth, I'm telling the truth, all my relatives, all the money I earn has nothing to do with me. I don't want them to be well, and the worse they are, the better.

They're doing well, mansions and cars, I'm living like a dog, why do I want them to be okay, what jokes? Isn't it?

Only if you earn ten million, you want others to make ten thousand.

Only if you make a hundred million, you want others to make fifty thousand.

You made a hundred dollars, and you want others to make a hundred million?

Talk less to me about these things.

Unveiling the devil of human nature, the exposed humanity emits blood and stench (timid do not enter)

Few people listened to what I said.

Because this is the essence, it is human nature, it is the truth.

Useful words are not good, good words are useless, referred to as romantic nonsense

So let me ask you another question, if others are better off than you, what will happen to you?

You'll be very sad in your heart, but most importantly you'll pretend to be happy.

If others are better off than you, you will be sad to die in your heart, but you will pretend to be particularly happy on the surface.

It was a pleasure to see him.

You're doing so well, I want you to be well, and I'm thinking in my heart how you don't die.

So let me ask you one more question.

If you're better off than others, are you happy?

Definitely happy

So remember.

Human nature is selfish.

Do you know what most people's standard of happiness is?

The standard of happiness for most ordinary people is based on a sense of superiority over others.

So everybody remember.

When you fail, when business is bad, when life is not good, don't talk to others. 20% of people don't care about you at all, and 80% of people laugh at you in their hearts

You are like us at home desperately learning to grow, you can treat everyone as a fool, but you do not learn and do not grow, you complain over there every day, complain to others over there, you can only let others look like fools.

So when you fail, when business is bad, there will be a group of people around you who will come up and pretend to care about you, ask you what happened, listen to your experience of failure, and they will be very happy

More than ninety percent of a person's worries and pains come from relationships.

More than ninety percent come from people looking down on you.

Point yourself

So remember, when you fail.

When you lose, when you are miserable, if you can enjoy learning, being alone and growing up alone at home, you will be free of ninety percent of your troubles

The problem is, if you carry your pain and troubles with you and you run all over the street, everyone will laugh at you.

Your pain will increase by ninety percent, because more than ninety percent of people's anxiety and pain come from relationships and from others looking down on you.

From being pointed out to you

So you stay at home in the most painful times, when you have the least money, you stay at home, you enjoy being alone, you don't have troubles, understand?

Remember one sentence.

The real masters in this world must have a sadness that cannot be shed, and this sadness and sadness cannot be explained to others.

Even if the explanation is not understood by others, it will only make it more painful

Unveiling the devil of human nature, the exposed humanity emits blood and stench (timid do not enter)

There are two things in this world that cannot be seen directly, one is the sun and the other is the human heart.

Watching will stab you to death, will play dead to yours

Believe me, the human heart is a hundred times more poisonous than the sun.

If you look directly at the sun, you will die, and if you look directly at human nature, you will die, and all human nature will not stand the test. No one's humanity can stand the test

Will you let your girlfriend test your boyfriend?

A smart woman wouldn't try to prove herself to a man who sits still.

A smart woman should learn to grow herself, to be good at herself, to grow her own intelligent thinking, and to make this man accustomed to rejecting other women. Except for sitting in the arms themselves, no other woman can do it. This is the real good wife.

A truly intelligent person will never let friends choose between themselves and their interests, but try to create common interests as much as possible.

Only stupid people test the humanity of others, and in the end they lose both.

When I learned about human nature, I realized that I wasn't human, you know?

Whoever is bad to me I think about who is bad

Whoever helps me make no money, I hope they're having a bad time

Noble people are hypocrites.

People whose mouths are full of benevolence and morality, full of nobility, and full of good people are all hypocrites

Only by acknowledging our own dirty humanity and accepting our own badness and dirtiness can we truly accept the dirtiness in other people's human nature.

Otherwise, you will absolutely live in pain for the rest of your life.

Unveiling the devil of human nature, the exposed humanity emits blood and stench (timid do not enter)

Why in this world.

There are many people who are eating, wearing, and playing, and few people are drying their thoughts, why?

Do you and your friends talk about superficial questions that are easier to talk about, or are they easier to talk about high-minded issues?

Superficial, you will find that it is absolutely superficial, preferably gossip.

Agree? It's nonsense to say that you're chatting with this friend.

Basically you're all talking about some gossip, right? So let me ask you another question, do you send some fun, delicious likes, or do you send some serious likes?

Of course, it is fun to send something, so everyone remembers, for a person who has no spiritual pursuit, what does he send to show others? What did he use to prove himself? Remember the four words called eating, drinking, and having fun.

There are too many acquaintances in this world, so the circle of friends is eating, drinking and having fun, and his praise will be more,

It is easier for people to interact with people in superficial things, and the more pleasant it is for everyone to get along, the more pleasant it is.

Once two people are deeply rooted,

Once two people have deep thoughts,

Once two people have a little depth.

At this time, there will be conflicts, and it is easy for everyone to quarrel together.

Why? Because all the thinking people in this world, they will have a lot of unaccustomed phenomena, and he himself will criticize.

But as soon as they tell the truth, he will treat being treated as a different kind, and then he will be not understood by others, rejected by others, isolated by others, and then ridiculed by others.

So slowly these thoughtful people don't talk, and slowly they don't fit in.

Keep some distance, keep some indifference

Many those who pursue material things, it is difficult for them to achieve spiritual pursuits.

Therefore, they will instinctively enjoy these substances by eating well, dressing well, and reflecting their sense of superiority and happiness

In fact, many people come to show their sense of existence to get some spiritual comfort.

Their behaviors and the needs and desires of animals are essentially indistinguishable.

Spiritually impoverished groups.

They never use conscience and civilization to show their wisdom and ingenuity, but to show their strength by bullying the weak and oppressing others, and to show their superiority with luxurious eating, drinking, luxury materials and wealth.

Learning is the only way to resist the age crisis!!

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