
Starting from the Xushui Fangling Great Copper Horse: Shanhai Jingda National Defense Fengshi Yellow Emperor Hefu Shan Huan Mausoleum and so on

author:Mountains and seas are restored to the road and are far away

This anti-tomb bronze horse should be a pair, more than 1 meter high, Xushui anti-tomb Han tomb unearthed, the largest pair in the country.

Starting from the Xushui Fangling Great Copper Horse: Shanhai Jingda National Defense Fengshi Yellow Emperor Hefu Shan Huan Mausoleum and so on
Starting from the Xushui Fangling Great Copper Horse: Shanhai Jingda National Defense Fengshi Yellow Emperor Hefu Shan Huan Mausoleum and so on

In this area, my Great Wilderness Sutra research believes that it is the kingdom of the lord, the windproof clan, carpentry, shipbuilding and coffin-making, timber and wood trade, and also the guardian of the FuYu Mountain Mausoleum. Later, the princes of Yuhui arrived late at Huiji Mountain (present-day Golden Mountain, Pingshan), and were killed by Yu. Is the story still ok? Better than mythology, right? [Teeth]

Dayin Town Fangling Village, adult defense wind clan, people tall horse big, do bulky ship coffin is just right, open shipyard coffin shop. He made a coffin for Yu Zu and became a tomb keeper by the way, but when he missed the deadline, Yu suspected that his work of guarding the ancestral tomb was not done well, and he killed him in anger. With a picture, the picture is not done well, just look at it.

Starting from the Xushui Fangling Great Copper Horse: Shanhai Jingda National Defense Fengshi Yellow Emperor Hefu Shan Huan Mausoleum and so on
Starting from the Xushui Fangling Great Copper Horse: Shanhai Jingda National Defense Fengshi Yellow Emperor Hefu Shan Huan Mausoleum and so on
Starting from the Xushui Fangling Great Copper Horse: Shanhai Jingda National Defense Fengshi Yellow Emperor Hefu Shan Huan Mausoleum and so on

The nine hills of the central observation point of the Four Classics of the Great Wilderness are determined to be in the village of Xiashu in the south of Shunping YaoCheng, which is said to be related to the astronomical geography officials Xi and Shi Xishu.

Fuyu Mountain is on the 45-degree ray northeast of the central point, visible to the naked eye, FuShan is Xushui Busan, the Yellow Emperor is in harmony, Fuyu Mountain is a mountain near Fushan Mountain, and it is visible to the naked eye, when it is in the area of Jiulong Mountain (Zikou Mountain) south of Fu Mountain.

In short, there are well-founded, of course, there are some speculations such as the shipbuilding by adults associated with the construction of coffins and the construction of tombs for the tombs, etc., and the market of the adults who have said that they are [Yaya] is the market for the woodware and other trading markets opened by the adults.

One more point: the windproof clan may be from the Fang Lei clan, the Lei Ze clan, the father of Fu Yi, Lei Ze has said that in Lei Xi now Caohe, the Yellow Emperor's wife Xiling clan daughter concubine ancestor a Lei zu, also seems to be after the Fang Lei clan.

To be clear, two more important points:

One. Why is it said that the adult kingdom is the windproof clan? Confucius said, Sima Qian's "Records of History" recorded: Wu Fayue, the fall of the guild, get the bone knot special car. Envoy Wu asked Zhongni, "Which bone is the largest?" Zhongni Yue: "Yu Zhiqun god yu Ji Shan, after the windproof clan, Yu killed and killed, its festival car, this is the big thing." Wu Ke said, "Who is God?" Zhongni said: "The gods of the mountains and rivers are enough to record the world, and their keepers are gods, and sheji is the prince, all of which belong to the king." Guest: "What is the windproof guard?" Zhongni Yue: "The king of the Wang clan, shoufeng Yu mountain, is a surname of Li." In Yu, Xia, and Shang were Wang Yi, and In Zhou was Chang Zhai, and now he is called an adult."

Personally, he also used Shoufengyu Mountain as the Shoufu Yu Mountain, that is, shou fengyu mausoleum.

2. The Tomb of The Tomb of the Han Dynasty is the tomb of the Marquis of Han Fan, and I personally believe that Fan Youyu is also a tomb. There is a town of Xianyu in the southwest of Dingxing County, which may also be the same.

Because the place name of the Zhou Dynasty Yuhui princes' burial place Huijishan has been brought to Zhejiang by the Yuhou Daiyue King, the Fengfeng clan that was killed at HuijiShan has also been mistaken for Zhejiang, so from the Middle Ages to zhejiang, there are not only dayu tombs but also windproof tombs and related legends. Even because of the discovery of the Liangzhu Ancient Kingdom in recent years, it is considered to be an ancient country of windproof.

In fact, the earliest were in the vicinity of Baoding, as well as Huaxu's Huashan and so on.

Not a single piece of nonsense is well founded.

Another: Adult surname, a lacquer surname, the wood is ready to be painted, the carpentry lacquer is integrated.

Another: In addition, the northeast of Baoding and the kingdom of the great people are also juxtaposed with Su Shen, also known as Ji Shen, I think that is, the Su Sha clan \ Su Sha clan, for the FuXi Hou Shen nongchen, boiling the sea for salt, for the salt ancestors, and later squeezed and gradually moved to the northeast farther away, the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty was already in the north of the Yan Kingdom, in the Spring and Autumn Period, the King of Zhou Jing once said: "Su Shen, Yan, Bo, Wu Bei Tu Ye", Su Shen is in northern Yan, And in southern Yan is the central part of Baoding, and it should be the same as Bo Pu, that is, the area of Shunping Pudi in the city. During the Wei and Jin dynasties, Su Shen had reached as far as the lower reaches of the Heilongjiang River and was the ancestor of the later Jurchen Manchus.

In the Zhou Dynasty, there were still those who remained in the Central Plains, such as the Jin Dynasty in the area of present-day Shijiazhuang, when there were drum kings loyal ministers Su Sha Wei, and the State of Qi had the right to have Su Sha Wei.

Another: Buyeo, the later powerful country in the northeast, should also be related to FuYu Mountain, and should also come from Baoding, and the history records that "buyeo people grew up", which may be the head of the adult state Di Yi into the northeast. Goguryeo monarch Chu Meng also came from Buyeo, buyeo later some people entered the Korean Peninsula Baekje as the monarch, the Tang Dynasty had Baekje monarch Buyeo Long, etc., Baekje people once crossed the sea into Japan, according to some people research believe that the Japanese royal family long-term intermarriage with the Baekje royal family has the possibility of buyeo. There is a Buyeo County in Jilin, and some historians in the northeast believe that it is the Fuyu Mountain where the Tomb of The Tomb is located.

Take the south nine hills of Shunping Yaocheng as the astronomical geographical center observation point, do 36 equalized rays to the four sides into 36 areas, each district takes a naked eye visible mountain to take a total of 36 mountains as the district marker, before adding "in the great wilderness, there are x.x. mountains", the naked eye visible distance is not far, from the center to the four sides to see the terrain Northwest high southeast low, the distance between the northwest and northwest of the 36 mountains is between one or two0 kilometers and one hundred kilometers, can not exceed the visual distance. Some are close, such as the square mountain on the northwest 30-degree ray", "there are green trees named Cabinet Pine", even the trees on the top of the mountain can be seen, how far can it be? You can find Qingdu Mountain in Tang County, which is also the northernmost mountain to observe the summer solstice from the central point. The farthest visible is the Buzhou Mountain on the northwest 45-degree ray, in the northwest of Tang County, dozens of kilometers larger, and should also be visible in height.

The southeast plain only has some mounds, and this visible area is only one or two or thirty miles away. For example, on the 10-degree ray in the northeast, you can also see trees like ram's horns, which is really not far away.

Of course, among the 36 intervals, there are other invisible ones that are invisible, far or near, and as far as the Jinbei and Cangzhou seashores. Most of the mountains are only selected by observers for the observation records according to the actual situation, only used as interval benchmarks, not large mountains, and the mountains themselves have no great historical research significance, only a few involve ancient history research such as Buzhou Mountain, Fuyu Mountain, Fierce Plough Mound, Chengdu Zaitian Mountain, etc.

A brief illustration of the Four Classics of the Great Wilderness:

Starting from the Xushui Fangling Great Copper Horse: Shanhai Jingda National Defense Fengshi Yellow Emperor Hefu Shan Huan Mausoleum and so on
Starting from the Xushui Fangling Great Copper Horse: Shanhai Jingda National Defense Fengshi Yellow Emperor Hefu Shan Huan Mausoleum and so on
Starting from the Xushui Fangling Great Copper Horse: Shanhai Jingda National Defense Fengshi Yellow Emperor Hefu Shan Huan Mausoleum and so on

The last picture is 36 rays of transparent plastic paper, making it easy to find the corresponding place on the map.

Well, starting from the Big Copper Horse of The Tombs, I have said so much, and the basic idea of the study of the Four Classics of the Great Wilderness is probably clear. Welcome to discuss.

Friends who are also interested and agree with their own views can also try their own way against the Four Classics of the Great Wilderness according to Tu Suoji to find out whether there is an interesting coincidence and perfect the circle of ancient Huaxia together.

If you're not interested, just put it in [teeth] [beer]

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