
The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!

author:Encyclopedia of Succulents

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Thanks to the author [Long Liping] for the original exclusive authorization sharing

Posted on December 7, 2018

Editor's arrangement: [Succulent Encyclopedia] Encyclopedia Jun

Coordinates: Chuxiong, Yunnan

The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!

Cold and warm spring, scorching heat and autumn wind, changing seasons, four seasons reincarnated, in the late autumn and early winter, meat and meat ushered in its best season.

At first sight of the succulent, I was attracted by its pink and tender, cute and cute appearance, so I fell into the meat pit and was out of control. Every day, I have to take time out to visit the flower market with my friends, pick meat, mix soil, and pots, and start buying. The meat team also gradually grew.

From the beginning of meat raising to now, there have been more than three years, along the way, stumbling, experienced black rot, water, various diseases and insect pests, sacrificed countless meat and meat, but also harvested countless empty pots. From the beginning of the succulent Xiaobai did not understand anything, to now gradually grasp some of the characteristics and maintenance knowledge of meat, know when to help the meat fertilize and water, when to ventilate the meat, and raise meat has also begun to be handy, gradually into a better state.

The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!
The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!

"Crabapples are pale, white dew is frost, the so-called Iraqi people, on the side of the water."

Peach, from planting to the present state has only taken a few short months, when the first rays of the morning sun shine on you, you are nana, buds waiting to be released, I know, as long as you give you time, you will be beautiful to show me!

The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!
The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!

Hibiscus snow lotus, whenever I see you, the heart always comes up with verses such as: "Clear water out of hibiscus natural to embellish" such a verse.

The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!
The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!

"Beautiful eyes, smiling. A little powder, the country fell into the city" This golden glow is the best interpretation of this poem!

The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!
The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!

I remember a friend who asked me curiously: Why is this meat called pansies? I want to say: Yes! You have grown from a small green seedling to what you are now, and you must have worked tirelessly. Now, I know why you called it that name.

The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!
The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!

I only know that your name is Flamingo, and I recently learned that you have a very nice name, called: Silk Veil, I think, with your appearance, with this name, only more than enough.

The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!
The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!
The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!

Sunset, one of the three immortals of thin leaves, immortals to no friends! Being close to you always makes me feel your fairy aura.

The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!
The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!
The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!

Planting succulents, in fact, there is no fixed method and mode, it is slowly groping and accumulating experience. The climate, environment, natural conditions are different in each region, and the conservation methods are different.

The succulents I raise are all ordinary goods, but in my eyes, the meat is not expensive, and each one is like a mother's child. The meat is fully exposed, with pottery grains on the bottom and wheat rice stone. The soil is also very casual, generally it is granular soil, vermiculite, perlite, and accompanied by a little wheat stone, and there is no need for any proportion, just mix well at will.

Some friends have asked me: How long does it take to water succulents? In fact, there is no fixed time, and the partners can decide when to give water according to the season, weather, temperature and humidity, or the softness and hardness of the succulent leaves. In general, the rainy season has a lot of rain and high humidity, and there is no need to water the meat. During the dry season, water can be poured through every week. Small pots are succulent Due to the small flowering apparatus and less soil, the number of watering can be appropriately increased.

Each small partner can find the most suitable maintenance method for themselves according to their own conditions, so that the succulents show the most beautiful state. As long as the following points are met: sunshine conditions, ventilation environment, temperature difference, air humidity. Succulent coloring becomes very easy.

The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!
The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!

A flower and a world, a smile and a dust, light snow, just to look at you more in the meat group, you can't forget your face. Looking at your pink and tender color, ChuChu's moving appearance, I held your hand, and I couldn't help but be careful.

The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!
The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!
The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!

Qiluo, a very worthy variety, especially easy to grow in groups, the coloring speed is very fast, not easy to infect with various diseases and insect pests, belongs to the kind of meat that gives a little sunshine on the brilliant meat, it is strongly recommended that the small partners have one hand.

The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!
The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!

Red like fire, bright as xia, this is the reddest millet star I have ever seen, not one of them!

Some people say that succulents are the only love in the world that money can buy. If this is the case, then raising meat may become the most cost-effective investment in your life. Every small effort you make, you can get the most enthusiastic return from the meat.

The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!
The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!
The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!

Every good in the world is dressed up only for those who understand it. Winter beauty, in just one autumn, went from shallow joy to deep love!

The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!
The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!

Quiet, leisurely afternoon time, alone with yourself, talking to the heart, enjoying the light breeze of the moment! You will find that in fact, we really don't want much, a house, a courtyard, a flower, a grass, go all out when busy, and serve flowers and grass when idle, it is enough!

The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!
The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!

With the advent of early winter, the temperature gradually drops, the temperature difference between day and night continues to increase, and succulents have also begun to activate their own defense mechanisms, so that the chlorophyll that can make the leaves green is reduced, the carotene that makes the leaves yellow increases, and turns itself into a warm color to keep warm. If you dry it during the day and freeze it at night, the meat will become more and more beautiful! This winter, the sun seems to be brighter than in previous years, the meat is colored very quickly, and the state is unexpectedly good.

When the weekend break is basically hanging around on the terrace, watering, pulling dead leaves, taking pictures, most of the time has passed. Pushing open the door, there was a garden full of purple and red. At any time, as long as you come home, you can be greeted with their warmest welcome, and you are silently waiting at home every day. Never absent!

The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!
The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!
The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!

Snow Angel, turning myself into a frozen color, is the best reward for me!

The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!
The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!
The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!
The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!

If you like it, you will take it off, and if you love it, you will water it! You stand there, silently, without speaking, and you are already very beautiful!

The early morning sun is always fleeting, every weekend is not willing to snooze, will get up early in the morning, wait on the terrace, just to take the first rays of sunlight on you!

The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!
The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!
The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!

"Red halo is difficult to hide half covered face, beauty smiles and wears a veil"

Time to be the best beautician. Sunshine, on the other hand, is the best prop for shooting succulents. No filters, no need to beautify, naturally, you can present the most beautiful you!

The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!
The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!

The slightest coolness gradually struck, and unconsciously it was winter, and the flesh and meat, happily, bathed in the winter morning sun, greeted the first rays of sunshine with colorful postures.

The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!
The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!
The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!
The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!
The rest of my life is long, I raise flowers and grow meat, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!

The years are warm and the heart is like glass. It's a long way, thank you for the past. Sweet and bitter, both are the true taste of life. Gain and loss, gathering and dispersing, should all go with the flow. The years are only hurried for the busy, and the time is only for the people who have the heart. Loving meat and being loved by meat is a happy thing, and it is a good memory to think about many years later.

The rest of my life is long, I love my lover and love myself, I just want to plant the flowers I like, do what I like, and I just want to waste my time on beautiful things!


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