
Professor Kong Qingdong of Peking University: It is recommended to ban eating Chinese New Year's Eve meals, and no advanced civilized country has Chinese New Year's Eve the long history of abolishing the "Chinese New Year's Eve meals" and Chinese New Year's Eve meals by Kong Qingdong and his people Kong Qingdong and his people Kong Qingdong

author:History is material

The wanderer who has been running around for a year is undoubtedly looking forward to a warm Chinese New Year's Eve meal with his relatives who have not met for a long time on the occasion of the New Year. This is Chinese thousands of years of civilization history, but there are always some people who always want to show their uniqueness.

Professor Kong Qingdong of Peking University: It is recommended to ban eating Chinese New Year's Eve meals, and no advanced civilized country has Chinese New Year's Eve the long history of abolishing the "Chinese New Year's Eve meals" and Chinese New Year's Eve meals by Kong Qingdong and his people Kong Qingdong and his people Kong Qingdong

Earlier, a professor at Peking University declared that Chinese New Year's Eve meals should be abolished, because Chinese New Year's Eve meals often lead to many incidents, and even believed that Chinese New Year's Eve meals were backward customs. It can only be said that it is too absurd.

Chinese should cherish their customs, after all, this is the culture handed down from their ancestors, not to mention the culture that we think is a mess today, but why do some people feel dissatisfied with the once hot Chinese New Year's Eve meal?

Professor Kong Qingdong of Peking University: It is recommended to ban eating Chinese New Year's Eve meals, and no advanced civilized country has Chinese New Year's Eve the long history of abolishing the "Chinese New Year's Eve meals" and Chinese New Year's Eve meals by Kong Qingdong and his people Kong Qingdong and his people Kong Qingdong

This peking university professor is called Kong Qingdong, who is also a red person on the Internet and is also loved by many people. But often it also causes a heated discussion because of some strange remarks.

<h1 style="text-align: left;"> Kong Qingdongqi</h1>

Kong Qingdong, who called himself Kong Monk, was a famous scholar. Born in 1964 in Harbin, Heilongjiang, he is a native of the northeast, and naturally has the arrogance of the northeast in his bones. In 1983, he was admitted to the department of Chinese of Peking University from Harbin No. 3 Middle School, which really attracted people's attention in the era at that time, after all, in that era, the university did not expand enrollment, and the annual enrollment quota was very limited, not to mention the top universities such as Peking University, which undoubtedly made his fate undergo a very huge change, and everything began to move towards a new path of life.

Professor Kong Qingdong of Peking University: It is recommended to ban eating Chinese New Year's Eve meals, and no advanced civilized country has Chinese New Year's Eve the long history of abolishing the "Chinese New Year's Eve meals" and Chinese New Year's Eve meals by Kong Qingdong and his people Kong Qingdong and his people Kong Qingdong

After graduating from undergraduate, Kong Qingdong studied under two famous teachers in the Department of Chinese of Peking University: Mr. Qian Liqun's master's degree and Mr. Yan Jiayan's doctorate. Specializing in modern novels and martial arts novels, he has excellent language control, and his articles are not only vivid and interesting but also cynical. And this naturally has a very important impact on his personality, perhaps the various uninhibited bones have the roots of the Northeast people, coupled with the study of martial arts novels, so that he has an absolute pride.

Kong Qingdong's most admired writer was Lu Xun. Although Kong Qingdong was fascinated by martial arts, his reaction was still great when Lu Xun and Jin Yong were mentioned. "Sister-in-law Xianglin has been talking for 80 years, but she never quits from the textbook, because this work is very touching." Even international students who come to China will be moved to read Lu Xun's works. However, "Diary of a Madman" and "The True Biography of Ah Q" are indeed too deep for today's middle school students. Indeed, Lu Xun's blunt words had a direct impact on Monk Kong, making his understanding of society much more realistic.

Professor Kong Qingdong of Peking University: It is recommended to ban eating Chinese New Year's Eve meals, and no advanced civilized country has Chinese New Year's Eve the long history of abolishing the "Chinese New Year's Eve meals" and Chinese New Year's Eve meals by Kong Qingdong and his people Kong Qingdong and his people Kong Qingdong

Perhaps it is such a realistic Kong monk, many words may be unintentional, but I do not know that such a person will not be very popular for the times.

<h1 style="text-align: left;" > Kong monk's cancellation of the "Chinese New Year's Eve meal" theory</h1>

In one of the software, Kong Monk published a story that read:

It is recommended to legislate and prohibit Chinese New Year's Eve meals! First, every year to eat Chinese New Year's Eve meals, there are many people who can eat vomiting and diarrhea, go to the hospital emergency department, serious rescue is ineffective, hate to die. Second, when you eat Chinese New Year's Eve, you must drink alcohol, and when you are drunk, you will be prone to fights and fights, and even cases of life, seriously undermining social harmony. Third, advanced civilized countries do not eat Chinese New Year's Eve meals, and China still retains this barbaric and backward custom, which seriously affects the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Professor Kong Qingdong of Peking University: It is recommended to ban eating Chinese New Year's Eve meals, and no advanced civilized country has Chinese New Year's Eve the long history of abolishing the "Chinese New Year's Eve meals" and Chinese New Year's Eve meals by Kong Qingdong and his people Kong Qingdong and his people Kong Qingdong

We might as well take a look at this point of view.

First of all, for the problem of Chinese New Year's Eve meals to eat to the doctor. Chinese New Year's Eve many people cook at home, and the family eats a reunion dinner. But there are also some people, mostly urban people, like to book a place in a large hotel, so as to live a decent life for themselves, cooking at home is fine, after all, the ingredients, ingredients are all assured, eating out is not necessarily, so to a large extent is not the problem of Chinese New Year's Eve meal, but the problem of the ingredients themselves. In ordinary days, everyone has also eaten, and there are cases of eating problems, is it because of this that everyone is not allowed to eat?

Professor Kong Qingdong of Peking University: It is recommended to ban eating Chinese New Year's Eve meals, and no advanced civilized country has Chinese New Year's Eve the long history of abolishing the "Chinese New Year's Eve meals" and Chinese New Year's Eve meals by Kong Qingdong and his people Kong Qingdong and his people Kong Qingdong

Secondly, there is the problem of drinking. Chinese like to drink liquor, which is a long-standing custom, and the history of liquor in China is quite early, which is the deep cultural foundation of Chinese. However, not all Chinese New Year's Eve meals are drunk, most of the Chinese New Year's Eve meals are eaten with the family, if not the family dinner, at their own dinner table, do you still have to take the wine to get drunk? Moreover, the situation of drunkenness is not Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, but when inviting relatives and friends later, according to Professor Kong, it is better to cancel the Spring Festival directly, and if they are not allowed to idle, it will reduce the problem. And just like eating Chinese New Year's Eve meal, people usually drink alcohol, but it is better for Professor Kong to find a way to eliminate the wine directly from the source, then there will be no drunkenness.

Professor Kong Qingdong of Peking University: It is recommended to ban eating Chinese New Year's Eve meals, and no advanced civilized country has Chinese New Year's Eve the long history of abolishing the "Chinese New Year's Eve meals" and Chinese New Year's Eve meals by Kong Qingdong and his people Kong Qingdong and his people Kong Qingdong

Finally, there is the problem of civilized countries not eating Chinese New Year's Eve meals. First of all, we don't know where Professor Kong's remarks come from, it is true that few countries abroad have the custom of the Spring Festival, after all, the history is different, and our Chinese New Year's Eve meals are indeed not available abroad. However, you must know that the New Year in foreign countries is also a family eating together, which is the civilized country that Professor Kong said. If you just advertise it as backward because you Chinese New Year's Eve food, then the meaning of civilization is really disgraceful, and eating with your family is backward, and I don't know what Professor Kong's civilized country is like.

Therefore, for Professor Kong's words, it is really difficult to understand, and I don't know what kind of position he stands on.

<h1 style="text-align: left;">Chinese New Year's Eve the long history of rice</h1>

The "Chronicle of Customs and Soils" of the Western Jin Dynasty zhou said: "Chinese New Year's Eve night, sitting around the stove, Andadan does not sleep, which is called keeping the age." "It's really early to prove the New Year' word.

The Southern Dynasty Liang Zongyi recorded in the "Chronicle of the Jingchu Years" that "the family furniture of the year is humble, and the position of the old man is in the position of the old man, in order to welcome the New Year, and get together to drink." At least at this time, there is already Chinese New Year's Eve, and perhaps before, the history will be longer, after all, the old and the new are of great significance to the Chinese.

Professor Kong Qingdong of Peking University: It is recommended to ban eating Chinese New Year's Eve meals, and no advanced civilized country has Chinese New Year's Eve the long history of abolishing the "Chinese New Year's Eve meals" and Chinese New Year's Eve meals by Kong Qingdong and his people Kong Qingdong and his people Kong Qingdong

Chinese New Year's Eve-eating customs throughout the country may vary. When Chinese New Year's Eve meal is eaten every year in the Jiangnan region, every household has to close its doors, can't speak loudly, can't knock on the dishes. After eating the New Year's meal, it is necessary to clean up the dishes on the table and open the door, which is called making money behind closed doors and opening the door.

As for why there is such a statement, it is said that when eating the New Year's dinner, every household has an open door. The Jade Emperor wanted to understand the sufferings of the people, so he sent TieQiu Li to check on the next place at this time. Iron Crutch Lee is a lame flower fairy. Therefore, when eating the New Year's meal in the human world, he carried a basket and limped along the street to beg. After begging for food, he showed the Jade Emperor what he had asked for, who was poor and who was rich, he knew it at a glance.

Professor Kong Qingdong of Peking University: It is recommended to ban eating Chinese New Year's Eve meals, and no advanced civilized country has Chinese New Year's Eve the long history of abolishing the "Chinese New Year's Eve meals" and Chinese New Year's Eve meals by Kong Qingdong and his people Kong Qingdong and his people Kong Qingdong

For wealthy families, the Jade Emperor would arrange for him to suffer several disasters in the new year, while poor families would give them certain favors. Therefore, in order to deceive this messenger, such a custom was established. It was gradually passed down and became a cultural root.

Of course, customs vary across the country, and all kinds of legends are strong. But this also shows the importance of Chinese New Year's Eve meals for Chinese, but the difference in statements does not represent the backwardness of history, which represents the wisdom of the ancients and the yearning for a good life.

What is the theory of backwardness in such a history and culture?


For such a habit, what we need to do is to pass it on well, rather than blindly attacking backwardness. For the problems that arise, we must actively prevent and control them, rather than trying to find ways to eliminate the custom of Chinese New Year's Eve meals, which is undoubtedly a kind of destruction of traditional culture. After all, many wanderers, back to their hometown where they have been away for many years, what they expect is not a warm reunion dinner.

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