
In the 24th year of the new century, why did Tang Xuanzong change the names of his sons


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In the 24th year of the new century, why did Tang Xuanzong change the names of his sons

Author: Dream tapir

EDIT: Eat hard drives

Illustration: Developed mosquitoes

In the 24th year of the new century, that is, in 736 AD, Li Longji, the emperor of Tang Xuanzong, was 52 years old and had been the head of state for 25 years.

In February, in order to encourage the newly appointed 163 county orders, Tang Xuanzong personally wrote a letter of warning, asking these newly appointed magistrates to care for the people, strive to be good ministers and officials, educate the people, and work with the people to change their inherent vices in order to maintain political clarity.

In the same month, he also issued an edict and collectively renamed his sons, "Prince Hong is Ying, Qingwang Tan is Zhen, Zhongwang Jun is Xuan, King Di is Yan, King Wei of E is Yao, Rong Wang is 涺, Guang Wang is 涺, Yi Wang Wei is 潍, Ying Wang Hu is Xuan, Yong Wang Ze is Xuan, Shou Wang Qing is 瑁... and the sons of Prince Huixuan, the Prince of Huining, all changed to Jade. ”

This is not the first time that Tang Xuanzong has changed the name of his son and introduced a modern point of view, we can consider from the collective substitution of these names, Virgo him (Tang Xuanzong was born on September 8, 685) is too pursuit of perfection, and even has a clear tendency to obsessive-compulsive disorder.

This name change at the beginning of the 24th year of the new century can only be regarded as a small episode in the entire history of the Tang Dynasty. The reason why it will be talked about by future generations is because Li Mao's name change seems to have hinted at us that the human tragedy that occurred between this father and son that affected the entire historical pattern is about to begin.

Li Qing's change of name to Li Mao may be just a coincidence, but countless examples tell us that history is the inevitability of the accidental connection of every moment.


Time: April 24, 2000, Character: An Lushan

At this time, An Lushan was still a small and inconspicuous person, inconspicuous about his life and death, and became the topic of metaphysical discussion after several people in power after tea and dinner.

He was a Sogdian native, originally surnamed Kang, and came from a single-parent family. His mother later married a Turkic general, An Yanyan, who took his adoptive father's surname.

In the early years of the new century, he secretly ran to Youzhou, and Zhang Shoujue, who was then Fanyang Jiedushi's envoy, appreciated him and regarded him as a righteous son. Three years ago, An Lushan, on behalf of Zhang Shoujue, came to Beijing to report on his work. When Zhang Jiuling, who was then the Zhongshu Ling, saw this person, he was shocked and secretly gossiped with his colleague Pei Guangting: "Those who are chaotic in the state will be like this." ”

In April of that year, Zhang Shoujue suddenly escorted An Lushan to Beijing, and he explained in the song book that the general under his command was too light on the enemy and did not obey the military orders when he was fighting the rebellious Xi and Khitans, and almost destroyed the entire army.

After the war, an enraged Zhang Shoujue prepared to kill An Lushan. Before the execution, An Lushan shouted, "Doctor, have you lost the fighting spirit to destroy the two thieves, Xi and Khitan?" Otherwise, why would you want to kill such a powerful An Lushan! ”

Zhang Shoujue, who heard the shouting, felt that An Lushan was a fierce general, and it was a pity to kill him, but he could not tamper with the military law at will, so he sent him to the Beijing Division and left it for Zhongshu Province to be released.

Zhang Jiuling replied in the recital: "Xi Rang Tho Zhuang Jia, Sun Wu beheaded the palace concubine, and if the defenders ordered it, Lu Shan should not be spared death." (In the past, the Qi general Huang Tho (穰苴) killed the overseer Zhuang Jia, and Sun Wu of the State of Wu beheaded his concubines who disobeyed orders.) Since Zhang Shoujue had already issued a military order, An Lushan, who violated the military order, should not be spared death. )

Tang Xuanzong voted against this. He was a little embarrassed, and prepared an edict to dismiss An Lushan from office, so that he could continue to lead the army against the enemy as a white-clad (civilian).

When Zhang Jiuling received this handling opinion, he was very dissatisfied, and he argued on the basis of reason: "The subject looks at his appearance in the opposite direction, and if he does not kill, he will be a trouble in the future." (In his opinion, this man does not look like a good man.) If he is not killed today, he will be a plague one day. )

Tang Xuanzong, however, thought that his subordinates were too alarmist, and replied: "Qing Qing should not use Wang Yifu to know Shi Le and harm Zhongliang in vain." (According to some historical records, in the last years of the Western Jin Dynasty, Wang Yan (Zi Yifu), an important minister in the middle of the Dynasty, saw Shi Le, who was only 14 years old, on the street and could not help but be stunned, he had foreseen that this teenager would become a major disaster for the people of the world in the future.) Sure enough, more than ten years later, Shi Le rose from the end of the world and became the tyrant of the dominant side. The emperor then issued an edict pardoning An Lushan's capital offense.

Twenty years later, Tang Xuanzong, who had taken refuge in Shudi, recalled this past and couldn't help but weep, only hating that he had not listened to the advice of the prime minister and finally caused the tiger to be in trouble.

In the 24th year of the new century, why did Tang Xuanzong change the names of his sons


Time: October 24, 2000, Character: Li Linfu

According to the Old Book of Tang and the Biography of Emperor Gaozong Liangdi xiao, during the reign of Emperor Gaozong of Tang, Empress Wang and Xiao Liangdi, who had lost the battle in the palace, were imprisoned in the harem, and they often insulted Wu Zetian: "May Ah Wu be a mouse, and I be a cat, and strangle his throat!" ”

So Empress Wu became angry, and the two abandoned concubines were cut off from their limbs and thrown into the wine urn, which was called "bone drunk". A few days later, the tortured two men died of hatred. Since then, the palace has been haunted. It is said that Empress Wu often saw the two women die, their heads scattered, dripping blood, and a strange laugh in their mouths.

Wu Zetian found Wu Zhu to cast spells in the palace, but it still did not play any role. Therefore, in the later period, she lived in the eastern capital of Luoyang most of the time, probably because she wanted to use the spatial barrier so that these two ghosts could not come out again to scare people.

However, after eighty years, the imperial palace in the eastern capital Luoyang was also haunted, and they appeared late one night in October, which frightened Tang Xuanzong, who happened to live here. Naturally, royal people are desperate for their lives, and they want to devote their limited lives to infinite peace and joy. Therefore, early the next morning, Tang Xuanzong summoned the three prime ministers and discussed with them to return to Chang'an.

On this outing, the emperor originally planned to return on February 2 next year, and if he hurried back now, he would inevitably disrupt the arrangements of the official offices along the way. Pei Yaoqing and Zhang Jiuling stood up to express their opposition, "This agricultural harvest has not yet been completed, please wait for midwinter." (The crops have not yet been harvested, so let's talk about it after this harvest season.) Of the three, only Li Linfu was silent.

Tang Xuanzong was in a hurry to attack his heart, and in such a gloomy mansion, he did not dare to live for a day. But why don't these ministers sympathize with their feelings? He waved his hand to get several of his subordinates to withdraw. Pei Yaoqing and Zhang Jiuling both withdrew, but Li Linfu stayed.

He bowed his hand to the emperor and said, "Whether it is Chang'an or Luoyang, it is just Your Majesty's two palaces, you can come when you want, you can leave when you want, and the subordinates really don't see the need to choose the travel time." As for the royal driving hindering the autumn harvest, then we can exempt the states and counties along the way from the tax. ”

After Tang Xuanzong heard these words, he suddenly became enlightened like an empowerment, and even nodded his head in appreciation. So he ordered on the spot to go west immediately according to Li Linfu's suggestion.

A few days after returning to Chang'an, the emperor summoned several prime ministers to discuss the appointment of Shuofang Jiedu to make Niu Xianke a Shangshu. Zhang Jiuling retorted that niu xianke had merit, but it was enough to reward him with some money.

This time, the small meeting of the monarchs and courtiers was naturally unhappy and dispersed, and after the other two prime ministers retired, Li Linfu opened his mouth and said to the emperor: "Niu Xianke is a material for the prime minister, and it does not matter if he is not a shangshu." In contrast, Zhang Jiuling is just a scholar who does not understand human feelings. ”

This is said with the intention of the speaker, and the heart of the listener. Perhaps from this moment on, Tang Xuanzong's heart had a thought of transfiguration.

The next day, the monarchs were still entangled in this issue, and the emperor was furious and said, "Is it true that the major affairs in the imperial court can only be decided by you?" Zhang Jiuling said tit-for-tat: "As the prime minister, I should point out the emperor's mistakes." Isn't it shameful that the cow fairy is illiterate and entrusts him with a heavy responsibility? ”

After Zhang Jiuling and Pei Yaoqing left, Li Linfu did indeed say again: "Tianzi wants to reuse a person, why should he definitely write articles, as long as he has talent." A few days later, the emperor directly issued a decree to give niu xianke the title of Duke of Longxi County.

According to the Zizhi Tongjian, four days after Niu Xianke's promotion, Zhang Jiuling and Pei Yaoqing were dismissed, Li Linfu replaced Zhang Jiuling's vacancy and Zhongshu Ling, and Niu Xianke was promoted to Gongbu Shangshu and Tongzhongshu Menxia Sanpin.

It is said that during the Wuzhou Period, there was a proverb popular in the city, and its cracked version was probably: "There must be a cow surnamed Gan Tang Zuo". In April of the following year, the Overseer Zhou Ziyu wrote a letter impeaching the Cow Cyclamen with this proverb.

Emperor Xuanzong was furious and ordered zhou ziyu to be beaten violently in front of all the ministers, and zhou ziyu was beaten unconscious. When he woke up, the emperor was still angry and ordered the eunuch to beat him again in public with a stick. Soon after, Zhou Ziyu died in exile. Since then, the hundred officials in the imperial court have all protected themselves, and no one has dared to speak out.

Emperor Xuanzong of Tang had long planned to abolish the crown prince Li Ying, which had been strongly opposed by Zhang Jiuling in the early stages, but after Li Linfu took office, he encouraged the emperor to abolish the crown prince. In April of the 25th year of the new century, Emperor Xuanzong of Tang announced in the palace that he would make a book, abolish Li Ying's status as crown prince, demote him to a commoner, and soon after order him to die.

In the 24th year of the new century, why did Tang Xuanzong change the names of his sons


Time: February 25, 2000, Character: Xing Xuan (shú)

The two characters we mentioned earlier, An Lushan and Li Linfu, have been written by the People's Congress in the historical materials, but Xing Xuan's records in the historical materials are not much, and all we know is that he once served as a teaching assistant in four disciplines and compiled the "Zhou Yi Slightly Routine".

In February 25, king Jin Xingguang of Silla died, and Emperor Xuanzong of Tang sent Xing Xuan on an envoy to Silla. At that time, Xing Xuan was still Zuo Zanshan Dafu (a subordinate official of the Eastern Palace Crown Prince's Palace, Zheng Wupin), and for the convenience of the envoy, the emperor ordered him to act as the Shaoqing of Hongxu Temple (from Sipin).

At the farewell party, Tang Xuanzong spoke: "The new Luosu has the reputation of 'the country of gentlemen', and the scholars of their country are as talented as the Central Plains and are good at debate, so this time I sent you to serve as this messenger." It can be seen that Xing Xuan should be a scholar-type talent who can speak eloquently.

From the "History of the Three Kingdoms", we can see that Xing Xuan and his party arrived in Silla around April, "In The summer of April, the Tang envoy Xing Xuan presented the king with documents such as the LaoZi Tao Te Ching. Fortunately, Xing Xuan, who was far away in Silla, was not implicated in the abolition of the prince's case.

Xing Xuan stayed in Silla for nearly a year. In January of the following year, the Silla Sunntian Palace was completed, and the king of Silla gave Xing Xuan "thirty-two gold, fifty horses of cloth, and one hundred pounds of ginseng", and the delegation returned to China in a big way.

The Zhengshi's account of a historical event seems to have ended here, but we can find such a passage in the wild history: "Tang Xingxuan's envoy Silla Ye, returned to The TanShan." Encountered more than 100 people, carrying several boats, all of which belong to the elephant rhinoceros, tens of millions. Because he was unprepared, he killed them and threw them into the sea and took them. When it comes to Beijing, if it is feared that people know it, it will be put into it, and it will be given back to Xuan, and it will be used arbitrarily. (When Xing Xuan of the Tang Dynasty sent Silla back, the ship was moored at Tanshan and encountered an overseas merchant group of 100 people.) They loaded several ships of cargo, all precious items such as pearls, emeralds, agarwood, ivory, rhino horns, etc., worth tens of millions. Taking advantage of their lack of defense, Xing Xuan killed them all, threw their bodies into the sea, and took all the cargo on board for himself. After returning to Jingshi, he was afraid that others would find out about his crimes, so he asked to give these valuables to the emperor, who ordered them to be returned to Xing Xuan. Xing Xuan confidently and boldly possessed them. )

In order to round up the lie, Xing Xuan may have introduced these things to Tang Xuanzong and said that these things were gifted by dignitaries of the Silla Kingdom, but compared with the gifts of the King of Silla, the difference was so huge that it should not be difficult to find loopholes. But no one impeached him for this, could it be that Xing Xuan's eloquence was already high eloquent enough to make the imperial historians dumbfounded?

It was an extremely egregious looting incident, with more than a hundred people dying. You can imagine how tragic the scene of the killing was, but the chief evil Xing Xuan was not punished at all. Could it be that all the entourage were collectively deaf at that moment?

Fifteen years later, Xing Xuan's son Xing Xuan (邢縡) was punished for plotting against Wang Lu (王鉎), the younger brother of the powerful minister Wang Jun, and the Xing clan was punished. Therefore, the Song Dynasty literary scholar Li Fang characterized this incident as "retribution" in the book "Taiping Guangji", "Hou Ziyun rebelled with Wang Hao, and Xing Died. ”

The downfall of Wang Hao is an opportunity for another historical figure to expand his power extremely. This person's original name was Yang Zhao, and in the ninth year of Tianbao (750 AD), Emperor Xuanzong of Tang gave him the name "Guozhong".

Yang Guozhong, the prodigal son who is rumored to be Zhang Yizhi's own son in the history of the wild, as he steps step by step towards the highest power, we seem to hear a slight cracking sound like a low groan in our ears, and the chariot of the Li family dynasty gallops away in the direction of twilight.

In the 25th year of the new century (737 AD), Tang Xuanzong deposed the crown prince Li Ying only three months ago, Xing Xuan sent an envoy to Silla for about five months, and Dali Shaoqing Xu Yue said: "The world is now fifty-eight years old, several sentences, the prison of the Bird's Nest Temple." (A total of 58 people have been sentenced to death this year, and now the punishments are almost shelved, and the birds are starting to nest on the beams of the Dali Temple prison.) )

Emperor Xuanzong of Tang attributed these feats to the chancellor and praised Li Linfu in the courtroom. Just as these people are pursuing each other, they do not know that history has quietly turned a corner at this moment. The so-called "grass snake gray line, thousands of miles", the real history of the same to the reader to hide countless clues for retrospection.

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