
Shiitake beef sauce, spicy and delicious to eat the next meal, grasp the 2 steps when cooking, and put it for a year

author:Yi Xiao Chef

Hello everyone, I'm Yi Xiao Chef. Mention the sauce, presumably for most people are not strangers, open the door seven things, "chai rice oil salt sauce vinegar tea", the location of the sauce before vinegar and tea, is an indispensable delicacy in our usual life, eat rice, noodles when mixing some sauce, the taste is fragrant and delicious rice; eat steamed buns, flapjacks when dipping some sauce, increase appetite and delicious; eat lettuce, stir-fry when using some sauce, the taste is rich and delicious. Sauce is loved by everyone because it is easy to eat and has a delicious taste.

Shiitake beef sauce, spicy and delicious to eat the next meal, grasp the 2 steps when cooking, and put it for a year

Speaking of sauce, I remember that the sauce I ate when I was a child was boiled by my mother's own hands, and now the standard of living has improved, and you can buy a variety of edible sauces in the supermarket, such as yellow sauce, chili sauce, peanut butter, sesame sauce, bibimbap sauce, fried sauce, sweet noodle sauce, etc., everything is available, but eating a lot of the sauce I bought, I still think that my mother's boiled sauce is delicious, especially beef mushroom sauce, which is still fresh in people's memories.

Shiitake beef sauce, spicy and delicious to eat the next meal, grasp the 2 steps when cooking, and put it for a year

When it comes to beef mushroom sauce, I remember my mother said that in the process of making sauce, it is necessary to do "three must be put and one must not be put". Three must be put, sesame oil, can increase the aroma of the sauce; ginger, play a role in flavoring and increasing fragrance, the sauce made, the taste will be more intense; cooking wine, remove the odor to ensure that the sauce is pure. If you don't put it, soy sauce can't be put, soy sauce is mainly to improve the color, and putting soy sauce will make the sauce black. No matter what sauce is fried, as long as you keep in mind that the above is "three must put one do not put", the good sauce will be delicious, in order to make the sauce more delicious, you can also add some sugar to mention the incense, if you feel that the sauce is not salty enough, you can add a little salt, so that the good sauce will be more flavorful, delicious rice.

Shiitake beef sauce, spicy and delicious to eat the next meal, grasp the 2 steps when cooking, and put it for a year

Well, not much to say, below, the small chef will share with you the preparation method of shiitake beef sauce, grasp 2 steps when cooking, and put it for a year.

Shiitake beef sauce, spicy and delicious to eat the next meal, grasp the 2 steps when cooking, and put it for a year

【Shiitake beef sauce】

Ingredients required: beef filling, fresh shiitake mushrooms, Pixian bean paste, sweet noodle sauce, soybean paste, rock sugar, millet pepper, peanut rice, ginger, garlic, cooking wine, sesame oil, monosodium glutamate, edible oil

Shiitake beef sauce, spicy and delicious to eat the next meal, grasp the 2 steps when cooking, and put it for a year

Preparation steps: 1, fresh shiitake mushrooms, washed, cut into cubes, ginger, cut into ginger, garlic, cut into minced garlic, millet pepper, cut into small pieces. All ingredients are ready and set aside.

Shiitake beef sauce, spicy and delicious to eat the next meal, grasp the 2 steps when cooking, and put it for a year

2, take a pot, add 2 spoons of cooking oil and 1 spoon of sesame oil, cold oil into the beef filling (the amount of oil is more than usual when stir-frying), slowly simmer over low heat, the beef moisture is fully sautéed, fried into a golden brown without moisture release, beef stuffing on a little burnt edge, and the surface of the oil flower is very even when the bubbles, beef stuffing is sautéed. This step is very important and critical, when making shiitake beef sauce, sautéed beef filling must be fried in cold oil, until the beef filling is fried out of the charred edge, the purpose of this is mainly to make the beef stuffing in the later firing process, in order to better absorb the soup, to ensure its crisp taste.

Shiitake beef sauce, spicy and delicious to eat the next meal, grasp the 2 steps when cooking, and put it for a year
Shiitake beef sauce, spicy and delicious to eat the next meal, grasp the 2 steps when cooking, and put it for a year

3, then, down into the diced shiitake mushrooms, sauté, stir-fry until the diced shiitake mushrooms slightly dehydrated; then add minced garlic, ginger, millet pepper crushed, continue to sauté, out of the aroma, millet pepper slightly discolored.

Shiitake beef sauce, spicy and delicious to eat the next meal, grasp the 2 steps when cooking, and put it for a year
Shiitake beef sauce, spicy and delicious to eat the next meal, grasp the 2 steps when cooking, and put it for a year
Shiitake beef sauce, spicy and delicious to eat the next meal, grasp the 2 steps when cooking, and put it for a year
Shiitake beef sauce, spicy and delicious to eat the next meal, grasp the 2 steps when cooking, and put it for a year

4: Then, add 1 spoonful of Pixian bean paste and continue to sauté to make the red oil.

Shiitake beef sauce, spicy and delicious to eat the next meal, grasp the 2 steps when cooking, and put it for a year
Shiitake beef sauce, spicy and delicious to eat the next meal, grasp the 2 steps when cooking, and put it for a year

5: Next, add 1/2 tbsp sweet noodle sauce and 2 tbsp soybean paste and sauté evenly.

Shiitake beef sauce, spicy and delicious to eat the next meal, grasp the 2 steps when cooking, and put it for a year

6, turn the low heat, add 1 spoonful of cooking wine, and then pour 1 small bowl of water into the pot, the amount of water should not be over the beef filling, the high heat keeps stir-frying, after the water is boiled, turn to low heat, stir-fry, the water vapor is almost gone, then add 1 small bowl of water, the high heat continues to stir-fry, after the water is boiled, turn the low heat, fry the water vapor dry, until the sauce is more and more concentrated, the water gradually drains, and then add 1 spoonful of water, the high heat continues to stir-fry, after the water is boiled, turn to low heat, continue to stir-fry, fry until the oil slowly seeps out, add 1 spoonful of semi-rock sugar, high heat, Stir-fry until the sauce is darker and brighter, and the bubbling and oil viscosity of the sauce is enhanced. This step is very important, when frying the sauce, you have to add water 3 times (each time you add water for about 10 hours), each time the water is boiled dry, add water again, so that the sauce is good, the sauce is fragrant.

Shiitake beef sauce, spicy and delicious to eat the next meal, grasp the 2 steps when cooking, and put it for a year
Shiitake beef sauce, spicy and delicious to eat the next meal, grasp the 2 steps when cooking, and put it for a year

7, finally, turn off the heat, add a little sesame oil, MONOS glutamate, mention the fresh, stir-fry evenly, shiitake beef sauce is ready.

Shiitake beef sauce, spicy and delicious to eat the next meal, grasp the 2 steps when cooking, and put it for a year
Shiitake beef sauce, spicy and delicious to eat the next meal, grasp the 2 steps when cooking, and put it for a year

Shiitake beef sauce, the color is rosy, the color is bright, the rich sauce flavor comes to the face, with steamed bun dipped in some mushroom beef sauce to eat, it is really spicy and delicious, the aftertaste is endless, while eating while sweating, it is really comfortable, unconsciously ate 3 steamed buns.

Shiitake beef sauce, spicy and delicious to eat the next meal, grasp the 2 steps when cooking, and put it for a year
Shiitake beef sauce, spicy and delicious to eat the next meal, grasp the 2 steps when cooking, and put it for a year

Warm tips: 1, do not use beef stuffing to make, you can also use beef to make, beef is best to choose beef tenderloin, when using beef, first blanch the beef after water, and then cut into small cubes to make. 2, when sautéing beef, the oil can not be hot, the oil is hot, fried beef stuffing is time, beef stuffing will be wrapped into a ball. 3, the salt in the sauce is already very heavy, in the process of making beef sauce it is best not to put salt again. 4, when frying the sauce, do not add enough water at a time, add more water, boiled sauce is not delicious, will be slack. 5, boiled shiitake beef sauce, let cool and then put into a dry glass bottle, put it for a year is not bad. 6, peanut rice can not be put, put peanut rice, the sauce to eat as soon as possible, so as not to break, this time prepared peanut rice, afraid of time long broken, and finally did not put.

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