
One wine and one dish | Appetizers for ethnic minorities

author:Relief liquor store

At the wine table, whether you drink or not, you will definitely eat two mouthfuls of appetizers. These delicacies seem to be supporting roles, but in fact, they play an important role at the dinner table! Before the meal, grab a handful of filling stomach is the appetizer, from time to time you can eat two bites of the appetizer, whether it is hot or cold, delicious or appetizer...

China's history and culture have a long history and culture, and there are different ethnic groups in China, which is rich in local affairs, and the 56 ethnic groups have their own customs and traditions, especially the appetizers, and the appetizers in each place are unique. A mountain is divided into four seasons, and ten miles are different. The wine of each ethnic minority is always full of mystery, and the appetizers of ethnic minorities are even more bizarre.

Lisu - lacquered oil stewed chicken

Chicken stew with lacquer oil is a traditional food loved by the Lisu people. When new year's festivals or distant friends arrive, Lisu people will make this dish to celebrate the festival and entertain VIPs. Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture is rich in lacquer trees, lacquer oil, lacquer oil is edible, can also be used as a chemical raw material, but also can be used in medicine. Chicken stew in lacquer oil is a dish made with lacquer oil and chicken as raw materials. The meat is tender, sweet and delicious.

Mongolian - Roast whole sheep

One wine and one dish | Appetizers for ethnic minorities

This is a local specialty dish, a traditional flavor meat product for the diet of ethnic minorities in Inner Mongolia. Roasted whole lamb color, aroma, taste, shape and flavor, unique flavor. Roasted whole lamb is the healthiest, most environmentally friendly and greenest food in the meat diet, with a golden buttery appearance, a brown and crispy meat, a soft and tender interior, and a fragrant mutton flavor, which is quite palatable and unique.

Korean - Kimchi

Kimchi is a kind of lactic acid fermented vegetable products with unique flavor, with diverse raw materials, simple production, low cost, convenient consumption, good sensory quality and suitable taste. The Korean kimchi is a kind of national food that Koreans like to eat since ancient times, and it is a unique vegetarian dish. It is made of cabbage, radish and other vegetables as the main raw material, pepper, green onion, garlic, ginger, fruit, salt and other seasonings, fermented by lactic acid.

Bai - willow steamed pig's head

Steamed pork head is one of the traditional dishes of the Bai ethnic group, which is steamed by placing the pig's head on a wicker rack and steaming it into a pot. Bai people must have this dish every festive season and family banquet, and this dish has also become a traditional dish loved by the Bai people in Heqing. This dish is golden in color, fresh in flesh, mellow and refreshing, not greasy in food, and has a unique flavor.

Hani – Bamboo chicken

One wine and one dish | Appetizers for ethnic minorities

Bamboo tube chicken is the traditional food of the Hani people in Yunnan. Cooking with bamboo tubes has a long history. To this day, the Hani still retain the traditional method of bamboo tube cooking. This is related to the green bamboo in the mountains, and it is also related to the delicious food cooked in bamboo tubes, such as the bamboo tube chicken of the Hani ethnic group. It has both the fresh sweetness of chicken and the fragrance of green bamboo, tender and soft glutinous, unique preparation, ancient and simple.

Lahu – grilled meat

The Lahu are one of the oldest ethnic groups in China. "Pull" means tiger, and "祜" means roasting meat by the fire to the point of fragrantness. In the past, the Lahu people lived in the dense forests of the mountains and made a living by hunting, but after liberation, they gradually moved out of the forest and lived an agricultural life. From the word "Lahu" can be seen that this is a people known for their barbecue, Lahu barbecue meat has a unique flavor, people will hunt the beast meat directly with fire or with banana leaves to wrap the meat buried in the fire and cooked and eaten, typical foods mainly include Lahu barbecue, vanilla roast beef and so on.

Uyghur - Kebabs

One wine and one dish | Appetizers for ethnic minorities

Kebabs are the most famous ethnic snacks in Xinjiang. The main ingredients are lamb, onions, salt and so on. Lamb should be selected lean meat, or fat and lean, clean fascia, the finished product is soft and tender and delicious. Lamb meat is tender, easy to digest, high protein, low fat, more phospholipids, less fat content than pork and beef, less cholesterol content, is one of the delicious winter cold and warm supplements.

Aquarium - fish wrapped leeks

In the process of long-term historical development, the aquatic people who live in Sandu Shui Autonomous County in Qiannan Buyi Miao Autonomous Prefecture and its neighboring areas have gradually formed the characteristics of eating glutinous rice food, fish, sour and spicy food, and drinking, of which fish is an indispensable delicacy for the aquatic people to sacrifice ancestors, celebrate festivals, and entertain guests. The "fish wrapped leeks" cooked in a unique way is the first dish of the aquarium, with strong national characteristics and peculiar cultural connotations.

Dai - fried insects

One wine and one dish | Appetizers for ethnic minorities

The Dai people have an old saying that "all green is counted as vegetables, and all that moves is meat", so many insects are delicious dishes of the Dai people. In fact, not only the Dai people, but also the Bai, Hani, Mu (mù) Lao ethnic minorities in Yunnan have the habit of eating insects, so what are the common insects that the Dai people eat most often?

The first is the fried bee pupae. Bee pupae are generally wild bee larvae and pupae, delicious to eat, in addition to frying, there are bee pupae omelette, ginger and shallot fried bee pupae, pretzel bee pupae, fried poached egg pupae, sand bee pupa lettuce buns.

This is followed by fried grasshoppers. Grasshoppers are locusts, the flesh is soft, delicious like shrimp, because grasshoppers are a very harmful insect for farmers, so they are often caught by farmers to make food.

Finally, there are fried bamboo worms. Bamboo insects, also known as bamboo bees, parasitize in bamboo tubes, mainly eat tender bamboo, hidden in root tubes, rich in nutrients. Fried bamboo worms are fragrant and crispy, and the taste is crisp and tender, which is a special food of the Dai people in Yunnan.

These three kinds of bugs are put together into a plate, full of crispy flavor, without any peculiar smell, no wonder it will be robbed after a while on the table, and it will not be left at the end.