
Code: Single-player package, Price: Forever free

author:People in Fujian

Recently, a small shop in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, launched a unique single package, which touched many people.

Code: Single-player package, Price: Forever free

This shop mainly sells chives and flatbread, and there is a very eye-catching menu at the entrance of the shop that reads: Eat for free. The owner, 31-year-old Qu Zhipan, has launched a free set menu that includes a chives cake and a bottle of yogurt.

Qu Zhipan considered that customers might be embarrassed to open their mouths, so he thought of a secret code: a single package. Just say this, he understands what the customer means.

In fact, this is not the first time that Qu Zhipan has done public welfare, he used to be the owner of a barbecue shop, providing free hot water to sanitation workers when it was cold.

Code: Single-player package, Price: Forever free

Qu Zhipan said that he once had no food because he had lost money, but fortunately well-wishers helped and funded him to return home. Because he has been helped by others, he also wants to pass on this love.

In the past two months, Qu Zhipan has helped many people, saying that as long as the store is open, the "single package" will not stop.

Code: Single-player package, Price: Forever free
Code: Single-player package, Price: Forever free
Code: Single-player package, Price: Forever free
Code: Single-player package, Price: Forever free

Netizens were deeply moved by Qu Zhipan's behavior.

Code: Single-player package, Price: Forever free
Code: Single-player package, Price: Forever free
Code: Single-player package, Price: Forever free
Code: Single-player package, Price: Forever free
Code: Single-player package, Price: Forever free
Code: Single-player package, Price: Forever free

Countless hearts hold up the hope of tomorrow and praise every love!

Source: CCTV News, Minsheng Reference, People's Daily

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