
The Gansu Provincial Public Aviation Brigade Group Public Construction Group gave full play to the role of party organizations as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members to fight the epidemic prevention and control encounters

author:Daily Gansu

Doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control is the top priority and the biggest political task at present. Since the outbreak of the new round of the new crown epidemic, the Gansu Provincial Public Aviation Brigade Group Public Construction Group has acted at the behest of orders and made careful arrangements, giving full play to the exemplary role of grass-roots party organizations and party members, organizing and mobilizing all the staff of the company to participate in the epidemic prevention and control encounter, coordinating and linking up to grasp protection, and working together to fight the epidemic, the party flag is flying high on the front line, and the party emblem is shining on the front line.

The Gansu Provincial Public Aviation Brigade Group Public Construction Group gave full play to the role of party organizations as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members to fight the epidemic prevention and control encounters

At the behest of the order, he grasped the deployment and blew the charge trumpet. The epidemic is the order, and the epidemic prevention is the politics. The party committee of the company organized and conveyed the relevant spirit of the epidemic prevention and control work of the group company at the first time, timely forwarded authoritative epidemic information, quickly mobilized and carefully arranged the epidemic prevention and control work of the company's organs, property companies and the front line of the project, so as to achieve smooth government decrees, linkage between the upper and lower levels, rapid orderly and efficient implementation, and promote the implementation, landing and detail of the epidemic prevention and control work requirements of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, the state-owned assets supervision and administration commission of the provincial government and the group company; At the first time, the "Notice on Giving Full Play to the Role of the Company's Grassroots Party Organizations as Fighting Fortresses and the Exemplary Role of Party Members as Pioneers and Resolutely Winning the Encounter War of Epidemic Prevention and Control" was issued at the first time, calling on all party branches and all party members of the company to take urgent action, take the current epidemic prevention and control as the main battlefield for testing the effectiveness of party history study and education, and take it as a specific action of the "I do practical things for the masses" practical activities, quickly enter the wartime state, plan and arrange in combination with reality, and build a solid epidemic prevention and control safety defense line with the greatest determination, the strictest measures, and the greatest efforts. At the same time, a special meeting was held to make arrangements for the company's party member volunteer service, organization of condolences, humanistic care, news publicity and other work, and the company's main leaders took the lead in carrying out condolences, inspection work, risk investigation, rapid and solid work, and cohesion to win the greatest joint force to win the epidemic prevention and control encounter.

The Gansu Provincial Public Aviation Brigade Group Public Construction Group gave full play to the role of party organizations as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members to fight the epidemic prevention and control encounters

Multi-point linkage solid fortress, weaving dense net protective net. A branch is a fortress. In combination with their own functional positioning, each party branch quickly organized a party member volunteer service team, a party member commando team, and a party member vanguard team, fully cooperated with the township (street) and village (community) party organizations in implementing territorial control responsibilities, deeply promoted "joint prevention and joint control", comprehensively refined protective measures, and completed two rounds of nucleic acid testing for all employees, and the third round of nucleic acid testing is being carried out. The first and second party branches of the company organs organize the relevant responsible departments to do a solid job in the dynamic release of epidemic prevention and control, the reserve of epidemic prevention materials, the elimination of office space, the investigation of close contacts, the summary of information and data, etc., in strict accordance with the requirements of the flexible work system, grasp the epidemic prevention and control on the one hand, and grasp the normal operation on the other hand, providing a strong service guarantee for production and operation and epidemic prevention and control. The party branches of each project office (project company) closely combine the reality of the project's front-line epidemic prevention and control points, the length of the line, the wide area and the large number of labor personnel, the complex composition, and the strong mobility, and set up party member responsibility areas and party member demonstration posts in each work site and work area, adjust the epidemic prevention strategy, refine the work plan, implement the prevention and control responsibility at all levels, strengthen the management of key areas and the investigation and control of key personnel, and use "three-code joint investigation", closed management of the site site, close contact personnel and personnel isolation of risk areas, Diversified methods such as civil air defense and material defense and information remote management will resolutely prevent the risk of the epidemic. The party branch of Fuxiang Property Company timely delineated the responsibility area of party members, fully implemented 24-hour duty, increased the intensity of material reserves, strengthened the inspection of personnel entering and leaving the community, regularly disinfected public facilities and areas such as building elevators, handrails, toilets, corridors, halls, etc., and took multiple measures to block the epidemic transmission chain, forming a strong epidemic protection network.

The Gansu Provincial Public Aviation Brigade Group Public Construction Group gave full play to the role of party organizations as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members to fight the epidemic prevention and control encounters

Party members and vanguards set an example and showed off the red party flag. A party member is a banner. The majority of party members of the company actively respond to the call of the provincial party committee, the group party committee and the party committee of the company, take the initiative to cooperate with the local epidemic prevention and control work, accept nucleic acid testing for all employees at the first time, enthusiastically sign up to participate in volunteer services, do their best, be ready to go, and be ready to participate in the epidemic prevention and control battle at any time; Actively fulfill social responsibilities, take the initiative to report personal and family health information and recent action trajectories, do not go out unless necessary, truthfully provide relevant information, take the lead in publicizing scientific knowledge of epidemic prevention and control, forward official authoritative information, so as not to disseminate, do not believe, or create false epidemic information, and strongly support and cooperate with epidemic prevention and control work; Fully perform the responsibilities of the post, do a good job under the premise of preventing the epidemic, and ensure that the work standards are not lowered due to the prevention and control of the epidemic, especially the front-line party members can take the initiative to adhere to the responsibility area, devote themselves to the epidemic prevention and control work, engage in elimination, body temperature, registration, warmth, and risk elimination, and orderly promote the in-depth development of the epidemic prevention and control work, which demonstrates the advanced nature and responsibility of the majority of party members.

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