
Chen Shidao: The most respectful is Zeng Gong, who has always been a clove of incense

author:Lin Ge
Chen Shidao: The most respectful is Zeng Gong, who has always been a clove of incense

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Name: Chen Shidao

Years: 1053-1102

Origin: Pengcheng, Xuzhou (present-day Xuzhou, Jiangsu).

Name: Houshan resident

Genre: Jiangxi poetry school

Honours: Sumen Viscaya

Album: "Mr. Houshan Collection", "Houshan Lyrics"

Representative work: "Guan Yan Wen Zhong Gong Jia Liu Yi Tang Book"

Famous saying: There has always been a clove of incense, revered as Zeng Nanfeng.

Social History:

At the age of sixteen, he paid homage to Zeng Gong and became his protégé.

At the age of twenty-eight, he was recommended by Zeng Gong as a subordinate, but he did not succeed because of his cloth clothes.

At the age of thirty-four, he was recommended by Su Shi as a professor of Xuzhou Prefecture Studies.

At the age of forty-one, he was regarded by the imperial court as Su Shiyu's party and resigned and returned home.

At the age of forty-seven, he was appointed as a professor in Deizhou, and later changed to the secretary of the provincial orthography, did not take office, and died of illness two years later.

Chen Shidao was an important writer of the Jiangxi poetry school in the literary circles of the Northern Song Dynasty, and was called the "Six Scholars of Sumen" along with Qin Guan, Huang Tingjian, Chao Shuzhi, Zhang Qi, and Li Li.

He came from a family of scholars, and both his grandfather and father held important positions, but in his generation, the family fell into the middle.

Later, forced to make a living, he married the daughter of the Guo clan and became a son-in-law, eating and living in his father-in-law's house.

At the age of sixteen, in order to seek a career path, Chen Shidao took his own poetry works to Tokyo and surrendered to Zeng Gong, an important figure of the Jiangxi poetry school.

Zeng Gong "saw the surprise at first sight", saying that he must be rewarded with the name of the text in the world, and he became a friend of the year, and left him under the door to provide a deal for reading.

At that time, it was the time when Wang Anshi was in power, and he was carrying out legal changes in various places.

Among them, the imperial examination was also one of the important contents of the change of law at that time.

Wang Anshi changed the traditional poetic endowment and the content of the Ming Classics, but changed to the jingyi policy to take the scholars.

Chen Shidao was very disgusted by this, so he made one of the boldest decisions of a reader, that is, to give up the imperial examination.

Zeng Gong, who was then the editor of the history museum, felt sorry for this and did not want Chen Shidao to be buried, so he recommended him to the imperial court and made him his deputy (subordinate).

Unfortunately, the edict of appointment had not yet been issued, and Zeng Gong died of illness.

Chen Shidao, who returned to his hometown to mourn for his mother, heard this bad news and angrily wrote two poems of "Concubine Thin Life":

On the twelfth floor of the Lord's house, he was dressed in three thousand.

Ancient concubines have thin lives, and the lord of the matter is not exhausted.

Dancing for the main birthday, sending Nanyang Yan.

Endure the clothes of the Lord, and make spring for others.

There is a sound that goes through the sky, and there are tears that go through the fountain.

The deceased is afraid of ignorance, and the concubines are self-pitying.

The leaves fall in the wind, and the mountain sky flowers are red.

Donation does not wait for old age, and concubines have no end.

A death is still tolerable, and a hundred years old should be poor.

The heavens and the earth are not wide, and the concubines are intolerable.

If the deceased knows, he kills himself to obey.

It has always been a place of singing and dancing, and the night rain is cold.

In the poem, Chen Shidao compares Zeng Gong to his husband and to his wife and concubine, and in his identity and tone, he recounts his complex feelings of deep affection and self-pity for his husband.

With zeng gong's death, Chen Shidao's entry into the compilation hall was also rejected by the imperial court in the name of a white-clad official.

At that time, the ruling Zhang Huan also heard of Chen Shidao's name and wanted to recruit him under the door, but Chen Shidao refused.

His career path seems to end there.

But the people who admire his fame are another literary tycoon, Su Shi.

At the recommendation of Su Shi, the thirty-five-year-old Chen Shidao was appointed professor in Xuzhou.

Because of this friendship, Chen Shidao was full of gratitude to Su Shi.

Later, Because Su Shi was involved in the dispute between the old and new parties, he was sent out to Hangzhou, passing through Shangqiu, not far from Xuzhou.

When Chen Shidao heard the news, he went to the prefect Sun Jue to report to him, planning to go to Shangqiu to meet Su Shi.

Sun Jue persuaded him: "I have known Dongpo for more than twenty years, and then I suffered the same party disaster, and he is once again released today, and I also want to talk and greet him, but I have no choice but to go beyond the jurisdiction of this state..."

Master Chen said, "I know this, according to my law system, I am not allowed to leave my post and leave the country without authorization." However, wanting to promote the Jin people yanghu to oversee the jingzhou armies, Guo Yi disregarded wang fa and sent hu out of the country. Although he was dismissed from office because of this, he had no regrets, so what am I worried about? ”

Sun Jue said: "When Dongpo and I met in Huzhou, we stipulated that neither of us should talk about current affairs. If you go to see him at this time, it is inevitable that people will criticize him, and if you also dismiss the official because of this, is it not against his wishes? Or wait for the next day! ”

In the end, Chen Shidao, despite Sun Jue's persuasion, rushed to Su Shi's place of stay in the starry night to pay his respects.

Su Shi was very happy about this friend who had come to see him regardless of the eyes of the world.

The two of them went east in the same boat and talked all night.

In order to express his admiration for Su Shi, Chen Shidao also wrote a poem "Send Su Gongzhi hangzhou" to bid farewell:

Pingsheng Sheep Jingzhou, chase not far.

Don't be afraid of simple books, and let go of the truth and can't bear it.

A generation does not count people, and it can be seen several times in a hundred years.

Once like a horse's mouth, now it is a forbidden door key.

A rainy May cool, the middle of the night river full.

The sails are short-sighted, and the river is late.

And the fact was just as Sun Jue predicted, Chen Shidao's farewell to Su Shi this time was considered by the imperial court to be a great rebellion.

The chancellor Liu Anshi impeached him for arbitrarily removing officials, scorning the county generals, and martyrdom.

Chen Shidao was thus changed to a professor at Yingzhou (颍州, in modern Fuyang, Anhui).

Coincidentally, two years later, Su Shi came to Yingzhou from Hangzhou to take up his post.

They sang and sang all day in Yingzhou, traveled to the mountains and rivers, and the relationship was getting closer.

Su Shi became more and more appreciative of this subordinate and friend, and deliberately recruited him to persuade Chen Shidao to "sit out" with Zeng Gong.

Chen Shidao, however, rejected Su Shi's kindness and wrote, "There has always been a petal of incense, and I respect Zeng Nanfeng." Although the world is a grandson, his name is among the evil sons. The Slovaks are far away, and Chitose is lucky to have a good time" verse, indicating that he refused to sumen and betrayed his mentor.

A clove of incense is a blazing incense.

It is said that when the Buddhist Zen elder opened the lecture and burned the third incense, he said that this petal of incense was dedicated to a certain master who gave me the Dao Dharma.

Chen Shi Dao Xiang Nanfeng shows that he taught Zeng Gong like a Buddhist disciple who converted to Buddhism.

Not only that, he also regarded himself as a grandson, which showed the depth of respect for Zeng Gong.

Chen Shidao kept the vow he made in the poem "Concubine Thin Life".

But Su Shi did not think so, and still guided him.

Later, together with Qin Guan, Huang Tingjian, Chao Shuzhi, Zhang Qi, and Li Li, he was known as the "Six Gentlemen of Sumen".

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