
The Third Inspection Group of the Pingyu County Party Committee inspected the feedback and rectification meeting of the County Maternal and Child Health Hospital

author:Henan Simulcast

Recently, the third inspection group of the Pingyu County CPC Committee inspected the feedback and rectification meeting of the county maternal and child health hospital.

The Third Inspection Group of the Pingyu County Party Committee inspected the feedback and rectification meeting of the County Maternal and Child Health Hospital

On behalf of the third inspection group of the county party committee, Yang Shangwen, head of the third inspection group of the county party committee, gave a comprehensive feedback on the situation of the party branch of the county maternal and child health care hospital, objectively evaluated the work achievements made by the party branch of the county maternal and child health care hospital in recent years, and seriously pointed out the problems existing in the building of grass-roots party organizations in the implementation of the principles and policies of health care in the new era and the performance of the public health functions of maternal and child health care in the county maternal and child health care hospital, in managing the party and administering the party strictly, rectifying the corruption and unhealthy tendencies of small and micro powers around the masses, and in the building of grass-roots party organizations We should firmly establish the "four consciousnesses"; strictly manage the party and administer the party, conscientiously implement the "two responsibilities"; strengthen the building of leading bodies, and give full play to the role of the core of leadership.

The Third Inspection Group of the Pingyu County Party Committee inspected the feedback and rectification meeting of the County Maternal and Child Health Hospital

Yan Jianming, member of the leading group for inspection work of the county party committee and director of the inspection office of the county party committee, put forward requirements for doing a good job in rectifying the feedback from the inspection: It is necessary to improve the political position and do a good job in inspection and rectification. The party branch of the county maternal and child health care hospital should earnestly shoulder the main responsibility of managing the party and administering the party, firmly establish the concept of "grasping rectification and reform well is its own duty, not grasping rectification and reform is dereliction of duty, and ineffective rectification and reform is dereliction of duty", thoroughly study the problems existing in the performance of their own duties, make a list of responsibilities according to the feedback problems, clarify responsibilities, and know the responsibilities and perform their responsibilities, learn from each other, implement every rectification and reform task, and perform every work responsibility. It is necessary to consolidate the responsibility for rectification and reform and strengthen rectification measures. The party branch and members of the leading body of the county maternal and child health care hospital and the competent departments of the county medical and health institutions must strictly follow the requirements of the inspection and rectification work, clarify the responsibilities, comprehensively rectify and reform, and ensure that the inspection and rectification work achieves solid results. It is necessary to establish a long-term mechanism to improve the quality and efficiency of rectification and reform. The county maternal and child health care hospitals should not only discuss the problems of feedback on the facts, keep an eye on the death, and grasp the implementation one by one, but also learn from each other, do a good job in rectifying and reforming the problems, trace the root causes of common problems, find out the crux and root cause of the problems, focus on improving the system, and study and formulate rectification measures and mechanisms that lay the foundation, manage the long term, and consolidate the fundamentals. It is necessary to take this inspection and rectification as an opportunity to comprehensively reflect on the loopholes and shortcomings existing in the work, promote the in-depth development of managing the party and governing the party, and lay a solid foundation for the party's ruling power.

The Third Inspection Group of the Pingyu County Party Committee inspected the feedback and rectification meeting of the County Maternal and Child Health Hospital

Chen Baohua, secretary of the party branch of the county maternal and child health care hospital, made a statement on behalf of the party branch of the county maternal and child health care hospital: In-depth study, raising requirements, and comprehensively meeting the work requirements of the inspection group. The opinions and suggestions put forward by the inspection team play a very important guiding role in better improving our work and accelerating development. Unify thinking and understanding, and fully claim feedback. It is necessary to further enhance the "three consciousnesses," establish the "four self-confidences," earnestly unify thinking and action with the spirit and requirements of the feedback from the inspections, and regard the implementation of rectification and reform of problems as a major political task at present. Adhere to the problem-oriented, solid grasp of rectification and reform. Establish a rectification ledger and implement the "sales number system" to ensure that "the point is found and changed to the root". Personality problems are seated in the number, implemented to the people, immediately reformed, classified and summarized common problems, sorted out and classified item by item, and clarified the rectification content, rectification goals, responsible subjects, and rectification time limits. Highlight political themes and comprehensively improve the level of party building. It is necessary to persist in combining the implementation of rectification and reform with the implementation of the main responsibility of the hospital party branch, pay attention to giving play to the role of grass-roots party organizations as a fighting fortress, conduct pressure at all levels, compact the "two responsibilities", and promote the comprehensive extension of strict party management to the grass-roots level and in-depth development. Pay attention to overall planning, and promote the development of hospitals with inspection and rectification. We must take this inspection as an opportunity to consciously strengthen party spirit, make good use of power, stand up discipline, create achievements in the course of rectification and reform, and use tangible development results to hand over a satisfactory answer sheet to the cadres and workers of the county party committee, the county government, and the whole hospital.

Attending the meeting were relevant staff members of the inspection office of the county party committee and the third inspection group of the county party committee, members of the leading body of the county maternal and child health care hospital, and all middle-level cadres. A post-inspection evaluation questionnaire was conducted at the meeting.

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