
Li Shaomei, chairman of the Fuding Municipal COMMITTEE, Lin Naiping, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Chen Xu, vice mayor of the municipal government, went to the Municipal Gardenia Office for research and guidance

author:Information News
Li Shaomei, chairman of the Fuding Municipal COMMITTEE, Lin Naiping, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Chen Xu, vice mayor of the municipal government, went to the Municipal Gardenia Office for research and guidance

On September 15th, the Fuding Gardenia Industry Work Report Meeting was held in the Municipal Forestry Bureau, and Li Shaomei, chairman of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Lin Naiping, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Chen Xu, vice mayor of the Municipal Government, attended the meeting, and Chen Jiaren, director of the Municipal Forestry Bureau, Zhao Naihua, deputy director of the Municipal Forestry Bureau, and relevant personnel of the Gardenia Office attended the meeting.

At the meeting, the leaders attending the meeting listened to Zhao Naihua's report on the development status of the Fuding gardenia industry, the work carried out in 2021, and the existing problems and difficulties.

Chen Xu affirmed the preliminary work of the Gardenia Office and put forward three suggestions for the next step of development: First, to attract investment and investment to go out, targeted to attract large businessmen and famous enterprises, to achieve investment attraction to go out, project investment to attract back; second, scientific research projects should focus on the consumer end, according to market demand to determine the direction of research and development, and cooperate with more well-known colleges and universities to carry out scientific research experiments; third, in the short term, pull the industry to crack the "edible" problem, take the white tea industry "hitchhiker".

At the briefing meeting, Lin Naiping put forward the following suggestions for the development of the gardenia industry: First, we should use the gardenia industry to promote the integration of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries and develop gardenia tourism; second, we must ensure the planting area of gardenia and increase the income of farmers; third, we must refine the medicinal value of gardenia and give full play to the health care function of gardenia; and fourth, we must explore various possibilities for product development. Lin Naiping pointed out that the current development of the gardenia industry still needs to pay attention to the following deficiencies: First, insufficient publicity. It is necessary to actively participate in the exhibition, strengthen the external publicity, and further enhance the popularity and recognition of Fuding Gardenia through a series of activities such as display and publicity and reporting. Second, research and development is insufficient. It is necessary to strengthen scientific and technological support, increase innovation, and develop a series of products such as gardenia white tea and gardenia flavor. Third, the atmosphere is insufficient. It is necessary to vigorously create an atmosphere, highlight the image and characteristics of gardenia city, highlight the culture and connotation of gardenia brand, and create a "gardenia culture" information in an all-round way, thereby driving the development of the entire industry.

In recent years, the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government have attached great importance to the development of the gardenia industry, and have successively issued a number of documents to increase policy support for the gardenia industry from 10 aspects, such as increasing investment attraction and reducing land use costs, and strengthening the training and guidance of gardenia farmers in seedling cultivation, cultivation management, disease and pest control. At present, the existing gardenia planting area in Fuding City is more than 50,000 mu, with an annual output of 60,600 tons of flowers and fresh fruits, 15,000 tons of dried fruits, more than 30,000 farmers engaged in gardenia planting and processing, and the output value of flowers, fruits and primary production reaches 190 million yuan. In order to improve the added value of gardenia and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the gardenia industry, gardenia enterprises are also making great efforts in deep processing and research and development, and have developed a series of products such as gardenia white tea, gardenia mask, gardenia gel, etc., and introduced them to the market, which are widely praised by consumers.

(Source: Fuding Municipal People's Government website) [Submissions, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a 3469887933 within 24 hours to reply. 】

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