
2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018

author:French teacher Zhu
2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018

Zunyi famous cuisine: tomato chicken

(I'm @French teacher Zhu, if you like my article, you are welcome to like, leave a message and forward, thank you very much!) )

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="48" > June 8, 2018</h1>

In June 2018, the heat of Shenzhen steamed, and from morning to night, the wet sweat crawled on my face like a caterpillar. Ken, who grew up in Guizhou, suggested that our family go to Guizhou to escape the summer.

We decided to go to Guiyang first, then to Zunyi, which is famous for its food, and the last stop was Anshun, where the Huangguoshu Waterfall is located, which takes about ten days.

This was my first trip to Guiyang, we stayed there for five days, and frankly, my first visit to Guiyang didn't make a good impression of it.

Perhaps, because our homestay accidentally chose the Flower and Fruit Garden area, where the towering density of residential buildings made me fall into the deep well in the street market. Every time I walk on the street around the flower and fruit garden and look up at the sky that is the size of my palm overhead, I feel as small as an ant.

Before, I always thought that Guiyang was a beautiful and quiet city, but I didn't expect that the lighting projects everywhere were exaggerated to the extreme, turning the city into a charming woman with heavy makeup.

To make matters worse, KEN began to have a fever after accidentally catching a cold the next day in Guiyang, the high fever destroyed the intestinal flora, and the continuous diarrhea entangled him, and although the diarrhea after he took the medicine was better, his body was still weak.

Because of KEN's diarrhea, our family had to stay in Guiyang for an extra day, and after he had the strength to carry a large bag, we bid farewell to Guiyang, whose first impression was not good, and went to the next stop with great anticipation, Zunyi, known for its food.

We took "Didi" and it took more than 30 minutes to reach the remote Guiyang East Railway Station, from which we took a bus to Zunyi. The most chaotic, crowded and noisy station I've encountered over the years is Guiyang East Railway Station, where sharp horns break down all the time.

Because of the typhoon that was raging in Guangdong, the large-scale train was delayed, and the D1866, which ran from Guangzhou East to Chongqing West, was delayed by more than 100 minutes. We waited desperately in the breathlessly noisy waiting hall until after 4 p.m., when the D1866 finally departed.

At 5:00 p.m. on June 8, 2018, our family arrived in Zunyi. On the taxi to the city, the driver happily listened to the program of Zunyi Traffic Station, and interestingly, this was the first time I listened to Zunyi Radio.

At first glance, Zunyi dialect and Chongqing dialect are very similar, and I can hardly hear the difference between outsiders. According to KEN, the difference between Zunyi and Chongqing dialects is very large only when the number "2" is issued.

The Airbnb in Zunyi was not developed, and we couldn't find a suitable homestay before we came, so we had to stay at the Hanting Hotel in the most central area of Zunyi. Its decoration is very old, the room faces the downtown, and the sound of the surging city is like a stream of water, constantly pouring into the open windows.

Completely different from the flashy Guiyang, Zunyi is an old and peaceful city, and it is rare that we can also see an old town that is basically unspoiled, and the large black floor tiles on the sidewalk in the city center have been polished and shiny, which can clearly reflect the shaking figures.

The pedestrians on Zunyi Street all looked elated and satisfied, and for the first time I saw many women on the side of the road carrying bamboo baskets and squatting on the side of the road selling gardenia flowers, very cheap, two yuan a hand.

Zunyi lived on high and low steps, much like Chongqing, with crooked and sloping nine-curved ileum steps everywhere. An old lady set up a stall next to the winding steps on the high slope, selling her handmade small cloth shoes, various colors, 30 yuan a pair.

In the blue-gray twilight, the air was filled with the strong aroma of boiled dried peppers, and we happily sat outside a food stall on the steps waiting for our dinner: tempeh back to the pot meat, fried plate tendons, home-cooked tofu. All the dishes were so salty that the meal cost $95.

Ken, who has recovered a lot from fever and diarrhea, has a smile that has been rare in these days, saying: "This is the city I like. ”

2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018

At 5:00 p.m. on June 8, 2018, our family came to Zunyi for the first time

2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018

Street view of T-shaped mouth in Zunyi city center

2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018

I like the smooth cobblestone road of Zunyi Manda Street

2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018

There are many women on the side of Zunyi Road carrying bamboo baskets, squatting on the side of the road to sell gardenia flowers, very cheap, two yuan a hand

2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018

An old lady set up a stall next to the winding steps on the high slope, selling her handmade small cloth shoes for 30 yuan a pair

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="70" > June 9, 2018</h1>

When I arrived in Zunyi, I suddenly relaxed these days because of KEN's fever and diarrhea, and last night, I slept dark and sweet, and the high decibel noise on the road downstairs had no effect on me.

At eleven o'clock in the morning, after sleeping a big lazy night, our family went to breakfast, we have long heard that Zunyi's shrimp and mutton powder is very famous, and today we will go to look for it.

We have to climb the winding steps at any time in this high and low city, as if walking through a maze. Inadvertently walk into a crooked alley next to Zhongshan Road, which is full of colorful food stalls and mouth-watering fresh fruits in large bamboo baskets.

We bought a big bag of bright red cherries for $13. A golden fried glutinous rice ball like a silkworm pupae, 3 yuan six, we immediately bought a lot of relief.

The shrimp and mutton noodles in the small shop on the side of the road are 8 yuan a bowl, and if you add blood or haggis, you will need 12 yuan. Ken and I asked for 12 yuan of pure lamb powder, and peas ordered 8 yuan.

This bowl of shrimp and mutton soup is delicious, and the rice noodles are round and chubby so-called fine powders, not as soft and delicious as the rice noodles we ate in Wuzhou, Guangxi in January 2018.

Ken, who sweats profusely every time he drinks the soup, says, "This bowl of lamb powder is really delicious, but to be honest, the taste is not amazing." ”

The biggest annoyance of staying in a hotel instead of a homestay was that we had to hand wash our clothes every day, and after breakfast, we went to a small supermarket diagonally opposite to buy hangers and soap.

I stumbled upon a palm-sized workbook in the stationery cabinet, which was my diary from middle school. At that time, in stationery stores, work manuals were everywhere. And over the years, I never saw such a simple book again, and I didn't expect them to appear again in Zunyi, as long as one dollar a book.

I was so happy that I bought five workbooks in one go, and if it weren't for the fact that there were already too many things on my back, I would really like to buy a bunch of work manuals to carry back to Shenzhen.

Today, the weather in Zunyi is very good, cool and sunny. It was nearly seven o'clock in the evening, and the sun was still hanging high in the sky.

After an afternoon in the room, we went to enjoy Zunyi snacks before dinner: the famous Zunyi delicacies: egg bun potatoes, 5 yuan a bowl of potato cold powder and cold mixed rice peel, the taste is amazing.

2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018

Fried glutinous rice balls

2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018
2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018
2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018
2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018

We bought a big bag of cherries for only $13

2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018
2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018
2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018

I was delighted to see the workbook for writing diaries in middle school

In the evening, we walked to the famous food street Zunyi Laosha Lane. I really like the high French plane trees on both sides of Zunyi Avenue and the polished black stone road, walking here is like walking in an endless poetry.

Every time our family went to an unfamiliar city to find food, we didn't need to refer to any strategies, but completely intuitively. How can Zunyi, the city of food, disappoint me?

When KEN saw the big archway of "Laosha Lane", it was already determined that this was our place for dinner. As a senior eater, he believes that a popular food street must have three conditions, located in the downtown, the houses are old enough, and the streets are narrow enough, which are fully equipped with Laosha Lane.

Slowly walking in the narrow, noisy, pyrotechnic alleys, my God, if we were not careful, we fell into the ocean of food: shortbread, roasted chicken, weird rice, potato soup...

We couldn't be busy at all, and ordered skewers, steamed beef, steamed pork ribs, bayberry juice, and spent 15 yuan to buy a large bag of Zunyi famous chicken cake, which was soft and delicious, and the aftertaste was deep.

2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018

Zunyi Food Street: Laosha Lane

2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018
2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018
2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018
2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018
2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018
2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018
2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018
2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="150" > June 10, 2018</h1>

Not far downstairs from the hotel is a hot Xishui tofu skin hot pot restaurant, where at noon, we tasted the sour soup soup for the first time with a rich content of the Xishui tofu skin hot pot (78 yuan).

The most amazing thing is the taste of the tofu skin in the hot pot, which is tendon and elastic, and the various colors of the soup base are dipped in the soup base, and the taste and taste are both perfect, so that we can't stop eating, and we can't walk.

We walked slowly down the slippery cobblestone road at the pace of a snail, passing a basket of oily fried fruit, a throbbing brown pearl stick, and an old lady selling needles and threads, walking slowly, taking peas to the country's first Sisyphus bookstore.

In a small garden by the side of the road, there are many ear-piercing masters, who work with a focused and serious look, and the guests lying on the benches are comfortably closed their eyes.

2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018

Sour soup base to learn water tofu skin hot pot, spend 78 yuan a family of three bites to eat very well

2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018

Zunyi famous snack: egg bag potato (8 yuan)

2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018

5 yuan a bowl of cold powder

2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018

5 yuan a bowl of cold rice peel

2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018
2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018

The country's first Sisyphus bookstore was in Zunyi

2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018

The first Sisyphus bookstore in the country

2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018
2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018

Zunyi is the birthplace of the very tasteful Sisyphus Bookstore, and the picture book area here is crowded with countless children who love to read.

I can't remember, this is the first bookstore where Pea has stopped on the road? It seems like yesterday that she climbed up and down the tall wooden steps of the "Paper Times" bookstore in Guilin.

KEN only told me today that it was to taste the authentic Zunyi tomato chicken that he arranged for our family to travel thousands of miles to Zunyi.

Ken, a food lover and amateur chef, is obsessed with food, all his books are all about food, the videos and movies he watches every day are basically around the theme of food, ken arranged travels because of a bowl of rice noodles or a certain dish to come to a city.

At noon, we just finished eating a large pot of water tofu skin hot pot and our dinner is the famous tomato chicken.

From the hotel, it is a twenty-minute walk to this "Xingyu Ji Tomato Chicken". The clerk told us that the tomato chicken is a dry pot, at least order a pound and a half of chicken, sixty yuan a pound, two adults plus a child, we ordered the minimum pot.

Tomato chicken has two options: slightly spicy and medium spicy, although KEN grew up in Guizhou and belongs to the leading level of eating peppers in Shenzhen, but back in Guizhou, he still did not dare to be strong and chose slightly spicy tomato chicken.

Before eating the tomato chicken, we bought peas two pieces of her favorite potato dumplings on the side street outside, so that we could eat peppers happily.

2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018

Xingyu ji tomato chicken

2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018

After a short while, a small pot of tomato chicken was served, and it is estimated that they stewed in a large pot, so the dish came out so quickly. Since it is a dry pot, the soup in the pot is not too much, look at the contents of the pot, there are a lot of fresh tomatoes cut into large pieces, a lot of garlic cloves and garlic slices, quite a lot of tender ginger slices and red peppers, sprinkled with sesame seeds on the surface, put a few pieces of green onion, and the rest is chicken nuggets.

In order to learn the method of tomato chicken, KEN couldn't wait to scoop a little soup with a spoon, and swallowed it slowly in a few small bites, so that the taste of the soup stayed in his mouth for a while.

Because it is a dry pot, it will be more and more dry, so it will not be very salty at first, but the taste is very rich, there is a pleasant fresh tomato light sour taste, must be fried at the bottom of the pot put a lot of tomatoes, these tomatoes are completely integrated into the soup, before the pot put fresh tomato pieces.

I tasted a piece of chicken, which must be the best local rooster, the meat is soft and tender, full of umami, and the freshness of the chicken is also melted into the soup.

Turning down again, find a lot of fresh green peppercorns, the chicken that just entered the mouth does not feel the numbness at all, but these green peppercorns that have just come out of the pot release their charm little by little, and the feeling of hemp slowly comes out, more and more intense, and the spicy and hemp flavor attack the tongue and mouth in turn, and give us a little respite from time to time.

I'm glad that this time we wisely chose the slightly spicy taste, if we ordered the medium spicy tomato chicken, plus this increasingly numb green peppercorns, I really don't know if we can cope with it?

The tomato chicken we ordered also has an extra gift of vermicelli and green vegetables, when eating almost the same, the bottom of the pot is getting drier and drier, put the vermicelli and greens under the pot, mix it again, and it won't be long before you can eat.

The fans were very absorbent, completely absorbed the hemp at the bottom of the pot, and when I ate it, I was numbed to tears, but I couldn't help but take a second bite.

The freshness of the tomato, the tenderness of the chicken and the spicy taste of the red pepper and the hemp taste of the green pepper attack the taste buds together, making people sweat and can't stop, Zunyi tomato chicken is so unique and good taste, we did not deserve to run to Zunyi for it.

KEN sweated profusely, except for the chicken nuggets, the garlic and ginger slices in the pot were basically eaten by him, and finally only a few spices were left at the bottom of the pot.

He put down his chopsticks, took a sip of tea, smiled and said to me, "This time there are no regrets on the trip to Zunyi." ”

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="127" > June 11, 2018</h1>

Today, the rain is pouring down, KEN's body has not yet fully recovered, he has been in his room for almost a day to rest, breakfast and Lunch have not eaten.

At noon, I took peas up the high slope to eat bean noodles, 8 yuan a bowl, the small shop business is hot, it is difficult to find a seat. But peas don't like the rough taste of bean blossoms and hardly eat them.

Later, we went to "Heavy Hundred" in the light rain to buy probiotic drinks for KEN, and peas who had been there once volunteered to lead the way for me, and she was so confused that she could hardly find her way.

Downstairs, there is a man carrying a burden to sell small pets, and in the cage are furry snow-white rabbits and hamsters sleeping deep in the shavings. Pea loved hamsters so much that she squatted by the cage with her ass and watched for nearly an hour.

In the afternoon, I was suddenly very irritable in my room doing homework with peas, and I felt that my family was imprisoned in this twenty-square-meter room.

At four o'clock, I took peas out for a walk, and we ate potato dumplings and tofu dumplings at a roadside stall, and peas also nibbled on a 6 yuan chicken leg burger.

This is our last day in Zunyi, and I have a French class at eight o'clock this evening, and in order to give me a good lesson, KEN took peas to the Sisyphus Bookstore to kill time. Having just finished a bowl of mutton noodles, I walked alone by the Xiang River, walking slowly, trying to remember what the city looked like.

I stopped and looked at the signboard of Zunyi Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and the large sculpture of the T-shaped mouth for a long time, I don't know if I will come to this city next time?

2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018

Bean blossom noodles

2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018
2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018

We are packing our bags and getting ready to go to Anshun

2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018
2018, a family encounter with food in ZunyiJune 8, 2018June 9, 2018June 10, 2018June 11, 2018June 12, 2018

Peas put two dollars a handful of gardenia flowers in the bathroom

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="140" > June 12, 2018</h1>

At noon, we reluctantly ate a sour and delicious xishui tofu skin hot pot, and the family took "Didi" to Zunyi Station at 16:00 in the afternoon, where we took G2881 to Anshun.

This time, we're going to take a seven-year-old pea to see the famous Huangguoshu Waterfall.

Goodbye, Zunyi paved with black stone roads, goodbye, the food in Laosha Lane, goodbye, the fragrant gardenia flowers on the street...

(The picture in this article is original, taken by: French teacher Zhu, KEN)

(KEN has contributed a lot to the food section of this article)

(Click "Learn more" at the end of the article: "2008, A Solo Trip to Quanzhou (6): The Old Pavilion With Stories"


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