
"The Broken Nose Family" Travel Diary VI" walked into tranquility, and the heart "like" went to it

author:Beiqing Net
"The Broken Nose Family" Travel Diary VI" walked into tranquility, and the heart "like" went to it

Isolated image Of Yunnan Provincial Forest Fire Brigade Courtesy of Yunnan Province

I think you have already watched yesterday's news: the solo elephants were isolated for 15 days, returning to Jinning District from Anning City, and moving in the woodland near Shuanghe Township in Jinning District, about 24 kilometers away from the elephant herd...

Yes, I am the lonely walker in the "Broken Nose Family", and today I will talk to you.

Maybe, in your opinion, I am a bit "out of place", but this is not the case. Becoming a "prodigal son" has always been my dream, and this novel trip just provided such an opportunity, so I resolutely went to the tranquility known as the "treasure land of the mantis river, even the golden square".

Tranquility, what a nice name, I came here and my heart was at peace.

"The Broken Nose Family" Travel Diary VI" walked into tranquility, and the heart "like" went to it

Tranquility is steeped in history and scenic. I strolled around the densely vegetated woodland, the sun pouring down from the gaps in the branches and falling on my back, warm. In Anning, one of the top 100 deep-breathing cities in the country and a national forest city, I lived a leisurely life.

Elephants have sensitive ears and I often "eavesdrop" on people. One day, I heard that even though the forest coverage rate has reached 51.53%, the locals will build and renovate 28 pocket parks to green the smaller plots in the city. Sigh, this environmental awareness is not worse than my hometown.

"The Broken Nose Family" Travel Diary VI" walked into tranquility, and the heart "like" went to it

Farmers transport picked roses (infographic). Source: Xinhua Net

"The Broken Nose Family" Travel Diary VI" walked into tranquility, and the heart "like" went to it

Roses Anning City Eighth Street Town Courtesy Photo

Not far from the forest where I rested, there were large fields of roses, and the roses were as red as the sun and as bright as fire, romantic and magnificent. It is said that it has a unique climate of "clear water flowing, white clouds and yellow flowers, cloud steaming Xiawei, stable and abundant", and is an ideal place to plant pollution-free edible roses, and the roses grown here have a strong fragrance, light astringency and high trace element content. Along the way, I've eaten wild plantains and tasted rice reeds, but I haven't tasted roses, and for me, eating flowers is a new thing.

"The Broken Nose Family" Travel Diary VI" walked into tranquility, and the heart "like" went to it

The red pears in the eighth street town of Anning City are ripe Yang Zhigang photographed

In addition to the roses, I often "eavesdrop" on people talking about food: red pears with tender and crispy flesh, tender and delicious shallow lotus roots, fragrant brine silk... Don't ask me why the corners of my mouth are always drooling, it's because I love Anning (especially Anning cuisine) so much...

Of course, although there is no mouth blessing, these days it is full of eyes, tranquility is really beautiful, the historical and cultural heritage is particularly deep. The 3-hole stone arch bridge Yong'an Bridge, which was built in the seventh year of Ming Hongzhi, spans the Mantis River, which is ancient and ancient, witnessing the vicissitudes and transformations. The Yaocen Tower, which is far away from the Yong'an Bridge, is a cloud-edged triple eaves pavilion with a lotus leaf-shaped top, which was once the place where Yang Shen, a scholar of Hanlin and Yuanyuan, taught, and he liked this pavilion very much, leaving behind "the sun flame will be red, and the green sky will flow." Qingzhu is endless, inviting the moon to sit in the Cen Building. " verse. Friends who like ancient architecture and ancient culture, be sure to go and see it.

"The Broken Nose Family" Travel Diary VI" walked into tranquility, and the heart "like" went to it

Anning Hot Spring Town surrounded by forests Photo by Yang Zheng

Finally, when I came to Anning, I had to nominate Guan Yunnan, a hot spring with the reputation of "the world's first soup". The water temperature of Anning Hot Spring is between 42 °C and 45 °C, there is no sulfur taste, containing calcium bicarbonate, magnesium, potassium, radon and other trace elements, which should be drunk in baths. Because the spring water is green and smooth as jasper, it is also known as "jasper spring". Since I went out on a trip, my family and I have written through the river, but the "bath" master, I don't know how big the hot spring pool is, can I try to "take a hot bath".

However, although the tranquility is good, I still have to leave to find my family. Now that I have come to Jinning, let my heart stay in the treasure land of mantis!

Yunnan network reporter Zhang Qimin Li Xingyou

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