
Brilliant pen raw flowers? Do you think it can only be people?

author:Kiko Sankyo

Who in the cave is making flowers

In some parts of our country, there are huge caves under the ground, some of which are large enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people. The scenery of these famous mountain caves is different: some are divided into front and back "halls", some caves are set in caves, some are divided into several floors, and some caves have twisting corridors and winding streams. The cave is full of colorful and strange scenery, which is like a mythical world. There are many such strange caves in China, such as the Reed Flute Rock and Seven Star Rock in Guilin, Guangxi, the Shanjuan Cave in Yixing, Jiangsu Province, and the Yaolin Cave in Tonglu, Zhejiang.

How were these caves formed? Who created the scene in the cave?

Brilliant pen raw flowers? Do you think it can only be people?

Originally, the areas with such caves were dotted with deep and thick limestone layers, but they also had to have warm and humid paleoclimate conditions. Limestone is relatively hard rock, but he has large and small cracks, and he is particularly afraid of acidic solutions. The chemical composition of limestone is calcium carbonate, which, when encountered with an acidic solution, is corroded into calcium bicarbonate. Calcium bicarbonate can dissolve in water and flow away with the water. It should be known that during the flow of ground water, some carbon dioxide gas will dissolve into the water, so that the flowing water contains carbonic acid. When it seeps into the crevices of the limestone, it constantly dissolves the limestone and widens the cracks. Due to the large amount of surface water flowing into the ground, it can dissolve the limestone into huge caves. This kind of cave is called a cave.

Brilliant pen raw flowers? Do you think it can only be people?

In the cave, water containing calcium bicarbonate is still leaking out of the cracks. On the top of the cave, the water evaporates, the carbon dioxide gas separates and runs away, and the remaining calcium carbonate will precipitate again and consolidate on the top of the cave. Over a longer period of time, the precipitated calcium carbonate will become thicker and longer, hanging from the top of the cave downwards, called stone stalactites. Some water containing calcium bicarbonate continues to drip to the bottom of the hole, and the calcium carbonate is precipitated and deposited upwards from the bottom, called stalagmites. Stalagmites grow upwards, and stone stalactites grow downwards, which are connected and called stone pillars. Many stone pillars are arranged together and are called stone mantles. These sediments are coarse, thin, tall, and short, and mixed with different colors, adding to the magnificent color of the cave.

Brilliant pen raw flowers? Do you think it can only be people?

Who are the engineers who built the huge caves and the masters who shaped the thousands of scenes in the caves? It turned out to be groundwater and limestone.

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