
That's the real love affair of dating often and creating some memories together Ideas collide to see if they fit in with each other They are independent of each other and face some tribulations together

author:Southern girl Tan Meng

In this world, it seems that everyone is the same, born with a number of instincts.

With the passage of time, you will instinctively grow up, instinctively understand some things, instinctively dislike some people, and instinctively have a feeling of a person's heart.

Come to think of it, starting from the teenage years, talking about a vigorous love, this is already the desire of many people. It's just that everyone will instinctively like a person, but not everyone knows how to fall in love.

Too many people always think that love is two people wearing a couple outfit together, using a couple's avatar, and then often eating, watching movies, saying love words, as everyone knows, this is at most a pleasant play together.

It is precisely because in the love stage, too many people do not talk about love well, so that after marriage, contradictions arise.

Speaking of, the real love, that is, two people should often meet, but also should understand each other clearly, face a lot of things together.

That's the real love affair of dating often and creating some memories together Ideas collide to see if they fit in with each other They are independent of each other and face some tribulations together

<h1>Date often and create some memories together </h1>

There is a saying that there is no companionship, talk about what emotions, indeed, if two people do not even have time to get along, have not seen each other often, then between two people, it is indeed difficult to have any feelings, and it is difficult to talk about anything for a long time.

The most basic thing about falling in love, no matter how busy you are, of course, you still have to take time to chat and meet first.

It is often to eat some delicious food together, it is often to watch movies together, it is often to see scenic spots together, it is often to hug together, although these are very vulgar, but they are also very necessary.

There must always be some beauty, exist in your heart, you can truly feel the existence of each other, there must always be some memories as a support, you can have the courage to continue to insist on going on.

Life is never easy, and the sweetness in love will be the best flavor in life.

If you walk together in the future, those beautiful to a certain extent, can make you forget each other's bad, even if you can't go to the end together in the future, there are some beautiful things in your heart, in the boring years, you will also feel the sweetness.

That's the real love affair of dating often and creating some memories together Ideas collide to see if they fit in with each other They are independent of each other and face some tribulations together

<h1>Ideas collide to see if they fit in with each other </h1>

Falling in love, spending the moon before, that's necessary, but that's not all, but it's just basic.

In addition to your frequent affection, more, you should also see if your views on many things, your expectations for the future, your attitude toward spending money, etc., are the same, or whether they can be integrated.

In this life, if you want to change yourself or change each other, it is never easy, and the best thing is that from the beginning, you are all the way people, really can get along, and really can tolerate and understand each other.

When you can do this, not only to see the good side of each other, but also to see the essence through the phenomenon, to see what kind of person the other party is, whether it is what you expect and can accept, your future, will be more reliable.

Many times, the people who can finally come together, who can go all the way, from the beginning, you are the same people.

Otherwise, if you only care about enjoying the superficial good and then not on the other, then even if you look harmonious at first, and then when the gorgeous coat fades, you are afraid that there will not be a good result.

That's the real love affair of dating often and creating some memories together Ideas collide to see if they fit in with each other They are independent of each other and face some tribulations together

<h1>They are independent of each other and face some tribulations together </h1>

Some people fall in love, once they fall in love, they are eager to attach themselves to each other and let the other party take on everything about themselves.

Some people, if the other party can always maintain the current state, then he will always stay by the other side, but once the other party encounters any trouble, he will quickly choose to flee.

Although it is true that falling in love should not be too independent, should be properly relied on, it is true that it is impossible to be all wholehearted in love, there will always be some trade-offs, but everything is too much, it is not a good thing after all.

True love, you are you, you are also just yourself, although you are in love, but you still maintain your own rhythm, at the same time, you can always go forward and backward together, the wind and rain together.

After all, everyone will be who is who, but everyone is only themselves in the first place, and you can only do yourself well, you can have the courage to love, and you can have the courage to choose to leave at any time.

And for some of the storms in life, if you can't share it, once there is any wind and grass, you quickly choose to save yourself, then you probably just take what you need, and don't really love much.

That's the real love affair of dating often and creating some memories together Ideas collide to see if they fit in with each other They are independent of each other and face some tribulations together

To really fall in love, it is necessary to experience some romance together, but also to experience some twists and turns together.

What you need to talk about is not only which movie is good, which hot pot is delicious, but also what kind of person you want to be, what kind of future you want to have, and how you want to live this life.

In this process, you don't have to rush to establish a relationship, you don't have to rush to get married, just take it slow.

Until you see each other's strengths clearly, until you see each other's shortcomings, until you have really thought about it, after that, whether you are poor or rich, whether you are healthy or sick, you are willing to never give up, and you will be with him again.

Then, when you make that decision, learn to take responsibility for your decision.

This kind of thing as love should not start casually, nor should it be easily chosen to end.