
Wang Zhongqiu: Is the water in the water dispenser turned on?

author:China Lecturer Network

One workshop is rectangular, with water dispensers placed on the north and south sides. For employees close to the water dispenser, it is much more convenient for them to add water when they need to add water. But for employees in the middle third of the area, the distance is the same to the south or north. Employees have a good habit of adding water unless the green light on the water dispenser is on (indicating that the water has boiled), or they wait until the red light goes out.

For people in the north and south, when they walk to the water dispenser and find that the red light is still on, they often walk back again. But for the employees in the middle area, it is a long way to go back.

One day, the supervisor in charge of the production line in the middle area came to the production manager and said, "As long as my team members leave their posts to pour tea, they can't come back without 10 minutes!" "Why?" The production manager asked. "Because they're either there waiting for the green light or they're going to go to the bathroom, and the water doesn't run so fast anyway!" The team leader was forced by this poor production efficiency for a few days and went to the production manager. So the production manager came to discuss the problem.

"No way!" The electrician first said: "You must go to the water dispenser to know whether the water is turned on." ”

"Then install another water dispenser in the center of the workshop." The group leader proposed so.

"No!" The person responsible for safe production first objected: "That is a violation of safety regulations." ”

"How to confirm that the water is not open?" The production manager asked.

They looked at the production manager with wide eyes, as if frustrated by such "childish" remarks from the production manager.

"Look at whether the indicator light on the water dispenser is red or green..." the electrician said.

"When are you going to see it?" The production manager asked again.

"When you get close to the water dispenser!" The electrician had a speechless expression.

"Do you have to go near the water dispenser to see it?" The production manager asked again.

"Ah..." They opened their mouths wide, their expressions hard to describe, as if they had been made to the nerves of the production manager, as if they had an epiphany.

Later, they extended the line of the water dispenser that showed traffic lights, installed a large red light bulb, and hung it on the top of the water dispenser.

From then on, the red light bulb can be seen from a long distance, as long as it is still on, it means that the water has not yet opened! Therefore, many people asked their group leader without even looking up: "Is the water open?" "Then keep working.


Whether the water in the water dispenser is turned on is really too small a problem, but this case gives us some inspiration:

The first, of course, is the spirit of attention to detail;

Second, the key to management lies in continuous improvement;

Third, the water dispenser in the middle of the workshop violates the safety management standards, which is the concept of intrinsic safety;

Fourth, the water can wait until it is not opened, but it is intolerable when a loose atmosphere is formed;

Fifth, there are always more ways than difficulties.

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