
20 "Good Teenagers of the New Era" were commended! Whose child is so good?

author:Dakui Net

Youthful wisdom is national wisdom

A rich youth is a rich country

A strong youth is a strong country

When the youth progresses, the country progresses


2021 "New Era Festival Good Youth"

A press conference on advanced deeds was held

Let's take a look at who they are!

20 "Good Teenagers of the New Era" were commended! Whose child is so good?

In order to thoroughly implement the requirements of "cultivating new people of the times who shoulder the great responsibility of national rejuvenation" put forward in the report of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, cultivate and practice the core socialist values among minors, and help minors buckle the first button of life. On October 20th, Fengjie County held a grand press conference on the advanced deeds of the 2021 "Fengjie Good Teenagers in the New Era".

20 "Good Teenagers of the New Era" were commended! Whose child is so good?

At the press conference, Zeng Xuezhong, executive deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the county party committee, and Wu Ping, deputy director of the county education committee, presented honorary certificates and took a group photo for 20 young students who won the honorary title of "Good Teenager in the New Era" in 2021.

20 "Good Teenagers of the New Era" were commended! Whose child is so good?

It is understood that the purpose of selecting "good teenagers in the new era" is to publicize the role models around them through the selection of trees, play a leading role in demonstration, guide the majority of young people to buckle the first button of life, carry forward the new style of the times, and strive to be a new person of the times. Among them, there are "learning bullies" who study hard and are in the hearts of students; there are "strong people" who are self-reliant and brave in shouldering the burden of life; there are "little Lei Feng" who loves public welfare and is helpful; and there are "volunteer preachers" who inherit red culture, showing from different aspects the spirit of young people in the new era of loving the party and the country, self-reliance, vigor and vigor, and striving forward.

The students who won the honorary title of "Good Teenager of Fengjie in the New Era" in 2021 are: Chen Yijun of Changlong Middle School, Deng Yajun of Navy Xixiao, Li Xinyi of Fenhe Primary School, Liu Nala of Fenhe Junior High School, Ma Yi of Zhuyi Junior High School, Ma Zihan of Xinmin Primary School, Pan Yikui of Yangshi Primary School, Ran Qi of Ma Yi Primary School, Song Weixiao of Zhuyuan 2nd Primary School, Tan Jingrui of Western Yixiao, Tan Wenjiao of Mingshui Junior High School, Tan Xiaorong of Meikui Primary School, Wang Di of Fengshifu, Wang Yurong of Miaowan Primary School, Xue Chunrong of Fengping Junior High School, Yang Chunbaixue of Longqiao Primary School, yu Kexin of Santuo Primary School, Yuan Meng of Liaoning Primary School, Zheng Jinshan of Huangcun Primary School, and Zhou Xingcheng of Fair Primary School.

Four representatives of good teenagers from Fengshifu Primary School, Western Primary School, Liaoning Primary School and Zhuyi Junior High School shared with the audience advanced deeds such as diligent learning and self-challenge in life and learning, and told the positive growth story of what they saw and heard.

20 "Good Teenagers of the New Era" were commended! Whose child is so good?

In his speech, Zeng Xuezhong, executive deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the county party committee, encouraged the honored students to guard against arrogance and impetuosity, to make unremitting efforts, to constantly arouse the enthusiasm for loving the party and the country, to practice the oath of "please rest assured that the party will have a strong country and me" with a still higher fighting spirit and with practical actions, and to give better play to their exemplary and leading role. The vast number of young people in the county should take the example of "good teenagers in the new era", see the wise and think together, and revere virtue and goodness.

"Fastening the first button of life and striving to be a good teenager in the new era is our unshirkable mission." We must shoulder this mission, be a good child with all-round development of morality, intellectuality, physical fitness, beauty and labor, we must study well, turn patriotism into a driving force for learning, and contribute our own strength to the prosperity and development of the motherland. Wang Di, a primary school student attached to Fengshifu, said.

In recent years, Fengjie County has continuously strengthened the ideological and moral construction of minors around the fundamental task of "cultivating people with virtue", actively cultivated and practiced the core socialist values, helped young people buckle the first button of life, and carried out the selection activity of "Good Teenagers in the New Era" for many years, so that minors can learn from examples, set models, and catch up with goals by excavating advanced models around young students.

Author: All-media reporters Chen Fang and Wang Liefu, and Han Qingyuan, county education committee

20 "Good Teenagers of the New Era" were commended! Whose child is so good?

Source: Chuzhou Education

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