
Maitreya "Party Festival, People's Festival"! Admission is free

author:Maitreya Radio and Television Station

2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

In order to solemnly celebrate the centenary of the party, Mile City decided to hold the "Party's Grand Ceremony • People's Festival" at the Football Stadium of Mile City Cultural and Sports Center at 19:30 on June 27 - Mile City celebrated the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and "Gratitude to the Party, Listen to the Party, Follow the Party" Special Literary and Art Evening.

From 21 June, members of the public can register by mobile phone and can enter for free on the night of the party. At the same time, the Mile City Rong Media Center will broadcast the whole process live, and the wonderful evening party can be watched with mobile phones and TV.

Outdoor stage, the public free registration, wonderful sharing

The stage is set up in the football field of the Mile City Cultural and Sports Center, and the open field allows more citizens to participate in the scene.

From June 21, the free registration "mobile phone channel" is opened, and if the registration is successful, you can enter the party site for free as an admission ticket. Friends remember to pay attention to the "Maitreya Radio and Television Station" WeChat public account to push the registration information, do not miss the registration time.

Maitreya "Party Festival, People's Festival"! Admission is free
Maitreya "Party Festival, People's Festival"! Admission is free

The stage is being set up in an orderly manner. ↓↓

Maitreya "Party Festival, People's Festival"! Admission is free
Maitreya "Party Festival, People's Festival"! Admission is free

A stage with a clear theme and an open atmosphere. ↓↓

Maitreya "Party Festival, People's Festival"! Admission is free
Maitreya "Party Festival, People's Festival"! Admission is free

(Stage Renderings)

Live streamed throughout the network, don't miss the excitement

At that time, the Mile City Rong Media Center will broadcast the whole party on the mobile phone network live ("Mile Radio and Television Station" WeChat public account, Mile Toutiao APP, "Mile Radio and Television Station" Douyin number and other platforms), Mile TV station three network live broadcast (radio and television cable network, telecom IPTV network, mobile IPTV network), can not go to the scene of the small partners, through the mobile phone or TV can watch wonderful programs in real time.

Maitreya "Party Festival, People's Festival"! Admission is free

4 chapters, 15 programs, colorful

The theme of this evening party activity is "Gratitude to the Party, Listen to the Party, follow the Party", and the artistic positioning theme is clear, grand and festive, wonderful and moving.

The program of the literary evening

Prologue 100 Years of Fanghua

1. Sitcom song and dance performance "100 Years of Fanghua"

Choreographer: Cao Wei Xi Fang Mei Ge Shuren Shi Jinfen Han Yan Zeng Rui

Recitation: Shang Yan Wen Ru Rong

Performance unit: Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee Municipal Public Security Bureau State Administration of Taxation Mile City Taxation Bureau Mile No. 4 Middle School

Chapter 1 Sparks

2. Scene Dance "Xishan Beacon"

Choreographer: Ma Yongfu Shao Zhenlei

Performance unit: Municipal Forestry and Grassland Bureau, Chengtou Performing Arts Company, Flower Dance School

3. Male vocal chorus "Song of the Western Mountain Guerrillas"

Director: Ge Shuren, Chen Si, Zhang Fengshou

Singer: Zhang Hongwen Xu Xueyong Ge Shuren Fu Guiling

Performance unit: Municipal City Investment Performing Arts Company Stationed in a certain unit

4. Situational dance "Turning Over and Not Forgetting the Communist Party"

Choreographer: Liu Yanxi, Da Li, Zeng Xuejuan

Performance unit: Municipal City Investment Performing Arts Company Huquan Morning Training Literary and Art Team Jiamin Dance Studio Mile No. 4 Middle School Municipal Moon Jumping Association Municipal Forestry and Grassland Bureau

Chapter 2: Changing Heaven and Earth

1. Chorus "Oriental Red"

Choreographer: Ge Shuren, Shi Jinfen, Han Yan, Zeng Rui

Performance unit: State Administration of Taxation Mile City Taxation Bureau

2. Ah Xi rap "The Communist Party Leads Us to Always Be Za"

Choreographer: Chen Baoshun, Shi Guanglan, Yin Jiamei

Performance unit: Xiyi Town Xisan Town Municipal Axi Jumping Moon Association

3. Sitcom dance performance "We walk on the road"

Performance unit: a certain unit stationed in Mi, Xiyi Town, Xisan Town, Municipal Moon Jumping Association, Huquan Morning Training Literary and Art Team, Chengtou Performing Arts Company, Flower And Blossom Dance School

Chapter Three: Spring Warm Maitreya

1. Song and dance "Bunch of grapes and bunches of love"

Choreographer: Zhong Allen, Zhao Jun

Singer: Yang Ci

Performance unit: Municipal Association of Music and Dancers

2. Children's Dance + Chorus "Sunny Place"

Choreographer: Liu Yanxi, Guo Hongli, Qin Yulin, Ge Shuren, Shi Jinfen, Han Yan, Zeng Rui

Performance unit: Municipal Cultural Center Jiamin Dance Studio Mile Second Elementary School

3. Lead singer and chorus "Party, Dear Mother"

Choreographer: Ge Shuren, Shi Jinfen, Han Yan, Zeng Rui, Liu Yanxi, Da Li

Singer: Luo Yuebin

Performance unit: Municipal Cultural Center, State Administration of Taxation Mile City Taxation Bureau

Chapter Four: The Great Revival

1. Female solo singing "Don't Forget the Initial Heart"

Choreographer: Lu Tingting

Singer: Song Siming

Performance unit: Maitreya No.1 Middle School

2. Music poem painting "Struggle for Happiness"

Recitation: Shang Yan Wen Ru Rong Leap Star Zhang Yu

Performance unit: Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee Municipal Public Security Bureau Qinglai School Mile No. 1 Middle School

3. Documentary film "Fearless and Unrepentant"

Director: Liu Yanxi

Performance unit: Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Municipal Poverty Alleviation Office, Maitreya

4. Popular male and female vocal duet "Faith"

Singer: Zhu Yutao, Liu Yuechen

Performance unit: State Administration of Taxation Mile City Taxation Bureau Mile No. 4 Middle School City Investment Performing Arts Company

5. Dance "Moon Dancing Song"

Director: Shi Guanglan Zeng Rui Duan Zai Mei Luo Rong

Performance unit: West 1st Town West 2nd Town

Epilogue Sing the long voyage

1. Chorus "Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China"

Director: Yin Jiamei Zhang Beibei

Performing units: all leading guests Cast members Audience


From June 21st, remember to register!

(Registration channel and method, announced on June 21)

On the evening of June 27, I didn't see it!

Maitreya "Party Festival, People's Festival"! Admission is free