
The presence of a large number of jellyfish in the waters of THAI PP Island reminds tourists to be cautious when diving

author:China News Network

According to Thailand's "World Journal" report, tourism tourists and tourists in the PP Island National Park in Krabi Province, Thailand, recently found a large number of jellyfish floating on the surface of the sea. The investigation found that these floating jellyfish on the surface of the sea, including sea spun jellyfish (Chrysaora) and box jellyfish, reminded visitors to be cautious about diving into the water, and once stung by jellyfish, immediately sprinkle seawater or sour vinegar on the wound, and then immediately go to the hospital.

The presence of a large number of jellyfish in the waters of THAI PP Island reminds tourists to be cautious when diving

Infographic: Jellyfish. Image source: CFP Visual China

Wa Jenna (29 years old) revealed that on the 25th local time, she traveled with 6 friends on PP Island and saw a lot of jellyfish on the surface of the Olin Sea, causing them to dare not swim in the water, fearing that they would be poisoned by jellyfish stings. She then took photos and shared them on social networking sites, reminding friends to be careful and informing staff to remind visitors to beware of jellyfish.

Wai Ya, director of the Office for the Protection of Marine and Coastal Resources in Krabi Province, said additional staff had been sent to jellyfish-infested waters to conduct patrols and inspections to protect the safety of tourists. In addition, the owner of the cruise ship is informed that the ship is equipped with sufficient sour vinegar, and if stung by a box jellyfish or a jellyfish, the sour vinegar should be immediately spilled on the wound. If you are stung by a monk's hat jellyfish, you should first splash the wound with seawater and then go to the hospital as quickly as possible for treatment.

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