
Deserve! 5 hong Kong riot students were heavily sentenced, and it is believed that more rioters will go in to accompany them

author:Alpha Military
Deserve! 5 hong Kong riot students were heavily sentenced, and it is believed that more rioters will go in to accompany them

According to the Observer Network reported on October 21, five riot-related students at the University of Chinese in Hong Kong, Liu Jinxu, Fu Kaiqing, Gao Zhibin, Chen Lishi and Xu Yizhen, were sentenced to prison for sentences ranging from 4 years and 9 months to 4 years and 11 months.

It is a great pleasure for 5 students involved in violence (the image is "Dumb Yu") to be sentenced this time. Since November 2019, they have officially joined the ranks of rioters in the port area, smashing and burning, blocking the highways and subway lines in the port area, resulting in a large area of traffic paralysis, which is extremely bad. The five men also openly engaged in a violent confrontation with the Hong Kong police, throwing petrol bombs at the police who came to maintain order, causing personal injuries. Now to be severely punished, it is a sin that deserves it!

Yan Yan should take strong medicine. Only by severely punishing such frenzied Hong Kong rioters can we effectively deter other bad elements who are eager to stir up trouble and try to disrupt Hong Kong. Of course, the thugs who have participated in the "anti-China chaos in Hong Kong" since 2019 are far from these 5 people, and the harsh sentence this time also shows a point: the determination of the Hong Kong government and the police to crack down on the rioters is strong enough, vowing to bring all the rioters who have participated in the riots to justice and not let one person slip through the net. At that time, the relevant surveillance, public reports, police records, etc. were all well documented, and it is believed that in the near future, more riot-related elements will be "sent in" to accompany them.

These 5 people were originally acting as "escorts". Since the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress passed Hong Kong's National Security Law at the end of June last year, a large number of rioters who ran amok in Hong Kong in 2019 have been imprisoned, including Huang Zhifeng, Zhou Ting, and Lin Langyan. In addition, apple daily, which is known as a "poisonous apple," also led to a large nest of cases, and the leaders of the chaos in Hong Kong headed by Lai Chi-ying were all imprisoned.

The Hong Kong government and the police have not stopped cracking down on Hong Kong rioters. A few days ago, seven leaders of the Civil Human Rights Front, a rioting hong Kong organization that has been active in the hong Kong area for many years, were sentenced and accused of repeatedly assembling and organizing crowds to participate in the riots. It should be mentioned here that the "Civil Human Rights Front" had a bad premonition after the promulgation of the "Hong Kong Area National Security Law" and hoped to escape the sanctions of the law through dissolution. But whoever walks by will leave a trace, and any guilt will be recorded, and it will eventually make them unable to escape the law. Here is a classic line in Hong Kong movies - "out of the mix, sooner or later will have to pay back" to interpret the most appropriate.

The punishment of the 5 rioters according to law is a good news worthy of "xi da pu ben", and naturally there is no need to give them any sympathy. However, judging from their identity and age, it is still lamentable that they are all college students aged 20 to 21, who are in the most beautiful years of their lives, but they did not expect to fall into the anti-China and chaotic Hong Kong group, and the behavior was so unbearable. Why? Tracing back to the source should be closely related to the education in the port area over the years.

Over the past few years, the mainland has given Hong Kong a high degree of autonomy and a high degree of trust to the Hong Kong people, but it has allowed many separatists and anti-China forces abroad to exploit loopholes. In terms of education, it is precisely these bad elements that infiltrate the most rampant industries, and a large number of textbooks advocate colonization, not only do not engage in "decolonization", but instead engage in "de-Sinicization", such as denying the sale of cigarettes in Humen and denying the aggression of Britain and Japan against Hong Kong, so that primary and secondary school students in Hong Kong have accepted the Western ideology from an early age, diluting their sense of identity and belonging to the Chinese nation, and instead being proud of british inferior citizens.

The good news is that the Hong Kong government is already taking a shot at the maggots hidden in the education cause in the hong Kong area. Not long ago, the Hong Kong "Education Association" was dissolved. A few days earlier, the Hong Kong Government Education Bureau issued a statement requiring public schools in Hong Kong to hire only new teachers who have passed the Basic Law test, and this requirement will be extended down to kindergartens, to primary and secondary schools, and finally to universities, so as to prevent the recurrence of colonial and separatist ideas.

All kinds of indications show that Hong Kong is completing a thorough rectification of chaos and rectification, and it is necessary to let the broad masses of patriotic people in Hong Kong put aside the clouds and fog to see the sunny sky.

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