
Why yuan Jiawei, who was in prison, alarmed the security chief

author:Shangguan News

On September 7, after attending the Legislative Council, Secretary for Security Tang Ping-keung took the initiative to inform the media that it had been found that remanders were joining forces with outsiders in an attempt to establish influence in prisons, thus endangering national security.

The person Tang Bingqiang is actually familiar to everyone, that is, the ex-girlfriend of absconding overseas wanted man Luo Guancong, and also the former vice chairman of the dissolved Hong Kong Demosisto, the Hong Kong rioter Yuan Jiawei, who served a 4-month sentence for participating in the crime of unauthorized assembly, and then continued to be remanded in the Luohu Correctional Institution for participating in the illegal "primary election".

What alarmed the Secretary of Security to inform the media? Let's start with this circular from the Correctional Services Department.

Why yuan Jiawei, who was in prison, alarmed the security chief

On September 2, the Luohu Correctional Facility conducted a raid on the target, Yuan Jiawei, and found that she and the other five inmates were hiding contraband, and immediately disciplinary prosecution was taken against them.

What is this contraband? We later learned that it was chocolate, lipstick and hairpins, etc., but in fact, Yuan Jiawei hid more chocolate, lipstick and hairpin than the specified amount.

At 3 p.m. on the same day, Yuan Jiawei used the "advocacy" set of kung fu, and at the work site of the correctional center, 18 prisoners collectively demanded that the disciplinary prosecution of Yuan Jiawei and 6 other people be lifted, otherwise there would be further action.

You see, the original set of "speculation" methods actually moved to the correctional facility, this is worth it? Participating in illegal assemblies in society, inciting "resistance" and hatred, kidnapping public opinion and threatening the government, Yuan Jiawei, who has just served 4 months in prison and is still in custody, continues to engage in "resistance" without remorse, in a vain attempt to win over kidnapped prisoners, in an attempt to resist the management of the Correctional Services Bureau and turn the prison into a "beautiful paradise".

Hong Kong chaos elements like Yuan Jiawei are doing everything in turn and stirring up trouble. When proud, in the district council, when the citizens are incited to gather in the streets... I went to jail, was punished by the law, and so on, it was really dogs can't change eating. It is not that prisoners have learned to "stir up trouble", but that the sinners who have "stirred up" have become prisoners, influencing the reform of their fellow prisoners and spreading seeds of endangering national security in prison.

Correctional facilities conduct surprise inspections, and for violations of management to be investigated and dealt with according to law, they should have reliable clues before the action, which is called targeted. In the afternoon, the 18 detainees who were co-opted actually disregarded their status as prisoners to support Yuan Jiawei and threatened the correctional center to cancel the disciplinary prosecution or take further action. Just think, can the punishment be prepared, just came to catch a turtle in an urn.

Why yuan Jiawei, who was in prison, alarmed the security chief

The Agency immediately dispatched the "Black Panther Unit" (Regional Contingency Team) and the Guard Dog Team to the Lo Wu Correctional Facility to support the frontline personnel, isolated the 18 troublemakers for investigation, and The Director, Hu Yingming, was present for command. The Correctional Services Department said it would take measures to crack down on any illegal activities in the institutions and would not tolerate them.

Why does Yuan Jiawei hide food, lipstick, and hairpins that exceed the maximum amount that a remander can hold, which attracts so much attention? Corrections Commissioner Hu Yingming gave the answer in an interview with the media.

Mr. Hu said possession of items such as food, lipstick and hairpins that exceeded the limit was the culprit in recruiting others to build power. In the beginning, they may be giving their inmates out of affection, giving them chocolates, lipsticks or hairpins in order to show friendship, but the problem develops not emotionally, and giving food that is not in the prison of the prisoner is regarded as a privilege, and it becomes a method of attracting others, co-opting and building power, and this is how power is formed. In the past, the underworld used to collect people in this way.

So why the "Black Panther Force" with great fanfare?

Hu Yingming pointed out that they made a "move" that is, they provoked 18 people to act collectively to threaten the release of Yuan Jiawei and others, which has stepped on our red line, so we must dispatch the "Black Panther Force" to deal with it.

Why yuan Jiawei, who was in prison, alarmed the security chief

So the question is, what are these Hong Kong rioters who are good at speculation afraid of? They bully the soft and fear the hard.

Dispatching the "Black Panther Force" is a tough attitude of shining a sword, which can play a sufficient deterrent effect to warn these prisoners who are delusional about establishing power. The collective solidarity of 18 people is like seeing 18 babes at home, and there are 18 on the surface, so the total number of yu is definitely more than this number. At this time, if the hidden dangers are not eliminated in time, the prisoners will be allowed to sit in a big position and form a demonstration effect, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

Since the beginning of the "illegal occupation of Central" in 2014, there have been prisoners in Hong Kong who have challenged the control of the Correctional Services Department, and have long organized smears and criticisms of the existing correctional system, including food, clothing, housing and transportation, with the simple purpose of changing the ecology in prisons, and the ultimate goal is to make people not afraid of going to prison, so as to affect the stability and security of the whole Hong Kong.

In this regard, Hu Yingming made it clear in an interview with the media: We will not change the prison into a beautiful paradise! Prisons are not allowed to become "anti-China and chaotic hong kong" bases!

This time the movement was so big that it naturally attracted the attention of the director of the security bureau, and the wise Deng Bingqiang explained the core key to the incident when he met with the media on September 7, and pointed out the forces behind the disorder.

Why yuan Jiawei, who was in prison, alarmed the security chief

Tang Pointed out that some people use the identity of clergy or parliamentarians to visit prisons, but in fact, they are "ventilating messages", and some people are passing on some inflammatory words of prisoners to the outside world through the method of "internal and external cooperation".

Why yuan Jiawei, who was in prison, alarmed the security chief

He also said that some prisoners continued to "fight" in prison, and criticized the "612 Humanitarian Support Fund" organization by name, by sending letters to those who were remanded for "undercongest or endangering national security", "encouraging" them to continue to "protest" to affect the reform program and spread seeds of endangering national security in prison.

Why yuan Jiawei, who was in prison, alarmed the security chief

Tang also criticized that some people create privileges in prisons, including some people "monopolizing" the supply of goods to visit and sending items to the cells, so that the relevant prisoners can attract followers, make others hate the government even more, and thus endanger national security. He was referring to items, including chocolates and hairpins for women.

Deng Bingqiang stressed: "Many people think it is strange, the prisoners just have one more hairpin and one chocolate, what is the big deal? These inconspicuous things in our daily lives represent privilege in prison. Many people enter by transporting these items, collecting them, turning them into privileges, recruiting their followers, and using privileges to form influence and make other inmates hate the government even more. ”

Deng Bingqiang's brief briefing pointed out the "612" fund, a chaotic Hong Kong organization that should be integrated with the prison inside and outside, and the "Stone Wall Flower" organization of Shao Jiazhen, who made a living from prison visits, and one of them wrote letters to encourage "resistance" and monopolized the "privileges" of items that met the standards for entering the prison.

As soon as this remark came out, the "612 Fund" and Shao Jiazhen rushed to respond.

The 612 Fund responded that it was established to provide humanitarian support for the injured and arrested affected by the anti-amendment incident, including legal, medical and emotional support costs, and has specific service targets, but it is no different from the social welfare institutions that generally provide services to prisoners, and its purpose is to help prisoners adapt to life in prison as soon as possible. The "612 Fund" sent letters to prisoners or retakers to "tell them to continue to fight", and the "612 Fund" cleverly argued that they contacted retakers or prisoners by letters, providing humane support information such as book support, remote courses and learning information, for no other purpose, and deeply regretted that officials misinterpreted the nature of the fund.

Shao Jiazhen responded, "As a small citizen, there is a pressure that does not dare to be guilty. And pointed out that they "monopoly" and so on there are many misunderstandings, the agency has a designated brand style for the materials, emphasizing that they have "no way" and "no intention" to buy out chocolate, shampoo, etc., but they buy more, know which ways are easy to purchase, and have to walk through the streets to the old street market to find.

After being named, Shao Jiazhen hurriedly admitted that "the online appeal will be reduced, believing that there is a misunderstanding." Although the "612 Fund" is still resisting, it has been announced to be dissolved, and the investigation into it will not stop, and these organizations and individuals who once thought of controlling the "brothers and sisters" in prison have surfaced, will they be far from the liquidation of the law?

Probably because he has been in prison and does not want to go to prison to accompany his "siblings", on September 14, Shao Jiazhen posted on social networking sites to announce that "Stone Wall Flower" officially announced the end of operation, the Lai Chi Kok office will stop serving and no longer open to the public, and social media will stop updating. "Stone Wall Flower" posted that "there is always a time limit for wind and rain, and the most important and important people who keep their lives are fine."

Why yuan Jiawei, who was in prison, alarmed the security chief

See, the focus is on "saving lives is important", this is the voice of the exquisite egoists who "make people rush and loosen themselves", they seek advantages and avoid harm, there is no bottom line to speak of, for their own selfish interests, they can give "beautiful fathers" as dogs, only orders are obeyed, when patriotism and love for Hong Kong become the mainstream, they choose to "cut the mat" and jump ship, and it is important to save the dog's life.

The Hong Kong National Security Law has been in force for more than a year, the sword has been sheathed, and now Hong Kong is no longer a Hong Kong where hong Kong chaos elements run amok and domineering, but a Hong Kong where "patriots" rule Hong Kong.

Do hong Kong rioters still want to turn Hong Kong prisons into a beautiful paradise?

Or wash and sleep...

Column Editor-in-Chief: Gu Wanquan Text Editor: Lu Xiaochuan Caption Source: Shangguan Tu Editor Photo Editor: Yong Kai

Source: Author: There are lier and noodles