
How are King Charlie Beagles fed? Is the King Charlie Beagle easy to keep? King Charlie Beagle Column – How to Feed a "Little Prince"?

author:Cute pet de diary

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > King Charlie Beagle Column – How to Feed a "Little Prince"? </h1>

Many people who only listen to the name "King Charlie Beagle" are expected to feel very strange, but if you have watched the classic Disney animation "Miss and the Tramp", you will find that the gentle and moving lady looks very similar to the King Charlie Beagle. Although there is still controversy about the prototype variety in the play. But it is undeniable that in 1500 from the European continent was brought to Scotland, the King Charles Beagle became a fashion dog of the aristocratic class because of its friendly and quiet qualities, known as the "hand warmer" in the hands of the nobility.

How are King Charlie Beagles fed? Is the King Charlie Beagle easy to keep? King Charlie Beagle Column – How to Feed a "Little Prince"?

Caution in feeding cavalier King Charlie beagles: they mature faster than medium to large dogs, so they need to be fed more frequently. Because their appetites are small, they are quickly filled with food, especially in their infancy. But to prevent elevated blood sugar and other potential health problems, they need to be fed 4 times a day at 8 weeks of age, 3 times a day at 12 and 16 weeks, and then twice a day at 6 months. It is best to not exceed 80g a day for about a month, and then it can be slowly increased but at most it is recommended not to exceed 120g, and when your dog reaches 4 months, you must start to quit milk cake and change to puppy dog food. At the same time, small dogs and puppies will start to change their teeth at about 3 months, and continue until 6 months to replace their deciduous teeth with permanent teeth (even if the puppies accidentally swallow their teeth, it does not matter). It is also recommended to start cultivating the habit of brushing teeth in dogs at this time, because the accumulation of tartar in the bacterial way on the teeth carries the risk of infection. Compared with medium and large dogs, small dogs have few options for grinding teeth, so take advantage of the early cultivation of brushing in infancy, and the earlier you start brushing, the better.

How are King Charlie Beagles fed? Is the King Charlie Beagle easy to keep? King Charlie Beagle Column – How to Feed a "Little Prince"?

At about the age of 1, it is necessary to start gradually adjusting the diet. Adult knight King Charlie Beagles feed relatively less than puppies a day, and the proportion of meat is lower than that of puppies. At the same time, it is necessary to replace the puppy dog food with dog food, and the number of times is also reduced to one feeding in the morning and once in the evening, and the total amount of a day should not exceed 135g.

It should also be noted that since 1928, the british wealthy began to breed a large number of purebred King Charles Beagles, which led to 30% of all King Charles Beagles now suffering from a terrible genetic disease - syringomyelia. The condition is due to the fact that the brain bone is too small to cause long-term compression of the cranial nerve to damage it. At present, the only way is to remove part of the brain bone to reduce the compression of the cranial nerves, but the risk of surgery is extremely high, and 70% of dogs will not survive for more than 1 month.

How are King Charlie Beagles fed? Is the King Charlie Beagle easy to keep? King Charlie Beagle Column – How to Feed a "Little Prince"?

Quiet and gentle temper, soft hair, brave and decisive personality, and small body, this full of advantages make them a fun companion for children; at the same time, they are very patient, can obediently curl up on the sofa or people's knees, this quiet and non-noisy characteristics are easily welcomed by the elderly and patients, because "companionship is the longest confession of affection", and what they need is a quiet and warm companionship, so Charlie dogs can not only be used as family pets, but also competent for the work of treating dogs. It is recommended that you download "Pet Carefree (", which has a lot of scientific pet knowledge. Hope to help you solve your doubts and problems in raising pets.

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