
How much is appropriate to raise cattle, and how to determine the size?

author:Enjoy Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter

If you want to raise cattle, but do not know how much is appropriate, then, the helper to give you a few experiences, say that the size of the farm is an important basis for the planning of the farm and the design of the cattle farm, the determination of the scale should consider the following aspects:

How much is appropriate to raise cattle, and how to determine the size?

1. Natural resources, especially forage feed resources, are the main constraints affecting the scale of feeding. The ecological environment also has a great impact on the scale of breeding.

2. Capital situation Beef cattle production requires more funds. The capital turnover period is long and the return rate is low. The funds are abundant, the scale can be large, in short, it is necessary to do what we can and carry out the necessary capital operation analysis.

3. The level of operation and management The quality of social and economic conditions, the level of socialized services, the soundness of the price system, and the stability of the price policy have a certain restrictive effect on the scale of breeding. This should be taken into account when determining the size of rearing.

4. Site area Beef cattle production, cattle farm management, staff life and other ancillary buildings need a certain site and space. The size of the farm can be calculated according to the area required by each cow, combined with long-term planning. The area of the barn and other premises is 15%-20% of the total area of the site. Due to the size of the cattle, the purpose of production, the way of breeding, etc., the area of the barn occupied by each cow is also different. The area required for fattening cattle is 1.6-4.6 square meters per head. Each cow with padded grass in the barn accounts for 2.3-4.6 square meters, and each cow with a fence accounts for 1.6-2.0 square meters.

5. The source of shelf cattle The scale of raising beef cattle should choose hybrid improved cattle. Hybrid improved cattle gain weight quickly, have good meat quality and high feed remuneration. Agricultural areas should actively promote the breeding of German cattle and Nanyang cattle, Qinchuan cattle, Jinnan cattle, Ruxi cattle and other domestic local cattle hybrid offspring, can use Simmental, Piedmont cattle and other hybrid improvement terminal parents, will receive high-quality and efficient ideal results.

6. Mentality See if you have a good mentality, when the market is slipping, not impatient, can calmly cope; when the bull price is high, not floating, but calm. The mentality of breeding, not affected by the outside world, no matter what the industry is, can do what should be done.

7. Technology If you understand technology, of course, the best, if you start from a rookie, you must have the spirit of learning, constantly learn from breeding, learn from the people around you, learn from the Internet, for example, pay attention to herbivorous breeding helpers, you can really understand every day, accumulate, you are a professional. You understand technology, and when you encounter a problem, you can use the fastest, cheapest, and most effective way to solve it.